Maschine Software won't show up after Hardware registration



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Your support request is still here, please check your inbox and reply to my colleague if you need more assistance or clarification.

  • BCDBassist2024
    BCDBassist2024 Member Posts: 6 Member

    day 3 of waiting… this is absolutely absurd, never seen tech support THIS incompetent

    if you cant handle the amount of tech support tickets you have in a timely manner you shouldnt be doing business on this large of a scale

  • dakerman
    dakerman Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Update: NI support have now added the Maschine bundle. I'm grateful for the positive outcome, and will give the benefit of the doubt and assume that Black Friday negatively impacted support workload. It seems to me that the resale process still needs to be made easier, and the support automation improved - linking me as a Windows user to a Mac OS article re: why I couldn't see Maschine software in Native Access wasn't very helpful. The seller consulted NI Support before making the sale, so I can't fault him as he was either given misleading information or the process was not followed consistently by NI (perhaps it has changed recently?).

    Like many other users, I am also a Komplete user, and have paid for other (new) hardware followed by several upgrades and expansions. I have no problem with this, and while the products are generally very good, the support experience might make me pause to consider before making future purchases. I am still experiencing issues with the UI hanging in Reaper following the Komplete Kontrol upgrade using my Komplete Kontrol S61 Mk2 controller, but haven't logged an issue as I can see it is a known/common problem and doubt logging it with an AI chatbot would make much difference to NI priorities.

  • pete43
    pete43 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I'm having this same issue with the Machine software not showing up. Support ticket was created 3 days ago and no response. There's no phone number to call and an online chat agent is never available. Getting ready to return my Maschine. It's really frustrating and leaves a sour taste in the mouth about the product and the company.

  • BCDBassist2024
    BCDBassist2024 Member Posts: 6 Member

    mine has been out the same amount of time

    this $500 paperweight is costing my band almost $1,000 per day and me as a producer another $1,000 per day, because i cant produce things i need to for my clients

    Im getting close to opening a lawsuit within the United States against Native Instruments, i talked with a lawyer for a little bit already earlier and he has told me if they dont solve the issue within the next 2 days that its grounds for lawsuit as im losing money and they have misrepresented the product they are selling

  • Rytmiprofessori
    Rytmiprofessori Member Posts: 4 Member

    Im having the same issue, have tried everything, please help...

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    Does "tried everything" include contacting support? They're the ones that can help.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @BCDBassist2024 I see my colleagues got back to you on last Friday. Sorry for the wait.

  • Axilleys
    Axilleys Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Same here, bought a Maschine MK3 last week from a UK NI authorised retailer. No Maschine V3 anywhere. Sent a ticket, and then another, nd maybe another. Sent them my proof of purchase, even my retailer's rep send them a message with my ticket number, still nothing, no replies no V3.

    Such great hardware and software, let down by such poor support. Its simply unimaginable, how Germans of all people, have failed this crucial part of a business.

  • TeddyBozeman
    TeddyBozeman Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    I also have a brand new Mk3 from Sweetwater that is refusing to let me register it (It just gives an error message when trying to register, almost like the auth server isn't working?). Reading all the horror stories about how bad support is from this company is making me nervous. (And yes I have a ticket in, but I don't expect to hear anything anytime soon.)

  • Axilleys
    Axilleys Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Update: They got back to me and promptly send the serial. The proof of purchase will save you some time, so make sure you send it when you open the ticket.

  • seavista
    seavista Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    same problem here hope to hear a response soon especially with Christmas coming up

  • frizzz
    frizzz Member Posts: 6 Member

    Native Instruments support sucks. Days Weeks hours and hours of frustration with sometime no result.

    Do better NI

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Well, my colleagues got back to you 11 hours after your request, not exacl days and hours. Given that we're in a big sales special and flooded with requests, it's not that bad. What reply time for you would mean we don't suck?

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert
    edited December 2024

    From what frizzz mentioned in another post, I believe a reply was expected in under 20 minutes. 😄

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