Traktor 4.1 seems bugged with Rane Twelve MKII


I am pretty new to Traktor so I am not sure I am speaking of known issues. I am really disapointed because it is preventing me to do any serious gig with this setup because it is definitely not reliable, which is a shame for this level of gear.

Side note, I am a C++ lead programmer in video games (I was game audio programmer for 10 years) and would be really happy to help you if you can open source the 3rd party connection API of Traktor 4 :)

Not sure if I am speaking to the community or to NI here??


Mac book M4 pro + MOTU 1248 + Traktor pro 4 latest version


Rane Twelve MKII

Mixer Xone 92 MKII (we don't care)


  1. Impossible to setup properly multiple Traktor decks inputs for the DVS control. It allows only one input. The last one in the list is the only one functionnal.
  2. The DVS is super unstable. It always shows errors about grounding and synchro issue. It is super long to synchronize and very random to be able to start to actually playing from the Rane + (and the worst) it frequently drops the synchro and then you need to restart Traktor to be able to have it functionnal again.
  3. Rane Twelve MKII Deck selection is not functionnal for the DVS control. It allows track changes and cue edit but nothing about DVS, start/stop and pitch.
  4. Pitch is not totally functionnal even on the only "working" track. The pitch can change but the modification are local and not absolute, so if you change of deck or any song transitions if forgets the changes and keep the offset. Which is super annoying and basically a 3rd deal breaker in the possibility to use it live.

I am sorry to complain that much, but it is unacceptable to me, considering the price of everything involved here. I would like to mention that I like a lot NI but it is the first time I am that disapointed by quality at this point. I mean it is ok to say Traktor is not your priority, but in that case please don't show off about compatibilities with 3rd party expensive gear like that. I am regretting my choice now and wonder why I would keep your software.



  • rndm__
    rndm__ Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hi and welcome to the forum -

    to your questions:

    1. This is a know bug since Traktor 4.1; Traktor Version 4.0.1 allows for multiple decks being controlled by of a single timecode signal.

    1. A possible error source could be when the left and right cables are switched. Could be something completely different too.
    2. One needs to route the audio timecode from the Rane Twelve to a deck. The HID support like in Serato is not (yet?) supported in Traktor
    3. I mapped 'Reset Tempo Offset' to the pitch fader Midi out of the Rane Twelve (CC 119). Pressing the Deck A, Deck B, Deck C, Deck D respectively changes the Midi channel. Then wiggling the pitch fader on the Rane which is also mapped to relative of 'Playback Mode Int/Rel/Abs/Hap' brings the focus to the deck.

    If anything is confusing, don't hesitate to ask. Typing this whilst a lot of other things are going on around me..

  • theprogrammer
    theprogrammer Member Posts: 15 Member

    Thanks a lot for your answers, it is super appreciated,

    1. I suppose I can wait for a fix from NI (doesn't look too bad to fix hopefully)
    2. I will try to invert cables for see if it is related, but would be surprised. The fact I sometimes totally lost the DVS connection seems very random, even happening while not touching anything (and probably the worst problem).
    3. I am not sure that HID support would be the key here. I would expect to be able to choose which deck is controlled by the Rane twelve, when I choose a deck. It is just a mater of selecting which deck get and process the DVS information. I get it needs some adaptations, to properly support the instant switch (which should be doable with some buffering), but if this doesn't work I don't get the point to have multiple deck selection.
    4. Nice, I will try that, but one more time I don't see why it needs that much tweaking of the mapping, it should be by default IMO.

    More info later when I can try all of these, cheers! :)

  • theprogrammer
    theprogrammer Member Posts: 15 Member

    Also about 3.

    Looking at the existing mapping for the Timecode, the best option would be to have something added to the control being:

    Timecode >SetActiveDeck

    Set the Deck using DVS signal information, only the last Deck selected uses DVS info

    This could be mapped to the Deck selectors

  • theprogrammer
    theprogrammer Member Posts: 15 Member

    So after testing:

    2. Invert cable didn't change the errors messages and the connexion seems still unstable.

    4. It works, but after a while, I managed to get an offset that was staying blocked whatever I do.

  • theprogrammer
    theprogrammer Member Posts: 15 Member

    Is there any debugging mode allowing to get logs about what's going on in Traktor 4? I have the feeling the midi commands are not applied properly sometimes.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru
    edited December 2024

    I know this isn't much help to you, but the Rane Twelve MK2 have become completely unusable with TP 4.1. In addition to the faulty timecode signal (playhead skipping bug) and the "grounding problems", you can now only control a maximum of 1 deck with it.

    I really hope that the new introduced bug from TP 4.1 will be addressed soon and that another hot fix will be released.

  • theprogrammer
    theprogrammer Member Posts: 15 Member

    Thanks for the message, it is good to see that I am not alone… Hopping the priority for this is high enough for NI dev team.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,865 Expert

    Hopping the priority for this is high enough for NI dev team.


    Well I guess hope is the last thing to die :)

  • theprogrammer
    theprogrammer Member Posts: 15 Member

    It's definitely a Jira P01 :)

  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 284 Pro

    Just incase anyone isn't aware, when Traktor updates, it moves the old versions to backup folders in the program folder, so if you need to roll back, you can just open one of those for the time being.

  • theprogrammer
    theprogrammer Member Posts: 15 Member

    I installed 4.1 as my first Traktor on my computer, not sure how to get previous builds.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru
  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,847 mod

    Here is Traktor 4.0.2: Traktor 4.0.2

    Don't hesitate to reach out to support if needed:

  • theprogrammer
    theprogrammer Member Posts: 15 Member

    Thanks Jeremy, testing that tonight :)

  • theprogrammer
    theprogrammer Member Posts: 15 Member

    So after testing with this version, the four decks are functionnal including tempo fader. But one more time I managed to loose the DVS connection (it is still unstable). So in the end, if everything was stable it would be usable like that. Wondering if they are precise specifications for the DVS audio cable?

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