NUO-STEMS 3.1 beta with improved Traktor support and new algorithm

NUO-STEMS v3.1 beta has been released with many improvements and new features.

What's new in 3.1

  • “mel_band_roformer” – new algorithm with insane quality of vocals and improved drums, bass & other stems
  • “sum of stems = original” – now mix of 4 stems (drums, bass, other, vocals) equal the original track
  • Revamped Traktor Utilities show which originals in the collection have STEMS versions created; Experimental feature to automatically add STEMS to collection after conversion.
  • Much more accurate beatgrid & hotcues transfer between originals & STEMS
  • much more – see the changelog



  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 512 Guru
    edited October 18

    Nice! Does this mean that the "mel_band_reformer" can now spit out the "sum of stems = original" without any lost?

  • Harald Walker
    Harald Walker Member Posts: 40 Member

    @Owner I haven't tried it yet. From what I understand it should mean that when you play all stems at the same time you should not hear a difference from the original (wasn't the case before). Does not seem to depend on the algorithm.

  • Nico_Tf
    Nico_Tf Member Posts: 37 Helper

    I have yet to test it but the sound comparison looks awesome.

    Please NI, open your API so that this developer can integrate fully his product with Traktor. And also I’m tired of hunting and replacing files in the Stems folder by hand. Thanks!

  • DJ NUO
    DJ NUO Member Posts: 3 Member

    This is correct. New "sum of stems = original" feature works for all the algorithms (mel_band_roformer, htdemucs_ft, htdemucs). And obviously, the most clean results will be with "mel_band_roformer" 🙂

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 512 Guru
  • TurnedTables
    TurnedTables Member Posts: 52 Helper

    NI should really consider hiring Nuo. Let him focus on the stem algorithms and the rest of the team work on features.

    We could keep the Nuo-stems UI for standalone use/config and Traktor call out to it to process in-app.

  • leesinthemix
    leesinthemix Member Posts: 324 Guru
    edited October 21

    I don't think you understand and judging by the likes, no one else does either.

    It isn't his algorithm being used, he merely uses open source software that's available to everyone and packages it up into his stem splitter to be compatible with Traktor Pro 4.

    Here is the vocal algo he uses for version 3.1:

    Hiring him to focus on stems would undermine the work of an entire company in iZotope.

  • TurnedTables
    TurnedTables Member Posts: 52 Helper
    edited 2:52PM

    I've always been fully aware of where the algorithms come from for Nuo's app and I think you do him a disservice saying he 'merely' uses open source algos. My point is that Nuo has single handedly developed a stem separation app that produces results objectively better than all other implementations in almost all metrics and releases on a more frequent cadence than NI can dream about. Just think, with a separate 'stem engine' like we have here , Nuo can keep iterating , improving and innovating (sum of parts - wow) whilst the rest of the Traktor team crank out the features.

    I don't think hiring Nuo would undermine Izotope - hire him in that team if it matters so much, and I'm sure they'd love to have someone as talented as Nuo to work with.

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