DevineWavetable Synth and DevineAcid for Reaktor Blocks?



  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 59 Member

    So here is what else NI should change, in case they are reading this. It is understandable if Chat Support is dedicated to direct purchases, I do not blame the Chat Support agent who could really give me nothing by NI policy, but when a customer from for example the very popular pluginboutique or elsewhere must deal with another department there should be immediate email to the customer a ticket number whatever has been created. Not radio silence.

    Second, if the bug and easy fix are as I suspect, this really should have been addressed years ago instead of making problems for customers in 2024, when 2 posters 2 years ago already on the NI .ens page of the DevineSynth mentioned this problem. OK, you don't support every ancient .ens file some eccentric made, but this is posts about an .ens file by the esteemed, the employed by you at the time Richard Devine. You knew it wasn't just one person but that it wasn't everybody expeiencing this problem: erroneous diagnoses of lack of Blocks registration, and that it began with this older well-constructed .ens file around the time User Accounts stopped listing Blocks as a separate activation if made as new purchase of Reaktor.

    My 2 cents.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,012 Guru

    Folk with license registration problems like this are fairly common on the forum (usually not related to the Richard Devine ensembles). You need to raise a support ticket with NI. None of the tech support folk ever read the forum.

    Couple of things to note:

    *There are two versions of Native access, make sure you have Version 2. Version 1 will not prompt you about a newer version. Make sure you thoroughly familiarise yourself with Native Access, there are some pages that are quite difficult to find the links for… It's an annoying app, but I don't think the uptake for beta testing it was too enthusiastic… who wants to beta test a janky ecosystem management app.

    *A long time ago, it was important after installing Reaktor to run it first in stand-alone mode before trying to use it as a VST plugin, otherwise it would sometimes bug out. I'm not sure if that is still a thing, but it wouldn't surprise me, there are some very old issues with this software.

    Most likely though, it's just some problem between Native access, Reaktor, and your OS registry. So in certain circumstances, they confuse each other so Reaktor thinks you don't have a license when you actually do. You need to raise a support ticket to resolve this.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 59 Member


    Create a ticket, this is my issue with NI really, they either haved no way to start a ticket, or screen me out and refuse me, or start one without notice, it's unclear. When the problem arose I supposedly started a ticket, at least Chatbot said I was starting one before connecting me to a Support agent who quickly disconnected me, saying as a pluginboutique customer my info was being forwarded to the 3rd Party Resellers Dept. 24 hours later I returned to Chat having heard nothing, to check on the status of my Ticket. The agent asked me to clarify: what's a Ticket? I explained it's a cuastomer issue to be worked on, one was supposedly created yesterday and said I'd heard not even whether one had been created - could she check if one had been? Basically she said no and disconnected me again. Now at 48 hours I've received no notice of any ticket creation or progress.

    You say such .ens problems are fairly common on the forum. I wonder if this is because it's not unusual for customers who've bought Reaktor since Blocks became no longer a separate activation marked in their NI accounts, run into the same no-reg-found NI bug as me, if as I theorize it is a NI bug. This wouldn't be just this instance by any means. I agree my and others' identical problems over the last 2 years MAY be from os or other issues but find my proposed explanation reasonable and am interested in any thoughts on why it just being a problem with old .ens interaction with new NI ways of listing user activations as I think but you implicitly reject, is unlikely?

    Certainly the standalone launch idea is another good one I'd have tried! Without optimism, however.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,012 Guru

    You say such .ens problems are fairly common on the forum. I wonder if this is because it's not unusual for customers who've bought Reaktor since Blocks became no longer a separate activation marked in their NI accounts, run into the same no-reg-found NI bug as me, if as I theorize it is a NI bug.

    By 'common' I mean new users appear every couple of months or so on the forum, with an issue that they bought full Reaktor, but are getting a demo expired popup, or similar. Then they get help from NI support and never return - I assume they live happily ever after… but who knows.

    There is no point in Trying to 'theorize' bugs, or guess where they originate. If you had enough information and skill to do that, you would have fixed the problem without needing to ask here.

    Does buying from Pluginboutique mean NI will not help and you need to contact Pluginboutique for tech support?

    That would really suck with something like Reaktor.

    The issue with the 'use standalone first after installation' is that to try that, you would need to completely uninstall Reaktor, particular any trace left in the registry… but that would be problematic in the context of Native Access, so I wouldn't try that. And it might not even be a thing with more recent versions.

    Maybe you should open an NI support ticket for Native Access 2, framing the issue as one of licence management rather than specifically a Reaktor problem? maybe then you can avoid being re-routed to Pluginboutique?


    Q. do you have Reaktor Player installed?

    Q. does Native Access think you have Reaktor Player installed?

    Q does your OS think you have Reaktor Player installed?

    Q. did you have Reaktor Player, then Remove it using your OS uninstaller, instead of using Native Access?

    Some things to try if you haven't already:

    • first double check that you have all the files you would need for an install
    • use Native Access to re-install Reaktor and any/all Reaktor related content
    • if that doesn't work, use Native Access to un-install any/all Reaktor related content
    • double check you have the latest version of Native Access 2 installed
    • if you are tech competent, run some registry clean-up
    • Reboot, and reinstall Reaktor, using Native access 2 where appropriate (ideally using the suggested default file locations)
    • then run Reaktor in standalone mode

    It is likely that this won't work, but you need to do it before moving on to more crazy time consuming and likely fruitless stuff :)

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 59 Member

    Thanks for your thoughtful reply!

