Help with using Maschine in Logic. Is what I want to do even possible?

Anthony Colando
Anthony Colando Member Posts: 30 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hello All,

Im not sure if this is even possible, but right now im using the maschine controller and maschine 2. Im attempting to use it within logic. I really dont use maschine as a sequencer. I do like the way the controller allows me to search through different sounds within all my expansion packs.

What id really like to be able to do is route each sound pad to a different track within logic and just use this to record midi within logic. I dont want to use maschine for recording patterns and tracks. Is this possible? Or is there a different way to be able to access all these different sounds while using the maschine controller as a simple midi controller?

Im new to maschine but I have a feeling im not using it properly. Im not sure any other way to access all these sounds and kits that I have and implement them within logic easily.

Any help is appreciated.



  • Impermanence
    Impermanence Member Posts: 171 Pro

    Routing can be a pain.

    There are tutorials on that. Look into them. You most likely need to route both midi and audio for your workflow.

    You can route Midi from Logic to Maschine and audio from Maschine to Logic. Or any way you wish.

    Quick fix is to just drag and drop stuff from Maschine to Logic. There are even small icons for midi export and audio export.

    I’m a bit short in time so no time to go deeper. Hope this helps.

  • Anthony Colando
    Anthony Colando Member Posts: 30 Member

    I don’t want to do any recording within maschine. I’m really just looking to see if there’s a way to route the audio or midi data direct to Logic So I can arm and record a track with midi data direct to logic.

  • Impermanence
    Impermanence Member Posts: 171 Pro

    There is. You need to find out how to route stuff in Logic and in Maschine. Youtube has tutorials and search function. It can be done.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro
    edited May 2022

    Yes, you have to start an instance of maschine audio unit as a multi output, not just stereo (think it’s called multi timbral 16x), and after doing that you need to add 15 more aux-channels from the mixer view in logic, from that main channel (a little + sign somewhere I believe) after that you need to assign every pad to a separate midi channel inside maschine au, and then also assign the same number in all six channels from the inspector menu to the left where you can add fade in/out, so for example, the first au maschine main channel will be midi channel 1, and pad 1 inside maschine assigned as midi1, then aux 1 will be midi channel 2 (pad 2 is assigned as midi channel 2 within maschine) and so on until you’ve assigned all channels. This goes for one instance of maschine, so you will only be able to use one group, for example group A. However when you browse kits make sure “+routing” is enabled or you’ll have to reassign all midi channels if I remember correctly.

    I used to work like that but since I got the M+, I do most of the work inside M+, and then export all pads separately in wav files.

    @D-One , please correct me if I’m wrong so I don’t send people to the wrong planet here. Peace and love.

  • Anthony Colando
    Anthony Colando Member Posts: 30 Member

    I got this far, I see all the sound hitting the meters of each track in logic, but I'm not getting any recordings data going through. I try and look for online tutorial but all of them seem to be too old. They are all saying to click an "activate" button in the maschine routing page but this doesn't exist on my version of maschine. Everyone on the comments of these older videos seem to have the same problem and I'm not seeing anyone posting any solutions.

    Any idea why I'm not getting anything to record into logic? I feel like I'm so close.

  • bzyboy
    bzyboy Member Posts: 68 Helper
    edited May 2022

    This is the one that helped me:

    It allows you to record in logic itself without having to record in Maschine then drag and drop into Logic. The trick is putting the MK3 into midi mode instead of plugin mode (SHIFT - CHANNEL/MIDI). The video is a little old and used an earlier version of Maschine but the concept is still the same.

    You don't necessarily have to go through all the steps of putting each pad on its own track if you don't want to. You can simply add Maschine 2 (stereo) as a plugin in Logic, load a group (if it loads patterns be sure to go to an empty pattern slot), with group highlighted select the INPUT/OUTPUT icon (right above the plugin icon), select INPUT and choose Manual for routings method, put MK3 into midi mode (SHIFT CHANNEL/MIDI), verify you are on pad page C (same as group C button). You should now be able to record in Logic, all drum track info will be on one track though. Let me know if that helps!

  • Anthony Colando
    Anthony Colando Member Posts: 30 Member

    Same problem....there is no "Midi active" button anymore like the video shows. These videos are so old and I think I'm missing something for it to work correctly

  • bzyboy
    bzyboy Member Posts: 68 Helper

    You don't need that step in order for it to work. You just need to change the INPUT for the group to MANUAL routings, then go into midi mode (SHIFT - CHANNEL/MIDI). If you don't put the MK3 into midi mode you will be in plugin mode and then anything you try to record will be in maschine and not in logic. Try following the steps in the bottom paragraph of my previous post.

