Thinking about buying Lo-fi Samples Bundle

LeoMajor Member Posts: 27 Member

It lists all these expansions that it contains sounds from.

I am curious, does it include all the sounds from

  • Thousands of sounds from the Faded Reels, Hazy Days, Soul Magic, Burnt Hues, and Drift Theory packs.

Or just handpicked ones?

Cause I would rather buy them all separately one at a time over the years if it doesn't contain all of it.

But if it does, this will be the first one I purchase


  • LeoMajor
    LeoMajor Member Posts: 27 Member



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,599 mod
    edited November 2024

    The way that the Lo-fi Samples Bundle is presented and checking size of downloads and comparing prices then I would say that the bundle contains all the individual products in full and that it will show in Native Access as the individual products rather than as one bundle of products.

    This is however my personal evaluation and I not being a N.I. employee then I am not in a position to issue any warranties. If you need a content warranty then you have to ask N.I. Purchase Support . In case that you need guidance contacting support : How to contact NI Support and How to get in touch with our Customer Care.

  • LeoMajor
    LeoMajor Member Posts: 27 Member
    edited November 2024

    Yea I already bought it but now I am kicking myself in the butt cause I might have to buy the expansions anyways one day….

    but I can buy them last at least. There are a bunch of others ones I need.

    I asked a question about it a minute ago in another spot but for some reason it needs to be approved by a mod. Or I would link it,

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,599 mod
    edited November 2024

    I asked a question about it a minute ago in another spot but for some reason it needs to be approved by a mod.

    You are not supposed to cross-post questions so I'd say that the have to be approved by Mod were a correct system response. You should have posted as a follow up question here :

    So I bought the

    Lo-fi Samples Bundle

    thinking that I was getting the expansions for  Faded Reels, Hazy Days, Soul Magic, Burnt Hues, and Drift Theory packs.

    and I am kicking myself in the ass because now I still think I need to buy the expansions for all those……

    So I am looking at this

    Is all I am missing from the expansion the drum kits, synth presets and maschine exclusive?

    because maybe then I can skip those expansions and buy different/older ones that aren't included in this lo-fi samples bundle. Cause honestly I don't care about premade kits or projects. The only thing I feel I am missing out on is maybe the 20 sample instruments?

    Thanks for the help

    Sorry , I don't know the answer to that and again I have to refer to the N.I. Purchase Support . In case that you need guidance contacting support : How to contact NI Support and How to get in touch with our Customer Care

    .I do know one thing though and that is that overall then you would have had a lot greater value by buying one of the Komplete bundles rather than buying the parts individually if you are going to continue doing that. And the bundles are most economically acquired at sales but since Komplete 15 is so new then it will not be on sale before later (maybe not before next summer , dunno)

  • bat bat
    bat bat Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    this bundle sample pack does it work on Maschine Plus?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,599 mod
    edited November 2024

    To check compatibility then check product details and also go to the system requirements section for the individual products shown on the offer page where the Lo-fi Samples Bundle products are presented .

    The specifications for the part of 'Drift Theory' that is Maschine content mentions Maschine+

  • bat bat
    bat bat Member Posts: 5 Newcomer


    For the expansion it is mentioned but in the Sample Pack bundle it is not an expansion but sample packs... I only access it on Maschine 2 and not Maschine + ... Is this normal?

    Thanks for your responsiveness

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,599 mod

    I only access it on Maschine 2 and not Maschine + ... Is this normal?

    Sorry , I never had a N.I. Maschine of any kind. Also you do not mention the exact details.

    My guess is that some of what you are trying to use have a format that Maschine+ can not open.

    Manual page 48 :
    Samples: This enables you to exchange samples between your computer and MASCHINE+ .
    Note that MASCHINE+ only accepts the following audio file formats: .aif and .wav.

    @Jeremy_NI , perhaps you can shed light on the question "I only access it on Maschine 2 and not Maschine + ... Is this normal?" ?

  • BJQ1972
    BJQ1972 Member Posts: 98 Advisor

    This bundle is just the loops and one shots from the expansions. You can access them in Maschine by checking the Loops or One shots in the browser view.

  • LeoMajor
    LeoMajor Member Posts: 27 Member

    Yea, they actually refunded it to me (which I didn't think they would considering it was a digital purchase) So I made sure to take that money and buy 2 expansions with it.

    I got Drift Theory and Borough Chops. Backyard James and Burnt Hues.

    I still want the rest.

    That Komplete bundle might actually be worth buying though. Had no idea it came with so many expansions (the 2nd tier)

    Maybe one day I'll buy komplete on sale rather then buy all the expansions individually

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