Ask Kontakt 8 creators anything



  • Philipp_NI
    Philipp_NI Product Team Posts: 12 mod

    As with the kontakt versions before you can multi output drums also in Kontakt 8. It requires content which can be set to multiple Outputs (Majority of drum content products can do). You need to setup the routing within the instrument Interface and the Kontakt application or plugin need to be setup for multiple outputs, which is pre configured for the user as new default with Kontakt 8. Managing the application outputs is with the launch version of kontakt a bit hidden within the classic view where you need activating the "Outputs" section within "VIEW" menu. We wish to rework the experience for audio routing with upcoming releases of kontakt.

  • christophertmusic
    christophertmusic Member Posts: 9 Member

    @Matthew_NI I asked a little while back whether the Single View from K7/6/5 has been removed in K8?

    There were previously two options:

    • Single View and Rack View

    I can see there is a new option that removes the instrument controls bar, however, I do not see the Single View in Kontakt 8 Player. Is this simply that this feature is not included in the Player version, or that you have removed it altogether?

    My reason for asking, is as a Komplete 13 CE owner, I am likely looking to move to K8 Full for Black Friday or sales coming up Q4. However, if you have in fact removed that, which makes zero sense to me, I will likely remain on K7. Though I appreciate the optimisations that have been made to K8 a great deal and K7 was sluggish for a long time on macOS

  • Duffcat
    Duffcat Member Posts: 43 Helper

    I noticed that there is no search function in the side pane of Kontakt 8. Is this an oversight?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,065 Expert
    edited September 25


    The whole MKI "retirement" angle was beat into the ground last October. What is done is done.

    What is absolute is that NI is not offering us anything in the way of rebates or favors.

    It was also made very clear last October that the software part of the "Kontrol" universe - will eventually start to pass us by (and it is starting now with K8 not loading into KK v2.9.6) and decisions will need to be made.

    I am still on the MKII here and as long as it continues to work well - I am sticking with it. No need to upgrade your MKI either - if it is still rocking and doing what you need it to do.

    But only you can decide when the time is right for a change.


  • DougK
    DougK Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I'm a long-time Kontakt user and just updated from 7 to 8. I'm having issues with all instruments that have keys to switch between patterns, such as Electric Sunburst, when using the Chords tool.

    Using the "Ibiza" song in Electric Sunburst you can see that keys C1-G1 change the playing patterns. Using Adios Berlina in the Chords Tool, you'll see that C1-B1 are also triggers for the chords in the "Chords Tool."

    I'm unable to play any Chords Tool patterns in this range without Electric Sunburst changing it's pattern. This also happens when playing keys in the C2 range and above - electric sunburst changes it's patterns even though I don't press the pattern keys.

    Another issue is that when using this in my Daw, studio one 6 , latest update, when I press a key on my keyboard (Impact GX49), the pattern keeps playing and I can't play diff chords in the 7 chords in the Chord tool.

    As of now, this makes the Chords Tool unusable. I've been trying things for a couple days and am out of ideas.

    I'm running win 11, 64 bit on a PC with intel i9 13 gen processor and 32 GBs of ram. This is a dedicated music PC.

    Thanks for any suggestions.


  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,284 mod

    To install a new major version is ultimately a binary choice: side by side, or overwrite.

    There are clear pros and cons to both - but generally more users err towards a preference for the former.

  • Tim_NI
    Tim_NI Product Team Posts: 51 mod

    These options have been renamed Default View and Classic View.

    The Default View can be thought of as Single View plus in many regards:

    • Clean, modern UI
    • Side Panel Browser for quick access to the presets for the loaded Instrument
    • Support for Tools
    • Support for layering of multiple instruments

    Turning off the Side Pane and keyboard effectively make this the same as Single View. You can always try this out by downloading the free Kontakt 8 Player (which will install alongside Kontakt 7).

  • Tulio Guilherme Grunwald
    Tulio Guilherme Grunwald Member Posts: 19 Member
    edited September 25

    K8 is working fine for me, at KK 2.9.6, since I use REAPER and K3 dont work with reaper, sadly.

    Is there a plan to an update for KK to give us the same views of kontakt 8?

    Like bringing the side pane back and let us choose between full browser and side pane browser?

    MLARS Member Posts: 117 Advisor
    edited September 27

    Sorry but I have to use some bold letters…

    • Have you built such a komplex sample platform that devs cannot move old instruments to the new standard? If you don't port older libraries, this means a large amount of the new Komplete bundles will still not support GUI scaling for the forseeable future, likely another decade. That explains NI current lack of transparency. Clearly this is also a way to sell new instruments instead of supporting the current ones. Terrible.
      My counter would be to suggest customers vote with their wallets - stop pay for updates on "new" Komplete bundles until this matter have a higher priority.
    • You should mention when it is a Hires GUI scalable instrument in the product specification + have a list of all GUI scalable instruments on the support page (in the same manner as OS compatebility.
      No disclosed info what products support GUI scaling, no roadmap or any plans to update/upgrade any previously released instruments is a big mistake.
    • No memory purge button in the new frontend? Really?
      Again support large template user when you develop products like Kontakt. I understand backend stuff may need classic mode, but dont remove important frontend buttons. Kontakt 8 feels like an incomplete product, and no promise when certain features like this will be added.
    • The link you sent me does not work (about migrating from Komplete 7 to 8)
      TBH it baffles me there isn't any migration instruction videos, this is important for large template users if new migration tech is available. Any quality of life features in this area are important to us. Not even any info in the manual. I shouldn't have to check a forum for this!

