My S61 is faulty

Dereklymusic Member Posts: 12 Member

Have updated the firmware and done the power on and off sequence - then done the installation again. But it's still not working - only controls the volumes in Logic and nothing else. How do I get hold of NI to have it replaced? Is that the only thing I can do now?

Best Answers

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    You are very welcome.

    Have you looked into the connection problems? - yes. All is fine. As I say, half of it's working.

    Perhaps you could enlighten us on what is working and what is not ? And what is on keyboard display when connected to computer and when the Komplete Kontrol app is running ? Also does the keyboard show in the Komplete Kontrol app Midi settings and is ticked/set to active ? (Also : How to Switch a Kontrol S-Series MK3 Keyboard to MIDI 1.0)

    You do know that the keyboard display is only activated for plugin communication when/if the Komplete Kontrol or Kontakt 7/8 app is running as standalone or opened in your DAW ? Also prior to any use of the KK and Kontakt plugin in the DAW then you must open the stand-alone apps first. Sorry for me going through the basics but because of the lack of information then I have had to try to cover that also.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod
    Answer ✓

    There are really very many troubleshooting steps to try before assuming the hardware is faulty and a repair is needed.

    I'd strongly encourage you to submit a support ticket so that these can be thoughtfully worked through.

    In the meantime, make sure you have installed the latest version of NI Hardware Connection Service, make sure you have the most recent version of Logic Pro 11, make sure Kontrol S MK3 is in MIDI 1 mode (you change this on device) and that Logic Pro is in MIDI 1 mode (in preferences), make sure you have the keyboard connected and go into Logic Pro > Control Surfaces > Rebuild Defaults.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    Well , if it is any consolation then I most likely don't know half about DAWs of what an experienced DAW user such as yourself knows. There surely is a lot to learn when it comes to using modern music production equipment and software 🤔



  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod
    edited October 2024

    You supply far too little information. You neither state computer type , OS version , exact keyboard model , nor do you tell if it ever worked or if you have tried to fix any eventual connection problems ?

    Your profile says Mac (model ?) so let's go with that, then you write "done the power on and off sequence" , which could suggest that your are having a S-Series MK3 and that you read something about that.

    But what is exact situation ? Did the keyboard ever work ? Have you been updating firmware and having had a problem doing that ? Have you looked into the connection problems that you could be/have been facing regarding USB-C ports on some computers ?

    Quote Matthew_NI, Product Team, October 1 :
    Some computer chipsets made between 2020 and 2023 have a known USB-C error that can't be fixed. This can cause sporadic problems with USB-C peripherals like the Kontrol S MK3, including connection failures, freezing, or issues with firmware updates.
    If you experience these issues, try using a USB-C hub between your Kontrol S MK3 and your computer. This can help avoid the problem and ensure a stable connection. This is critically important during firmware updates, as data loss could cause broken firmware. Make sure the hub supports both power and data transfer.

    Also please check articles such as these :

    Kontrol S-Series MK3 Troubleshooting Guide (includes link for Blank displays (Logic Pro))

    Kontrol S-Series MK3: Avoiding Connection Issues by Using the Right USB-C Hubs and Cables (because of the more USB-C port standards and many companies not keeping specifications then that could be more tricky than appears unless using certified quality cable)

    Kontrol S-Series MK3: Troubleshooting Firmware Update Issues

    My Komplete Kontrol Keyboard Does Not Start
    How to Switch a Kontrol S-Series MK3 Keyboard to MIDI 1.0
    How to Integrate Your Kontrol Keyboard with Your DAW

    How to Monitor the Output of a MIDI Controller

    If problem persists then please contact N.I. Hardware Support

  • Dereklymusic
    Dereklymusic Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thanks very much for your answer

    Tried to fix any eventual connection problems ? - yes, tried all ports, used only quality cables including the one supplied. The keyboard does control start, stop, volume faders etc. But the the two lights next to the DAW button are not lit and lever have been. They (and others) do nothing.

    Mac (model ?) - MAC Pro 3.5 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon W

    Suggest that your are having a S-Series MK3 - that's correct

    Did the keyboard ever work ? - No. Only got it yesterday.

    Have you been updating firmware and having had a problem doing that? - done 3 times. No problems.

    Have you looked into the connection problems? - yes. All is fine. As I say, half of it's working.

    Quote Matthew_NI, Product Team, October 1 :

    Try using a USB-C hub between your Kontrol S MK3 and your computer. This can help avoid the problem and ensure a stable connection. This is critically important during firmware updates, as data loss could cause broken firmware. Make sure the hub supports both power and data transfer. - Thanks. I will.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod
    edited October 2024

    Thank you for the info .

