updated products not showing up in Native Access(NA)

ajyou Member Posts: 9 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

This is an old question answer to which I am yet to find. I have searched the net for several days. I have updated to GuitarRig 7 Pro Upgrade. ( a while back) and to Kontakt7 Bundle Update yesterday. None of them show up in NA.

I have attempted pretty much eveything suggested by helpful people in the net - delte, install NA, remove registries, …. to no avail.

My system is WIndows 10 Pro, Intel Core i7, 12GB RAM; AMD Radeon HD5800 GPU, Direct 3D 11.2.

Just to test I 'bought' Community Drive (free). It wa immediately recognized by NA, and I could install. Both GuitarRig 7 and Kontakt 7 Bundle Update appear in my NI account as registered products. Perhaps the 'update' installation follows a different procedure in NA?!

Appreciate any constructive response. Thanks.

Best Answers



  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod

    Did you reinstall the latest version of NA2 from here - Native Access 2 (native-instruments.com) as the older versions of NA don't always update to the latest software versions. Do you see the older versions of Kontakt/GR7 in NA, or are they missing completely?

  • ajyou
    ajyou Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thanks for responding mykejb. Yes, I installed the NA from your link. Nothing has changed - no indication of any updates or 'available'. NA does show old Kontakt, Kontakt5, Kontakt 7 (version 7.6.1), GR 5 Pro, and GR 6 Pro, but NOT GR 7 Pro. Interestingly, NA now shows Berlin Concert Grand, New York Concert Grand, Upright Piano, and Vienna Concert Grand as new with 'locate' button active. I don't have these! Part of Kontakt 7 upgrade Bundle?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,255 Expert

    "NA does show old Kontakt, Kontakt5, Kontakt 7 (version 7.6.1)"

    Being "stuck" at Kontakt 7.6.1 usually indicates an issue with the version of Native Access. OR running an old Mac system - which I do not believe you are.

    Can you confirm (via screencap) exactly which version of NA your are using?

    If it is not Native Access v3.13.0 (or higher) - this will not improve.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @ajyou Is your Windows system up to date? Make sure to install all available updates. If that didn't help, please get in touch with our support here: https://bit.ly/NI_support_NA

  • ajyou
    ajyou Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thanks both. The NA I use is version 3.13.0 (see attached), and my OS (Windows 10) is up-to-date. I will reach out to your support. Appreciate your involvement.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,016 mod
    edited August 2024

    You ought to try step 8 : Reset the XML file described here : My Product is Missing in Native Access

    Quote :

    please follow these steps to reset the Native Access XML file:

    1. Quit Native Access and all other apps.

    2. Open the following location on your computer:

    macOS: Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments > Service Center
    Windows: C: > Program Files > Common Files > Native Instruments > Service Center

    3. Delete only the file named NativeAccess.xml from the Service Center folder.

    4. Start Native Access and click the refresh button.

    After the scan, all the products from your account should be visible again.

  • ajyou
    ajyou Member Posts: 9 Member

    @poorfellow: Thanks. I have tried that before,as suggested in this forum elsewhere. I tried again after your message. No luck, GR7 Pro and Knotakt7 Bundle/upgrade still don't show up.

    I am yet to contact your support suggested by Jeremy_NI. I need to set aside some time do that as it takes me to a chat. I was hoping for an email contact to tech people.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,016 mod

    I have updated to GuitarRig 7 Pro Upgrade. ( a while back) and to Kontakt7 Bundle Update yesterday. None of them show up in NA.

    I couldn't spot anyone mentioning it , but just to be sure , did you check that the GR7 Pro and Kontakt 7 bundle lists as registered on the on the MY PRODUCTS, SERIALS, AND DOWNLOADS page and not as not registered ? (in which case the serials if any lists as not registered would have to be registered in Native Access). Otherwise then previously some people have had some problems that needs support to fix , e.g. people who have had subscriptions previously.

  • ajyou
    ajyou Member Posts: 9 Member

    PoorFellow: GR7 and Kontak7 Bundle are registered in my account. I have even 'Added Serials' for them in NA.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,255 Expert
    edited August 2024

    If you are up for a little advanced troubleshooting - next steps - if this were me - is to check your Visual C++ Redistributable libraries - which Native Access sometimes fails to navigate correctly BUT are critical to correct operation.

    On your Windows 10 machine - right click on the Start button and choose PowerShell (admin):

    Allow this command to execute - click Yes:

    At the PowerShell prompt - past the following command:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://vcredist.com/install.ps1'))

    It will execute and seek out your VC Redistributables and update them as necessary to the latest:

    After this is complete - restart you machine and retry Native Access and let us know what is happening.

    Also - while you are still at the Powershell prompt - type


    and show us your Windows version - here is mine:


  • ajyou
    ajyou Member Posts: 9 Member

    Here's the info I have:

    Looks like the current Visual C++ is already installed (see below). Anyways, I'll restart and let you know if anything changes with NA.

    Many thanks.

    BTW, to all who've responded, I initiated a chat with support (an AI response) and ended up submitting a 'ticket' I am curious to see if i'll get a response and what it would be.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod
    Answer ✓

    That's a very old version of Windows, that might be the problem?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,255 Expert
    edited August 2024 Answer ✓

    "The NA I use is version 3.13.0 (see attached), and my OS (Windows 10) is up-to-date."

    Your version of Windows is most certainly not up to date. Your version is from August 2018:

    I am actually stunned to see this in use in 2024 - not only for Native Instruments usage but more importantly for security reasons.

    You are using an OS that was last tested with Native Instruments products - 6 years ago.

    You need to off this version and over to 22H2 fast.


  • ajyou
    ajyou Member Posts: 9 Member

    Got it. Thanks people. I am attached to this self-built PC (maybe 20 years back) and attempted updates beyond version 1803 were nightmarish. Oh well, time to move on. I'll have to move my music package to my newer PC.

    Thanks all.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,255 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Fair enough. At least you know why it's not working.

    Good luck


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