    The idea of creating a Ticket for Native Acess as a workaround seems good. Yes, at 36 hours and still no word from NI, it seems perhaps they support problems only for direct purchases. Though that's not what I was told by them. Pluginboutique afaik offers no technical support beyond installs help. Unlike NI, they were friendly and helpful for my issue, and when NI just didn't respond to their return authorization request after a day or so refunded me anyway.

    I've uninstalled everything Reaktor except the Player. I won't be reinstalling, that woould require repurchase, out of the question. I don't rule out ever buying NI again, but prefer a company that supports their customers and products.

    Regarding your reinstall ideas, my Native Access has always been newest updates, everything installed and uninstalled without issue and from Access not OS.

    I'll keep checking back for a couple days in case of any more good ideas from people, like the Native Access Ticket one, or ideas about the issue about which I remain curious. But at this point I'm no longer hoping to get this running without NI support.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,459 mod
    edited November 2024

    I suspect that the whole Demo thing is probably due to something third party missing or some N.I. Reaktor bug. As I remember it then sometimes then some 'ensembles' while not documenting this includes the use of some module or something. I really think that who ought to have been contacted were the maker of the ensemble , Richard Devine , and then hope for a Devine intervention by him telling what is the prerequisites for using the "Devine Wavetable Synth and Devine Acid for Reaktor Blocks" or have Devine sort the problem with what he has made

    As for the you want a refund then you are responsible for checking TOS at the shop you choose and if you buy from third party then N.,I. can not issue a refund since it is not theirs to issue them not being the master of third party shops. Not what you want to hear but that is how it is.

    I have exactly the same problem with the Devine WaveTable Synth and that appear to me as being a problem with what Devine have made or a simple bug , maybe it were made with an older version of Reaktor which could have made this happen ? :

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,459 mod
    edited November 2024

    @colB (cc : @Jeremy_NI) , as far as I can see then this issue is because of the use of some modified versions of Rounds blocks in the Devine WaveTable Synth , do you have any idea why this is happening and how it works or why Reaktor 6 would otherwise think that fully licensed users are not allowed to use these blocks ? I mean I have Komplete Collectors Edition so I ought to have a full license unless this is about the ensemble are using some outdatet version or something that for a similar reason is not on account ?

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 59 Member

    This .ens was defintely made with an earlier version of Reaktor - one in which fwiw Blocks was not bundled with Reaktor, when NI generated a separate Activation for Blocks in customer accounts, unlike now. Whether that's the cause is debateable.

    So far, the 2 people who have been able to run the Devine synth seems likely to have installed Reaktor before this change and to have NI Blocks separate activations from that in their NI accounts. Everone contarily with this problem seems to have bought since [top 2 comments in Devine's .ens page are more recent and one secidies recent purchase]. I wonder, did you install Reaktor years ago befor this change? Or since?

    Contacting Devine is a sort of interesting idea, but it's not his problem. It could succeed if you try it, through his contacting NI - they wouldn't ignore him anyway, as they do us.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,459 mod

    I wonder, did you install Reaktor years ago befor this change? Or since?

    I dunno , probably after since I only joined 'the N.I. crowd' two years ago. But your persistence here reminds me that I actually have stumbled onto this problem myself a year or two ago and couldn't be bothered to have to try to get it fixed since my conclusion back then were that Devine needs to reopen his project and then save it in the present version of Reaktor setup. I also suspected that Devine may have used some custom path for loading something in the ensemble that could have caused some kind of internal error in Reaktor when loading the project. But to me the project appear to be in need of a recompilation of some sort.

    This .ens was defintely made with an earlier version of Reaktor - one in which fwiw Blocks was not bundled with Reaktor, when NI generated a separate Activation for Blocks in customer accounts, unlike now. Whether that's the cause is debateable.

    This also sounds as a plausible cause, But this is a bug of some kind I think.

    And you are right with respect to the comments.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 59 Member

    It's not a bug w Reaktor 6 as such. A poster here tested and it ran, as did a Support agent.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,459 mod

    It's not a bug w Reaktor 6 as such. A poster here tested and it ran, as did a Support agent.

    It's a bug for sure no matter which kind of bug. If "A poster here tested and it ran, as did a Support agent." then maybe people ought to start comparing setups and find out what makes the difference.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,459 mod
    edited November 2024

    P.S. Devine made this on a Mac so start comparing platforms , I am using Windows , then also all my installations of content is not default path but custom path. Maybe users who made this work also have a previous version of Reaktor installed also or another version of Reaktor factory libraries or other version of Blocks or something else that they think have no bearing on this but actually have. I don't know and their guesses are probably better than mine because they are sitting with the computers and know what they have.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 59 Member

    Agreed comparing systems with and without the problem is good, that's how I came up with recent vs old purchases, which holds so far but over a very limted sample.

    Maybe in Native Access if Blocks was an old separate purchase it still shows there as Activated? Unlike mine says Installed. If so, users with it working or not could check that.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 59 Member

    But I accepted all default paths, it's not that.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 59 Member

    I personally agree, bug, but it's still relevant bacause if the .ens is indeed compatible with Reaktor 6 as has been shown, it's less likely Devine rather than NI could make any fix.

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