    Alas I have to add that the cable supplied with the MK3 keyboards has not always worked with all computers for all persons buying the MK3. The aforementioned problems regarding the USB-C connection has done that some people have had to use other cables and/or other ports on computer. Alas then for legal reasons and because of NDAs with other companies then N.I. have been unable to give sufficient public information so the really specific information is scarce to non-existent

    The discussion here is alas typical for the situation and I am really no expert though I may try to assist as best I can. The statement from Matthew_NI is alas as specific as it gets and he is the expert on the keyboards. But otherwise if problem persists then please contact N.I. Hardware Support .

    (I do have a collection of links for general statements on the problems by Matthew_NI if you want that , though I do not see that being of much more help here other than to illustrate the problems)

  • Dereklymusic
    Dereklymusic Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thanks very much for your answer

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    You are very welcome.

    Have you looked into the connection problems? - yes. All is fine. As I say, half of it's working.

    Perhaps you could enlighten us on what is working and what is not ? And what is on keyboard display when connected to computer and when the Komplete Kontrol app is running ? Also does the keyboard show in the Komplete Kontrol app Midi settings and is ticked/set to active ? (Also : How to Switch a Kontrol S-Series MK3 Keyboard to MIDI 1.0)

    You do know that the keyboard display is only activated for plugin communication when/if the Komplete Kontrol or Kontakt 7/8 app is running as standalone or opened in your DAW ? Also prior to any use of the KK and Kontakt plugin in the DAW then you must open the stand-alone apps first. Sorry for me going through the basics but because of the lack of information then I have had to try to cover that also.

  • Dereklymusic
    Dereklymusic Member Posts: 12 Member

    I have tried everything and will now return the keyboard for a refund. Thanks for your support

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod
    Answer ✓

    There are really very many troubleshooting steps to try before assuming the hardware is faulty and a repair is needed.

    I'd strongly encourage you to submit a support ticket so that these can be thoughtfully worked through.

    In the meantime, make sure you have installed the latest version of NI Hardware Connection Service, make sure you have the most recent version of Logic Pro 11, make sure Kontrol S MK3 is in MIDI 1 mode (you change this on device) and that Logic Pro is in MIDI 1 mode (in preferences), make sure you have the keyboard connected and go into Logic Pro > Control Surfaces > Rebuild Defaults.

  • Dereklymusic
    Dereklymusic Member Posts: 12 Member

    Yes, done all that. Thanks. There are some units that are faulty and from what I can see, mine was one of them.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    You're describing symptoms incompatible with the cause being a hardware defect - I would open a support ticket and let our team walk you through some troubleshooting.

  • Wikdfst
    Wikdfst Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    WHY SHOULD HE DO THAT?? Noboday has responded to my ticket either…

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod

    Please do not thread hijack , if you need a discussion or help with the lack of response that you have experienced then please open a thread of your own in the appropriate sub forum.

    Generally then you ought to have received a email confirmation that your ticket has been opened - please also check email spam folder. (if do not receive a confirmation then something might have gone wrong with ticket creation).

    After receiving email confirmation then please allow support up to a week to answer and if they do not respond within a week then politely update your ticket to let support know that you are still waiting for a response. Also N.I. support do not work in the weekend.

    Since you have already made the post above then I will call for @Jeremy_NI and ask if he could please check you ticket state. (I am not an N.I. employee , Jeremy_NI is)

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod
    edited October 2024

    @Matthew_NI , apparently user at some point read my post here where I pointed out the necessity of using Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt 7/8 , or maybe it were your post here , because now I found this disconnected thread over called "Next step?" that suggests that user got things to work , since it says "Have done all that. Now I think things are starting to work a little better. I presume I have to have Komplete control running at the same time I have logic running right? " .

    I don't know if the way that things are described/presented to the total novice on N.I. keyboards needs improvement , but I thought that you'd like to be informed that apparently the problem has been solved.

  • Dereklymusic
    Dereklymusic Member Posts: 12 Member

    To be honest I've used Logic for a long time but never really done any editing or added control using an external devise - all has been done inside Logic. It is pretty confusing all this - for sure. Feels like I was suddenly expected to know a lot of very technical stuff. All part of the learnings I guess - but if it were easier you guys would be a lot more likely to have time for more interesting things?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod

    I am sure that we are all glad that you got it all to work and if it can all be made more accessible to the N.I. novice then I am sure that N.I. will try to improve on that front.

    I hope that you will be happy with your keyboard 😀

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