DevineWavetable Synth and DevineAcid for Reaktor Blocks?



  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,441 mod

    @Jeremy_NI can you please check this case?
    …i got confused

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,032 Guru

    There are definitely blocks from the Euroreakt collection in there. They're not from the commercial collection, but from the original User Library collection AFAICT… might be one from somewhere else as well. Main thing is that because its an ensemble, They are just part of the ensemble, you don't need to already have them on your drive.

    The only time you would have problems with an ensemble is if some of the Blocks used are commerical and licenced via NI, then you would get some warning if you don't have those registered in Native Access, and it wouldn't work.

    For a Rack to work, you need to already have all those Blocks installed, but for an Ensemble, that's not required. Thats why Ensemble file sizes are sometimes huge, but Rack files are tiny.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    Both Devine apps seemed to load with all needed Blocks; the issue is that the synth opened in limited Demo mode saying Blocks also needed purchase to run properly, adter I'd asked NI prepurchase if simple full license of Reaktor would suffice and they incorrectly told me definitely, it's been checked. [NI Support rep seemed trying to help! Reaktor architecture made the issue unclear. Anyay, now it's tested on my system as false].

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    Recontacted NI user Support who say since bought through pluginboutique any return/refund is handled not by them, Buyer Support, but through their 3rd Party Vendors Dept they say they sent a referral to if they told me that yesterday, but can give no ticket number or way to send correspondence to or check on status for that Dept. They seemed to have no access to that Dept's ticket, if created, and didn't know what a 'ticket' meant. Pluginboutique says they messaged NI yesterday morning without reply, but gratifyingly has processed my refund.

    In sum, Reaktor architecture is confusing and NI Support did try to check on this; I'm unclear how they could have gotten the wrong answer given solid checks they say they made, I don't blame them for that. But, it seems almost certain they retain our chat transcript from presale and know that the presale info given me was wrong, and their Support when my install required other softare purchases is inadequate.

    I doubt many Reaktor users purchase it as I did explicitly to use an ens file, but my experience suggests this may be unwise. later!

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    Though another conceivable possibility is that my needed Blocks were indeed included with my Reaktor purchase as Forum posters here suggest - I see no NI Blocks software even available besides Basic and Primes which were included - so that instead the Demo Mode activation is some kind of bug. Clicking its 'Activate' tab just send to Natuve Access, which shos no such options. Though it seems Support would have said that if so.

    Anyway Primes [uninstalled yesterday] has disappeared from Native Access [uninstalled yesterday after Devine fail] so they've accepted pluginboutique's refund.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member
    edited November 2024

    Looking more like a bug, see the comments for Devine's synth on the right, sounds similar to my issue? If so, long lasting bug? not sure though

    btw though Reaktor vst in Ableton accepts midi and produces sound, Devine's Wavetable Synth visually showed midi input but produced no sound. Does this mean some needed blocks were not loaded? Other than Demo Mode notification popup, no missing Blocks were flagged. Maybe it's academic at this point but I'm curious… can anyone else get sound out of this .ens file? Link to the ens file is in the post immediately above.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member
    edited November 2024

    Perhaps this .ens was created for an earlier Reaktor that didn't include Blocks - apparently Reaktor didn't used to - and somehow Raktor is looking for a separate Blocks purchase marker, absent because now all included in Reaktor? And since this change such .ens won't load properly? The 2 year old comments that they couldn't use it due to it saying Blocks was missing may suggest this is a bug introduced at that time and never addressed?

    A proposed mechanism: Reaktor judges from the old .ens file that to run it, my computer should have activations for Reaktor and Blocks; but NI shows an activation only for Reaktor since Blocks activation is now subsumed under that; so Reaktor reads Blocks as not activated and enters Demo Mode?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,441 mod

    I do have Devine's Wavetable Synth and it works fine. Just tested it.

    I have Reaktor 6 full version, Blocks Base and Blocks Primes.

    I think that what you are missing (since you didn't mentioned it at all) is the Blocks Base.

    I remember that they were offered with the free Komplete Start bundle but now i can not find them anywhere, neither for free, neither paid! If that's true, i have to say that this is a serious fault by NI, because there are hundreds of modules in the User library that use them.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member
    edited November 2024

    If that's what's happening, perhaps the Support Tech who said they loaded this .ens and it worked, was using a computer whose Reaktor and Blocks has been active for years and has records of a separate activation for Blocks from years ago when that happened, and such computers show both activations so the bug isn't activated?

    Since 2 other users on Devine's .ens page also couldn't run this with an erroneous popup they didn't have Blocks, and no such fail entries are in earlier comments, it seems likely to me something like this is the issue. In that case the Support agent who told me the .ens worked didn't make a mistake; but NI never addressing this bug in years, not identifying it as the issue once it arose, and IMO a very poor response to my Return request, still fully warrant my refund I think.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    If this is the case, NI wouldn't get that many tickets on it, as longtime Reaktor users have separate Blocks activations, and newer users probably aren't loading many older .ens. But, it would have come up a lot of times without being identified or addressed. DevineSynth could load completely [no missing Blocks messages] because all Blocks actually present and activated; but, no sound in Demo Mode anyway, because 3rd party Blocks present don't function in Demo Mode? Since this bug, if I've identified it, can be solved simply without any coding updates to Reaktor or Blocks, simply by NI loading a not-needed-by-most separate Blocks activation indicator on all accounts for purchasers of Reaktor at any date, it seems a simple fix. OK, could be wrong but I think not, hope this helps.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    Thanks! Yes I did have Blocks Base. Thanks for testing! As I speculate on p2, this may be a bug with older .ens looking for separate Blocks activation, now seeming absent as folded into reaktor's activation, but possibly still looked for by older .ens. In this case, if your account had activations of Reaktor and Blocks separately from years ago, you [and the Support agent who said the same presale] may run this .ens, but new buyers of Reaktor without a separate Blocks activation are read as fails. You think?

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member
    edited November 2024

    ps Blocks Base does show up in my Native Access. I think but am not 100% sure it was one of ?3 Reaktor resources I did install yesterday though I can't remember their names really.

    I see above I did mention installing Blocks Basic probably that meant Base so yes was installed

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member
    edited November 2024

    Go to Devine's Synth .ens download page linked above, look at the top 2 comments on the right. It's not just me. This does suggest some syTenatic change some years ago negatively affecting multiple users. Reaktor looking for a separate Blocks activation not present since Reaktor 6 seems a reasonable explanation. PS I definitely remember yesterday in Native Access the Blocks were Installs - not marked Activate [like Reaktor and separate apps]

    and, I do wish this forum allowed either edits, or showed spellcheck. Making more typos over the years but I usually correct them if allowed.! later

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    I tried loading the DevineSynth in my Reaktor player or what's left w Blocks uninstalled, and it looks the same. But the Demo Mode popup now anyway - could unfortunately be different than during full install - examined more closely says that my Copy of Blocks is unregistered - not that something isn't loading - and that it contains '3 Modified Contents' which 'are instantly disabled' in Demo mode, explaining why we with this issue have no sound.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    That could be why when yesterday I clicked the 'Activate' button on it to see what would happen, it took me to Native Access, where before Reaktor 6 Blocks could presumably be activated from. [No such option yesterday though]

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