    Personally I am very hesitant in buying new NI products at the moment until I see improvements in this area.

    MLARS Member Posts: 117 Advisor
    edited September 25

    Softube has buy back deals. NI should have too, especially if the hardware support is broken.

    MLARS Member Posts: 117 Advisor
    edited September 25

    Another case why Kontakt 8 still needs work. There should be ways for Kontakt Midi tools to know if it is an assignable keyswitch and not a regular key and not press it.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,620 mod
    edited September 26

    I do have KK 2.9.6 on my system (M1 Mac Studio) as well as KK 3, both as standalone and VST2 plugin, so have been able to do some testing. I have had no problems so far loading and playing my existing Kontakt libraries inside the standalone 2.9.6 with Kontakt 8, with the one exception of Conflux*, which I guess is to be expected, although unfortunate. I have also done some limited testing in Reaper and not encountered any problems loading the same libraries so far. Certainly apart from Conflux nothing I have tried to load has failed to load, even third party and older Kontakt content. Obviously as I have a MKIII keyboard this testing doesn't include the keyboard (except as a MIDI controller).

    Re the side pane, since I first saw the new K8 layout I have been asking for this layout to be returned to KK3. Basing KK3 on the K7 browser sabotaged the ability to use drag and drop, and made it much harder to navigate. I hope now KK3 will now return to having a side browser, clearly K8 proves that this is a design that works for a drag and drop based workflow and faster browsing.

    *Just bought Kithara and that doesn't load either so I guess anything made just for K8 isn't compatible with 2.9.6

  • Ed M
    Ed M Member Posts: 149 Advisor

    Having all your Maschine samples available in K8, in combination with Leap makes it easy to create some custom kits. However, once you are in Leap you loose the ability to use filters, you can only filter on Expansion level. It would be a nice improvement to be able to filter inside the Leap view.
    A another nice addition would be to assign one or a few music style labels for every Expansion. That can't be that hard, because most Expansions cover a specific genre/family of music. To be honest, this is a feature I miss inside Maschine as well.

    No critique, just suggestions/requests, because for me in general the new layout in Kontakt 8 is already a nice improvement.

  • spiiral
    spiiral Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I'm visually impaired. Can someone please tell me how to get Leap to do the behaviors available in places like Spectrasonics Omnisphere (Live "Trigger Mode"), Ableton, Ueberschall, & Bitwig, where one has the option to launch the clip based on the designated trigger time (similar to sync)? Because I'm fairly blind I can't really be sure, but I don't think it's an implemented feature in Leap right now, if my brief test is an indication, but if it is, can someone explain how it's done?

    If you aren't sure what I mean, essentially it is that when you click on a Leap slot, using Trigger mode, the midi playback is delayed until the next beat division (for example you can set it to "next bar", next 16th, etc.)'

    This is also a feature I would like in Reaper (the 3rd party versions have not worked properly without glitching yet AFAIK) and also in Plugin Guru's Unify, but I guess it's not an easy to implement or desired feature - if it is, then I would think Kontakt 8 would get more users by implementing it, since it's easier to create sample based music for rhythmically challenged non-keyboardists. The other thing I noticed is that I found myself wanting to see a kind of "master music time" indicator, because when I'm triggering different keys, and they're not perfectly in sync with the bar line, I can use a visual aide, but in pressing a new loop sample key, it switches to a new waveform timeline, and I can't see how much I've messed up (this applies if the sample loop for that key happens to have sections of silence - otherwise I can often hear that I've missed). By knowing immediately I can stop the sounds and try again, but as it is now, I have to wait until the loops are both audible (which sometimes with periods of silence in a loop they won't be).

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 187 Advisor

    Hi Matthew.
    I would be very curious to know from which source you (and/or the NI team) take the conclusion that most users would prefer to have various versions of the same plugin installed on their computer.
    Using NI plugins professionnaly, and managing hundred of different other plugins on my machine, I must say it's a complete non-sense (and a huge waste of time) to be obliged to manage such a quick pace obsolescence, using 3 or 4 different version of the same plugin in DAW sessions. I have old stuff with Kontakt 5 (because I started with this one), I'm mainly using Kontakt 6 in 80% of my sessions, but in some sessions I was recently obliged to use Kontakt 7 player and now there's a new Kontakt 8 version.

    This without even speaking about the vst2/vst3/Apple Silicon complications.

    I actually don't see any good reason to be obliged to manage different versions of the same plugin among different sessions. If I could benefit from an "overwrite style" update of Kontakt, I would have saved many hours of life to do something else than migrating between versions. Ifr someone wants/needs the new features of a new version, it's obviously better to have ALL his sessions updated with the new plugin (and its new features). Especially that any Kontakt version can load previous versions presets/snapshots… I personnaly don't need to have old stuff opening with Kontakt 5. I'm not nostalgic of Kontakt 5 or don't care about it being better than Kontakt 6, 7 or 8 (and if I would, why would have I paid for an update to Kontakt 6 ?).

    If your source comes from the "Usage Data Tracking" feature, you should know that most pro users disable it, while most newbies let it enabled (because they don't know about it). It's quite a statistical bias to take decisions based on such data… Newbies and newcomers could prefer side by side option, because they never had to manage any migration hassle…

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