Reaktor 6 Master Tune

cosmowelfare Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

I would like to tune the reactor to a different base frequency, to 432 Hz. How can I do that? I am a musician and know nothing about programming. I have read that it works somehow. But I can't get it to work. Can someone explain it to me in simple language?


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod
    edited April 2024

    Perhaps this discussion is of help ?`: Changing 440Hz tuning in Reaktor

    Also , I don't know if this is relevant ? :

    Page 187 (Reaktor 6 Factory Library manual) : 4.1.2 Global Section : Tune Transpose the pitch of the entire loop in semitone

    Page 375 (Reaktor 6 Factory Library manual) : 8.16.2 Interface Areas and Control Elements : LFO : Master : Tune: Controls the overall tuning (A3=440 Hz).

    Page 282 (Building in Primary manual) : 18.16.8 Instrument Properties ; Master: Accesses the main output volume and tuning.

    Also apparently then an ensemble synth should have a master tune ?

  • cosmowelfare
    cosmowelfare Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Many thanks for the answer. 

    Relevant for me is page 282 (Building in Primary manual).

    I had indeed already tried that. For the instruments from the Blocks Library, so I used the module. But then what? That's the real question, to which I have no answer. 

  • cosmowelfare
    cosmowelfare Member Posts: 5 Newcomer


    I got around the problem by using a Mirco tuning module. This gave me a tuning of 432 Hertz Equal Temperament. 😊

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod
    edited April 2024

    Ah ! yes ! You being more specific certainly makes my 'job' easier ! 😁

    Try looking at the Page 757/758 and forward in the Reaktor 5 Modules and Macros Reference : 14.16 Master Tune/Level , 14.16.2 Ports and forward

    Your greater problem here is that Native Instruments while providing a lot of good manual downloads then no place (at least not that I have noticed) do they tell you that you need to look in the Reaktor version 5 manuals for a lot of the documentation info !

    So you not only need all the V.6 manual but also needs the V.5 for additional reference !

    Just scroll down on the page here !

  • cosmowelfare
    cosmowelfare Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Very interesting. I looked at this in the Reaktor 5 manual. So I have created a new ensemble.

    "When creating a new ensemble, the "master" instrument is automatically inserted." That's what it says.

    But that's not true. I think I'll give up. It's actually unbelievable that such a simple matter of master tuning is so complicated. I have a lot of digital instruments that do this without any problems. 

    I don't want to understand it all and work on it. Why isn't there any practical example where you can look at it?

    But thanks for your tips. That is very interesting. But I'm too stupid for it. 😯

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod

    I am a musician and know nothing about programming.

    But I'm too stupid for it.

    I think that your problem with Reaktor is sort of the same as mine. There is some things that one needs to know about Reaktor that is sort of 'prerequisites' for using the app, like some modules need a certain type of input to work and they do not respond to another type of input, or they only respond to state switching or whatever. And you are right I think that it would help with all sorts of examples. I personally find the Cherry Audio Voltage Modular quite a lot more easier to understand and approachable. But even if what I understand of Reaktor myself is rather limited yet then I can still tell you that while Reaktor is a lot harder to approach then the reward is also equally great so you should maybe just try another approach with a less steep leaning curve. There are so many Reaktor tutorials that can learn you a lot and it will be a lot easier for you if you try to follow other peoples examples to learn rather than expect that you can do it all yourself right away ! Also read this handout from Sunborn to me here and the handout from colB to me here (colB is one of the persons in the forum with most Reaktor knowledge)(don't know if there are others attending anymore)

    Important ! When following older tutorials then they may use Tutorial Ensembles that you then can not find ! To be able to find/use those then go to the Reaktor Factory Library disk directory and unzip the content of the "Legacy"