  • Anthony Colando
    Anthony Colando Member Posts: 30 Member

    I followed it. Im in midi mode. I am getting sound. Im getting sound going to each track. Im just not getting any midi data to show up in logic when recording. Am I supposed to be picking something specific for source or channel in the input screen?

  • bzyboy
    bzyboy Member Posts: 68 Helper

    It sounds like you're doing the multi output method. You should be able to choose any of the tracks to record. Try doing a single track first by adding Maschine 2 as a stereo plugin. Using this method you only have to change the INPUT for the group to MANUAL and then go into MIDI mode and it should work. I have a logic template with this already set up with notes on how it's done. Let me know if you would like me to send that to you.

  • Anthony Colando
    Anthony Colando Member Posts: 30 Member

    My whole reason was to be able to do this as multi tracks. That’s why I’m choosing stereo 16x

    ill try it with stereo single but I need it working with multi track in the end

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited May 2022

    AFAIK It's only possible with the Maschine Controller In MIDI Mode, dedicated mode won't work because Logic is a weirdo and doesn't allow MIDI Out from AU Plugins or because NI hasn't yet made Maschine AU V3.

    This makes you lose a bunch of stuff: Fixed Vel, 16 Levls, Note Repeat, Arps, etc, etc....

    I'm not a Logic user but I just tried it and multi-channel works fine, here are the settings:

    Set the Group to Manual, Host, C3 (you can use C-1 too If you rather use the controller 1st Pad Bank I guess)

    Make sure the Inputs of all Pads have None as Source and an exclusive channel.

    And the Output of the Pads have Dest: Host and also an exclusive channel per pad, unless you want one Pad to trigger two sounds.

    That's all, I can record directly to Logic via MIDI Mode and each Pad has it's own Mixer channel in the DAW.

    I'll Attach the Logic Project.

  • Anthony Colando
    Anthony Colando Member Posts: 30 Member

    So I have Maschine running into logic in separate tracks like I was instructed. It all seems to be working fine and recording in logic within midi mode. However, im having an issue in another area. Is there any way to still utilize the pad mode, keyboard mode and chords buttons on maschine? I have a synth sound loaded onto a pad on maschine but how would I utilize different pads with different synth notes on maschine? right now I only have one not and one pad with the synth on it. normally id be able to switch over to keyboard or chord mode and all the pads would be in the desired noted that I needed. How do I achieve this while in midi mode?

    Maschine is confusing. Is there any way to use all the sounds in maschine and all the expansions in a different program like kontakt?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    All of that is possible in other DAW's that use VST, in Logic not really.

     Is there any way to still utilize the pad mode, keyboard mode and chords buttons on maschine?

    None of the smart play stuff will work in Logic (chords, scales, note-repeat) as far as pressing the pads and having the MIDI recorded into a Logic track because of what I said previously, Logic cannot receive MIDI from plugins - If the plugin changes a note into a chord but can't pass it on to the DAW then it can't work.

    What you can do is record into a Maschine Pattern then drag-and-drop the MIDI into Logic. (but for that to work you have to map things like explained before or the MIDI will create a ton of tracks in logic instead of just one)

    Pad Mode is possible in MIDI Mode since it's simpler, just map the MIDI IO.

    right now I only have one not and one pad with the synth on it. normally id be able to switch over to keyboard or chord mode and all the pads would be in the desired noted that I needed. How do I achieve this while in midi mode?

    You don't, MIDI Mode does not work with dedicated Chord functions, It's a Maschine SW function.

    For the kind of flexibility you're looking for Logic is simply the worst DAW you could possibly use.

    Maschine is confusing. Is there any way to use all the sounds in maschine and all the expansions in a different program like kontakt?

    Humm... Only the raw samples, no groups, no fx, etc... The Maschine kits including expansions are available in Battery.

  • Anthony Colando
    Anthony Colando Member Posts: 30 Member

    So basically anything in maschine that's not a drum kit is basically useless in logic. Whats the point of a synth sound if you can't even apply it to being used like a keyboard or multiple notes? I still don't understand how someone can arrange a song in maschine and in logic separately. How do you record just maschine parts and then drag to logic after? I arrange a song all together. it seems very confusing to try and arrange a song without being able to playback and record other parts over it as you continue recording. Makes no sense to me. Maybe im missing something.

    Does anyone have any suggestions of other programs I can use with logic that would be more user friendly and function better within logic? I like the way I can record and arrange drums and sound with for example steven slate drums, studio drummer etc. Separate tracks and then move on to my next track in the song. I would use those programs but they unfortunately don't have any of the electronic sounds like maschine does. Its mostly just acoustic drum kit sounds. Very limited in terms of samples and electronic sounds/ one shots etc.

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