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  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,373 Expert
    edited September 14

    M+ exclusive versions?

    Better to release duplicates of their expansions labeling them “WAV only”…

    NI doesn’t only point at where the money is. They also need a “0 work involved” strategy.

    So many missed occasions, imo. But…hey…they are the experts…they’re the ones able to read the “user’s data”…

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 155 Advisor

    What I find baffling about the "user data" is that they assume that it represents all of their users, instead of just the ones who were able to give them feedback. The fact that a lot of people were pretty mad about the lack of Maschine support for the new KK keyboards kinda proves the opposite of what they claim about it being under utilized. Besides that fact, they could have made more marketing videos for the KK2 or asked influencers to do that so that people were more aware of the maschine integration. Oh well.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,373 Expert

    In some cases, hiding things is a form of marketing 😏

  • GrooveBox
    GrooveBox Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited September 14

    Oh my…. the whining is getting out hand. Every email update I get from these forums is some negative nancy and its getting a bit tiring honestly…

    How long was NI around before the Maschine existed?

    Imagine this. NI launches the Maschine and for years the feedback they get from their NI reps is that everyone hates it and constantly complains instead of talking about whats good.

    What if you were on the development team and knew that you were tied up with limits but the people want more and more?

    Do you think it would be a wise choice to continue investing in something like this if you were NI?

    It very well may be the end of the Maschine when this is all said and done.

    How many of you whiners can answer 10 questions that I randomly pull out of these two 500 page books?

  • Impermanence
    Impermanence Member Posts: 149 Advisor

    Whining about the whiners is second level whining. You bring nothing new to the table. Nobody needs to pass your right of passage to voice their opinion.
    IMHO A lot of whining is due the NI not communicating with the community and not addressing the things the users have been asking for 10 years.
    There is a lot of positive feedback too. And if you ask questions the community is quite helpful.

    Your argument: if you whine, they might stop investing……

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 243 Pro

    🤣🫣 I guess those two ‘stones’ are not about logical reasoning…

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 1,527 Expert

    @GrooveBox Wow those are some nice looking manuals! I've only been here a few years, and my Maschine+ didn't come with such a tome. I miss the days of printed manuals.

    It's a shame. Ableton don't even offer a PDF version of the Live 12 manual now. 😥

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,373 Expert
    edited September 15

    I think he printed them himself. My Studio didn’t come with any physical manual. Or it’s a matter of different things included in the box in different countries.

    If you need PDF version of Live 12 manual, someone made it collecting all the HTML:

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