Maschine 2.18 is out now!



  • Robert13
    Robert13 Member Posts: 40 Member

    Please make the midi implementation better.


    • we can use Midi VSTs (Scaler 2, Hexcel, Melody Sauce 2) as first plugin and after that a VST instrument.
    • Better midi patch management for external Midi gear (PC, CC0 and CC32). Maybe use Cakewalk instrument files.
  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    Hi @maxd could you please get in touch with our support team directly re: issues with Native Access?

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin
    edited May 2024

    Hi @tempsperdu we sent an email to all Maschine users on April 30, 6 days after this thread was open, and a reminder email on May 5. Maybe you've missed our first email?

    MLARS Member Posts: 253 Pro
    edited May 2024

    I started using Push 3 with Ableton 12 over the Maschine plugin - one reason is the standalone mode (untethered with charged battery) and the complete DAW integration with Live where I have full control over mix and midi without an export/handover from Maschine software to DAW.

    Maschine needs to make routing UX better with major DAWs or integrate hardware with DAW. It is not reasonable to expect users to go through all this trouble with routing just to use the hardware and access NI Expansion samples in a DAW. Currently Push 3 makes more sense. If NI fixes routing and DAW integration, maybe this might sell new Maschine hardware.

    I do however think the Expansions should support the Ableton Live Drum Kit - let me download Live versions of the NI Expansions drum kits. I would still use Maschine with Logic but have given up on using it on Ableton Live - rather use Push, and a way for NI to still sell expansions is to support multiple eco systems. I know you can do it manually and Kit maker is an alternative, but the easier NI makes it for the end user to access the samples in a user friendly way the better. This will sell more expansions.

    Another suggestion, let users through streaming in Native access test samples before downloading an expansion - or why not a single kit?

    I know Battery can be used as an alternative but the software is very old now and needs an update. It should be updated in parallell with new Maschine features - in a way it can be a gatekeeper software by supporting different third party hardware types likes MPE keyboards and pads and Groove & Grid controllers. Battery should support multiple types of layouts where you can switch layouts quickly depending on the hardware type - all the preset kits from the expansions should be updated to support this. Currently it does not. Fixing this would also sell more expansions - and maybe convert some users to get Maschine hardware.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Could we have useful answers for his other post (from this morning 10:21) instead of answers about an email?

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin
  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru

    Nope, didn't receive the first one, this is a regular occurrence in that I only usually get emails about a talk with NI person as it's about to finish.

    I don't have any filters on my email so, I don't have a spam folder.

    Any comments on the other issues?

  • Tigersharc
    Tigersharc Member Posts: 75 Helper

    @MLARS NI used to be able to preview sounds from expansions and even Play Series instruments. It was the website. That was what I did when the site existed. I would use my credits to download a sample pack that was a preview of the expansion, and if if was cool I would buy the regular expansion which then gave all the mapping for the drums and additional kits.

    I still would like our music community back to post music and download sample packs. My $0 .02 cents….

    MLARS Member Posts: 253 Pro
    edited May 2024

    @tigersharc Hopefully they can integrate preview samples in Native access in a future update - with the option to download a kit as Ableton Live kit - and why not a Cubase Groove software kit too.

    NI should be more platform agnostic around Groove sample expansions and better supporting third party hardware on Battery and Kontakt (while keeping Maschine and Komplete Kontrol 1st party focused)

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    Kai will be back to address some of your questions shortly. Quick reminder though, this thread is about Maschine 2.18 so he'll be focusing on features mentioned in the release note only.

  • eyeyeyeye
    eyeyeyeye Member Posts: 11 Helper

    Casting another vote for a native MIDI Learn feature on Maschine+ so that instrument/effect parameters can be controlled by CC messages for external sequencers/controllers. Thanks!

  • Kai_NI
    Kai_NI Product Team Posts: 60 mod

    Thank you for the suggestion! It is certainly a good idea create an overview on the existing keyboard shortcuts in Maschine. To my knowledge, there is no such overview today, but I will take it to the team and check how we can sort this out.

  • laserbeak
    laserbeak Member Posts: 214 Helper

    Windows 11

    Maschine Studio

    Deal Breaker for me. So high severity

    Honestly, I stopped using Mashine when the slicer threw all of the notes down to C0. Not sure if that bug is fixed, but That's where I'm at. Also, the sampling/slicing engine doesn't seem to have a performance mode that allows a sample to start playback from the triggered slice, to the end of the loop. I'm probably wrong, at least I hope I am.

  • Kai_NI
    Kai_NI Product Team Posts: 60 mod

    Thank you all for your comments so far!

    Your feedback helped us to identify the problem with the drag and drop behavior which we have fix prepared for and will be sending an update to our Beta group to review and confirm in the coming days.
    The public release for the fix is likely to follow in the week after next.
    Also based on your feedback, we have made the previous installers for Maschine 2.17.5 available here for those of you who wish to downgrade in the meantime.

    There have a been a few other reports of issues that either existed before this update or have been happening in a lower frequency. They are not less important, but issues that affect all users equally are always more urgent for us to address as they impact using Maschine on a very large scale.
    We will continue to investigate the reported issues with lower urgency in the coming weeks.

    We also took note of a number of feature request that have been posted in this release thread. I appreciate your input, and wanted to remind you all of the Maschine Ideas section, where we currently are gathering feedback on the Sequencer and Pattern Editor topic but will extend over time to cover more feature areas.

    Thanks again and all the best!


  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    Thank you once again to everyone for your contributions. As mentioned earlier, this thread was set to remain open until May 6, 2024. We're now closing the thread.

This discussion has been closed.
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