    REAKTOR PART 1 - Garnish Music Production School

    REAKTOR PART 2 - Garnish Music Production School

    REAKTOR PART 3 - Garnish Music Production School

    Reaktor Primary – 1. Building a Synth: Absolute Basics

    Reaktor Primary – 2. Building a Synth: Adding More Elements

    Reaktor 101: Getting Started

    Reaktor 102: Developing Our Synth

    A Guide To Building Synths in Native Instruments Reaktor: Part 1

    A Guide To Building Synths in Native Instruments Reaktor: Part 2

    A Guide To Building Synths in Native Instruments Reaktor: Part 3

    A Guide To Building Synths in Native Instruments Reaktor: Part 4

    A Guide To Building Synths in Native Instruments Reaktor: Part 5

    Reaktor Tutorials, ADSR Music Production Tutorials : :

    You can also get more existing blocks like from ToyBoxAudio and Unfiltered Audio

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod
    edited April 2024

    @cosmowelfare ,

    P.S. I tried opening the SynthOne tutorial circuit mentioned in the "Loading the first tutorial synth" part of the REAKTOR PART 2 - Garnish Music Production School

    And the SynthOne tutorial circuit is found in the "Legacy Library Reaktor 5\Tutorial Ensembles" part of the content of the "Legacy" (found in the Reaktor Factory Library disk directory)

    There I to my surprise noticed that the Master module were used , double clicking on that in circuit layout then it opened and allowed me to copy an already present slider and feed it new values. It was relatively easy and ought to very much illustrate that you ought to try following other peoples tutorials until you understand. Reaktor is very interesting but it does take a lot of learning !

    I will attach the modified circuit here for you to download, use and open ! I hope that this will help understand dome more at least !

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod


    So I have created a new ensemble.

    "When creating a new ensemble, the "master" instrument is automatically inserted." That's what it says.

    But that's not true. I think I'll give up.

    P.S. 2

    You already know from the manual where to find the Master module , so just right click in the editing area and find it as on the screenshot shown. Do not give up because of not knowing how stuff works !

  • cosmowelfare
    cosmowelfare Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Thank you for your post.

    Reaktor is not one of my main instruments. I bought this instrument collection (it's not a single instrument) because of the blocks and (because I play a lot in pure tuning) I used this microtuning tool to create some sounds. That worked really well. And I love these ensembles and play them. I also use this and that for ambient and drones.

    But now I have my main instruments. That's enough. 

    I'm interested in what the engine room of Reaktor is like, but it all takes up too much time. That's why Reaktor will always play a secondary role, mostly as a supplier for ambient effects.

    In addition, Native Instruments is becoming more and more marginalized. I've actually known the company and its founder from the very beginning. But I don't think the innovative power is as great anymore. For example, there is no commitment to the iPad. I have a mobile studio that is based on the iPad, with instruments that can be adapted flexibly and quickly, with instruments that can also be used on my main studio, which uses a Windows PC. This allows for a quick exchange. 

    Take Traktor, for example: unfortunately, Native Instruments has discontinued development for the iPad. There's only one dead app that's really only good for home use, not really for anything at all. I think that's a big mistake. I have to use an extra laptop for Traktor. That's annoying.

    I thought the C15 from Stephan Schmitt, who is the founder of Native Instruments, was a great thing. But it was without midi. And wickedly expensive. But it was a great concept. I almost bought it in Berlin. But something came up. 

    Well, from that time on, Native Instruments became a sound machine. With thousands of sounds.....

    That's how it all is. Now I've written down my disappointment. 

    Hopefully it didn't bore you, or even annoy you.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod
    edited April 2024

    Hopefully it didn't bore you, or even annoy you.

    Absolutely not , especially not when factual and relevant ! I also like learning a little N.I. history now and then !

    I'm interested in what the engine room of Reaktor is like, but it all takes up too much time. That's why Reaktor will always play a secondary role

    Yeah ! , I think too that it takes rather much time to learn Reaktor. But I can sort of forgive Reaktor for that because when/if you learn it then the reward is really great. I mean like I wrote in the above then I think the C.A. V.M. a lot more accessible and easy to understand but thing is with Reaktor you can do so much more when/if you learn it , but as you already have ascertained then it does take a lot of time. So I don't know if I will ever be any good with Reaktor myself ! 🤔

    But at least now you know a little more about using the Master tune/level module than you did before ! 😉

    P.S. It you want something for iPad then take a look at IK-Multimedia ! : Reference 1 and (e.g.) Reference 2

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