Traktor Pro 4 is here!



  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 769 Expert

    According to product pages: S4 Mk3 and Z1 still come with TP3, S2 Mk3, S3 and X1 Mk3 with TP4 already. Would be awkward this way but who knows…

  • Mart'yan
    Mart'yan Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Yes, i see! But it's so strange to keep the flagship device without last version of soft…

  • MiFa1969
    MiFa1969 Member Posts: 36 Advisor

    I am very divided. On the one hand, it's great that there's a new version. It's also great that new functions have been included.
    Whether it's enough for a new version number, I don't know...
    Some older bugs that were already in version 3 have also been fixed. And the users who don't want to update also have a right to bug-free software.
    But the biggest problem is that all those who have dutifully paid their subscription have no advantage.
    I am not one of them. I would also have no problem paying for the update. But I'm just disappointed with NI. The support and communication has simply been inadequate in recent years.
    I don't think that's going to get any better.
    But NI doesn't care what I think anyway.
    So have fun with the new version.
    I probably won't do the update and will continue with DJay Pro.
    best regards Michael

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 769 Expert

    I expect they just missed changing product pages of S4 Mk3 and Z1. But I am also waiting for an official announcement about that.

  • Mart'yan
    Mart'yan Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Can you tell why the Tr4 is not appear in my native access? I have latest version of NA

  • monojak
    monojak Member Posts: 1 Member

    I think it’s a pretty solid update. Brought an x1 mk3 on Friday and the update to Traktor 4 was ready to be downloaded yesterday in Native Access.

    I do think anyone who subscribed to Plus should get 4 for free since they binned it. Personally thought £5 a month for a pattern player and sound booster was a rip off.

    I’m sure the new 4 does look lower res than 3 though? Can clearly see the pixels on my M1 Air.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,315 Expert

    those who have dutifully paid their subscription have no advantage

    What makes you think paying a monthly fee entitles you to something? You're renting it, not buying it in installments.

    Those subscribers CHOSE to do so. Nobody forced them to subscribe or to continue paying.

    You don't get a discount on buying a car (for example) because you rented one for a week. 😁

  • MiFa1969
    MiFa1969 Member Posts: 36 Advisor

    In principle, you're right. But some functions were promised that came with the subscription. And they just didn't come. They are now included in the new version.
    If you rent a car and it has automatic transmission, you want to use it if you pay for it.
    Or would you agree if you were told that it's only in the next model, but you have to buy a new one?
    find the mistake 😬

  • Johannes Drakenberg
    Johannes Drakenberg Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2024

    Djay pro can do it, you set the eq knobs to either eq or stem isolation, and i consider that a "toy-alternative" to traktor. The analysis in djay pro is waaaay faster too. Shame it's not as versatile when it comes to midi mapping, for me, that's everything.

    I can map a command for stem-generation, which can then be looped, but i would want to treat it as normal, where i can tick the "performance-mode" on analysis, select all new tracks before a set, and then go.

    Time is not an issue if done overnight, but when prepping for the gig on the road, this becomes tedious.

    Serato does this the same way as traktor, but their files are about the same size as the mp3 to start with, traktors stem-files lands at about 3 times the size, with a large library, that escalades fast!

  • Felwinter
    Felwinter Member Posts: 6 Member

    Disappointing. Flexible beatgrids and stems were already on a 2022 roadmap for Traktor 3. Now it looks that they are paywalled plus still no retina resolution. I don't have the energy to invest in Traktor anymore knowing that roadmaps are just dreams.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,315 Expert
    edited July 2024

    some functions were promised

    Yes the new functions were added to the Plus subscription as promised, and it was stated that they would eventually be added to the release (non-sub) version - which they have been.

    OK there wasn't a regular stream of new features added every week/month as some people seemed to expect, but then if you're not getting what you expected, stop paying the sub. Simples.

    That's what I did. When the Plus thing was announced I jumped on board. When they added the maximizer and pattern player I was underwhelmed and cancelled.

  • Johannes Drakenberg
    Johannes Drakenberg Member Posts: 4 Member

    I can map the griids to it, way better, There is a new file, look it up, a 15mb track ended up around 64 mb…

  • Joe1Joe1
    Joe1Joe1 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    The UI Design has less contrast for certain buttons/funtctions. Some outer frames for buttons have been removed, lighter grey has becomen darker grey for some on/off indicators. So visibility suffered a lot.
    Otherwise I am happy NI is back in the game!

  • Joe1Joe1
    Joe1Joe1 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Just got the confirmation from NI that the S2MK2 is still supported!
    Great stuff!

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