Download speed is too slow



  • Izak Polman
    Izak Polman Member Posts: 10 Member

    Our cases is just a tip of the iceberg. I do believe this happens all over the world. Though I downloaded nearly all Komplete Standard 14 instruments, FX etc., I still think that it's not the problem coming from either our IP, server or internet security, or a cable, you name it. That's the trick of customers service. Actually NO! I got a ticket of this case, so far no response from NI, no one contacts me. NO.

    You need LUCK to deal with NI's server. That's it.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert

    Given the variety of success and failure from the varied points and countries noted - it is clear that ISPs, infrastructure and other forces are at play here.

    Not much that anyone can do if you happened to be subjected to a poor set of routing, excessive slow hops etc. trying to reach a specific server.


  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,006 Guru

    I've seen the same situation depending on the vendor of the plugin. For example the very last thing 8DIO tends to copy are the innumerable sample files which are all relatively small, but a HUGE number of them. They individually transfer quickly but the cost of creating multiple files adds up pretty quickly and takes a lot of resources from the system in large numbers. Most of the NI libraries are pretty reasonable, but they tend to download the samples first and seem to use a lot of threads to do it, but it all flows along pretty evenly.

    Again it seem to me to be more related to that size of the library (including samples) and how each vendor packages their downloads more than anything else.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert
    edited May 2024


    "Most of the NI libraries are pretty reasonable, but they tend to download the samples first and seem to use a lot of threads to do it, but it all flows along pretty evenly"

    This might make sense if NI libraries actually came down like you are describing - however each and every one I have ever downloaded, monitored and then copied just prior to install - are ALL huge single file executable archives that are then run (locally) on disk by the Aria2 installer once the entire archive file arrives.

    There is no concept of "downloading samples first" for any product via NA - they are all "one big file" downloads regardless of installer or product type.


  • Izak Polman
    Izak Polman Member Posts: 10 Member

    You got no one you can count on, dear
    Not even your own "ROUTER", so get it while you can.

    So for Native Access, they should consider to embed Janis Joplin's song their BGM on Downloads tab - "Try (a little bit harder)". Sure this will be more courageous for suffering customers.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert
    edited May 2024


    Unfortunately you are still ignoring the point. Your router has nothing to with this.

    Talk to your ISP in Hong Kong and ask them why your internet connection is so spotty. Or what they intend to do to allow you to get a better connection to the world at large (including NI)

    We are all only as fast as the weakest link between point A and point B


  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,006 Guru

    I was talking about how they're arranged in the compressed file and the order in which they're expanded. You can watch this by monitoring the Performance Monitor activity while watching which files and libraries show up in the actual directories in File Manager. I could have been more explicit I suppose.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert

    Understood. Yes.

    But others are complaining about the actual original payload stalling out mid load which is almost always has some connection to using wi-fi for some


  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,057 Guru

    It has been mentioned in some other threads that the use of a VPN might help, especially for people in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, and similar locations.

    I say try it, if you can. And see if that helps.

  • EastDevil
    EastDevil Member Posts: 11 Member

    No. I suspect it's something at Akamai servers which NI may be using. Especially those servers seem to be located here in SG. I do not have any problems with any websites, Netflix, Amazon Prime, YouTube, etc, pretty anything else in the world. Even downloading from 8Dio is faster. My fibre allows me to stream 4k videos but downloading a 50mb item from Native Access can get stuck at 17mb for hours. So, no. It's clear it's not the ISP. You need to get clearer.

  • EastDevil
    EastDevil Member Posts: 11 Member

    Furthermore, it seems to vary with the file. Some files, regardless of sizes, downloads fast. If it isn't, even a 50mb file will take forever.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert

    Again - comparing what you get from Netflix, Prime has no bearing on this.

    NI has never boasted about having an infrastructure that can rival (or keep up with) Netflix or YouTube. Yes they have a decent footprint - but not the kind of layout that a worldwide streamer would have.

    Maybe NI is blocking your country or region. And if it has not become clear yet - NI themselves regulate their own traffic.

    With the Summer of Sound on right now - I am betting the available bandwidth for NI is being hammered worldwide. You could be be right outside a server location and still be regulated.

    And my apologies but I do not know where SG is.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert
    edited May 2024

    You cannot continue to compare the infrastructures of Netflix and Amazon Prime (regardless of where your are in the world) with NI. NI has what appears to be a decent server infrastructure - but they cannot compete GB for GB with a world wide streaming platform.

    Furthermore - you are not understanding network routing and a number of other technical reasons things are slow. Just because you have all these heavy weight players in Singapore - does not mean NI uses their routing. Maybe NI is restricting traffic from your area due to security or spamming or who knows what. Maybe the "next" hop or two AFTER your ISP is a slow T1 or T3 link. There is little anyone can do about that.

    Finally - the Summer of Sound is on and NI servers are getting hammered. This alone will compromise bandwidth for everyone.

    Again - some folks have no issues and others do. This is never a question of "fairness" to bandwidth allocation or a guarantee that if I am getting 800 MB/s downloads from NI right now here in Canada - you will get 800MB/s there in Singapore - each of us deals with a unique networking layout wherever we live in the world.


  • Simchris
    Simchris Member Posts: 328 Pro
    edited May 2024

    Usually facts matter:

    a) did you do a tracert between your IP/ISP and intermediaries to see if slowdown is unrelated to the endpoint?

    b) have you tried changing your DNS to Google and/or Cloudflare for better endpoint resolution?

    c) for Windows users have you checked your Windows 11 system didn't reset your 1GB connection to 100/100 (check network settings; you may need to go to your device manager, find network hardware, and change to 1GB duplex vs "let it do automatically" then reboot).

    Examples of this kind of issue is cogentco here in California last night. Could not reach our own servers in Texas via our 500mb connection, could not reach the Universal Audio (UA) user forum. Basically multiple time outs between here and Texas. Works fine this morning. Windows 11 notably shite for resetting connections to 100/100.

    Just random natter to share my own pain and suffering from time to time on connectivity :)

  • Feras
    Feras Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    It is weird today I downloaded Action String 2 it was downloaded like charm, however when start downloading "Symphony Series String Ensemble". it give estimation of 20 hours. this give indicator that issue from NI end, anyone have same issue that some libraries downloaded fast and others too slow?

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