New S4Mk3 / 7 problems out of the box

Fotis Leon
Fotis Leon Member Posts: 68 Helper
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Bought a new S4 after 5-6 years with my old one.

Left HotCue 1 works 30% of the times.

4 gains and 2 pitch controls, not calibrated right. 0db is at "1 o clock".

(latest traktor, firmware, controller manager)

Traktor lacks and disappoints us for a few years, and now the hardware also?

Im a Traktor fan for maaany years, but NI makes it so difficult to keep supporting them.


  • Toxicaudio
    Toxicaudio Member Posts: 51 Helper
    edited April 2024

    If it is a new unit it is under warranty.

    You should raise a ticket. I had problems with my new S4 MK3 and NI replaced it in between 5 days.

    Btw: You can calibrate the controller in Traktor.

    Pitch control in relative or in absolute mode?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,668 mod

    As suggested bu Toxicaudio then you should contact N.I. Hardware Support

  • Fotis Leon
    Fotis Leon Member Posts: 68 Helper
    1. The reseller here in Greece is talking about repairing it and not replacing. Because the unit is working, and "has only some little problems"....
    2. You cannot calibrate gain and pitch.
    3. There hasnt anything to do with relative or absolute mode. Its about hardware problems and not software.
  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 272 Pro

    If you just bought it you should take it back to the seller and demand a refund or replacement. It's their responsibility to provide you with working goods.

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