Maschine 3.0 Plugin Window GUI issues



  • naturaldichotomy
    naturaldichotomy Member Posts: 29 Helper

    same here... Maschine 3.0 Standalone, Windows 10. In this example XLN Audio Life. It happens with different third party vsts as well...

  • noga
    noga Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    will any NI employee acknowledge that this is happening ? I paid 30€ for an upgrade I can’t use

  • JT Static
    JT Static Member Posts: 5 Member

    You know it's bad when it happens even with their own plugins, like Neutron 5. This is kind of unacceptable with modern high res screens where you need to use scaling to see something… Never have this issue in other hosts. It also worked better in v2 because I tested the same plugins before updating.

    So yeah, this definitely needs to be fixed. I kind of hoped they at least get the basic things right if they ask money for an update that IMO didn't bring much new features. The best new feature for me is you can now pin 3rd party plugins, for example I like to keep oscilloscope open to see what my synths play out.

    But it doesn't help much if the plugins themselves are unusable.

  • Dabeatdeella
    Dabeatdeella Member Posts: 9 Member

    They need to Word hard in his Software until that don't show scaling problemas in The screen.

  • noga
    noga Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Anyone has any update on this ???

    How is this even remotely acceptable. I don't believe that no one at native instruments has a 2/4k screen.

    ****** is this seriously

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 418 Advisor

    Those bugs exist in maschine 2 as well and I've been impacted from v2.17 on diffrent plugins especially Serum. the bug became worse and I corrupts my saved presets just so I have to open plugins with the mouse if I want a properly scaled plugin .

    Exemple below of a plugin opened from a saved preset(unusable)

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert

    Confirming the Melodyne issue here too. In Maschine 2 the plugin window opens correctly and can be resized. In Maschine 3 it's just a tiny window and you can't resize it.

  • RudyB24
    RudyB24 Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited December 2024

    I have a 4k monitor. Unfortunately Maschine 3 does not render some VST's properly, they show up larger than their window and resizing the window does not help. The only thing that helps is to switch my monitor to 1920x1080.
    This image shows the effect:

  • Dabeatdeella
    Dabeatdeella Member Posts: 9 Member

    Same here and they don't help US at allá. Native Instruments need to fix this quick.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert
    edited December 2024


    "The only thing that helps is to switch my monitor to 1920x1080"

    This is most likely because Maschine 3 (and all the plugins you have) are specifically designed to render correctly in Standard HD only.

    If the plugin host (Maschine 3) is not compatible with a higher resolution like say 4K - you can't expect any third party plugins running inside it to do the same.


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    No. V3 is supposed to be compatible with plug-ins that support hi-res just like Maschine V2 is.

    It's an issue on NI's end that needs to be fixed.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert
    edited December 2024

    Is there any official documentation saying that v3 is specifically designed for 4K? Or capable of hosting HiRes plugs? Or are some assumptions being made?

    If so - this seems like something major that would have been noticed at some point during the last long year of development.

    I do find it fascinating that as soon as that one user slipped back into Standard HD - suddenly everything was fine.


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited December 2024

    @Vocalpoint said:

    Is there any official documentation saying that v3 is specifically designed for 4K? Or capable of hosting HiRes plugs? Or are some assumptions being made?

    I did not say v3 "is specifically designed for 4K", V3 is not Hi-Res itself just like v2, however, Maschine always supported Plugins that do support Hi-Res… Different things.

    If this would change in V3 they would have to announce/acknowledge it, most modern plugins are capable of Hi-Res.

    If so - this seems like something major that would have been noticed at some point during the last long year of development.

    Well, I noticed it in beta and did report it.

    I do find it fascinating that as soon as that one user slipped back into Standard HD - suddenly everything was fine.

    That's why I said it's "supposed to work" with hi-res capable plugins but there are Bugs. A workaround does not invalidate the existence of a bug. I have tons of plugins with hi-res that do work, and one that does not. 🤷‍♂️

    If I had to guess it's because they changed something tech wise in preparation to eventually make M3 fully Hi-Res and whatever that is is causing issues, hence why this is in the release notes:

    "HiDPI Issues" =/= "HiDPI is not supported at all"

    Some of the reports here might be happening simply due to not following those instructions.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert

    Ah. Well that graphic pretty much says it all.

    Clearly something has changed or is queued up to be changed.

    If this is a known issue - seems like users might want to check Release Notes once in a while.


  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert

    If the plugins need to support HiRes too then IMO the question should be - what plugins are people trying to use, and do they support HiRes? It's not just about Maschine.

    Unfortunately people don't give the info. They just say "a plugin" or "some plugins".

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