I hope NI treats Reaktor like they treat Guitar Rigs



  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    I think you're too dismissive and not capable of understanding that different people's brains are wired…differently. I'm not asking "Tell me exactly what to do so that I never deviate from the formula of how to make a XYZ", I'm asking "Teach me DSP through Reaktor and structure the tutorials so that I learn both at the same time.". I do not think it is unreasonable, foolish, or unnecessary to demand more educational resources for Reaktor. You have to understand that not everybody is comfortable delving right into math, or even hackishly copying block diagrams, without any way of connecting it to their end goal of "making cool synths and FX". My personal goal is to understand how each of the different approaches to synthesis work, so that I can figure out if I have anything unique I can contribute to them, and so that I can see if I can copy and improve upon the designs of some of my favorite synths/FX.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod

    So, probably you have no idea about the Reaktor User Library, with its 6357 modules of all kinds?

    Where a large number of those are of top professional level quality, and the only difference is that they made by people who prefer to share, rather than to sell…

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    You sir, are the king of "missing the point.". I was exaggerating when I said "Reaktor has nothing", obviously. But compared to Max/MSP and Max4Live offerings, it is a pittance. Far more people use Max/MSP as their freaky synth coding program than Reaktor because of the educational resources available for the application. It makes delving into several complicated/interrelated subjects palatable for artists and non-maths/engineering types. That's the point I'm making.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod

    Very funny…

    Actually i was answering to those 2 things you wrote, and not to your entire conversation:

    We'd have far more "user blocks" programmers other than just Toybox and Euroreakt.

    How is it that VCV Rack has more user-contributed modules than Reaktor,

    Which are both wrong, thus my answer was "to the point"! …well, in my own opinion, anyway… :-)

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,032 Guru

    "Teach me DSP through Reaktor and structure the tutorials so that I learn both at the same time"

    That just demonstrates that you don't understand what you are demanding.

    Just as an exercise, go to wikipedia, look up DSP, and maybe Audio Signal processing. Read through the explanation, and for each of the words in the descriptions where you don't really understand what it means, follow through and read about what that is… keep doing that for a few hours or days (it's probably days, just to build a basic overview of what the different parts of the subject are. That just gives you some basic insight into the scale of the subject. You haven't even started learning how any of it works. For each of those sub topics there are more sub-topics, mostly involving different types of graduate level math… an so on and so on… many of these sub topics can't be understood until you've learned others, and a lot of it depends on math as a foundation.

    but you want easy tutorials you can learn at the same time as you learn Reaktor… for free…

    It is huge, and some of it isn't needed for music audio, but the fundamentals are what they are.


    Your personal goal is great, very similar to my own, but even that is a huge subject that seems wide enough to be unreasonable in terms of expecting free education to cover it all….

    some of the types of synthesis I can think of for now…

    Subtractive, additive, west coast, DSF, granular, pulsar, frequency modulation, phase modulation, phase distortion, wavetable, resampling, bytebeat, physical modelling, sample based…

    If you do some searching, you can probably find a bunch more. Some of these (e.g. physical modelling) have enough variety within them to take many years to work though. It's just endless really. Even within basic subtractive synthesis, there are so many different ways to implement an oscillator, each with it's own compromises… and most of them are extremely complex, same for the filters, and even envelopes… Just in terms of learning how to select and use different types of envelopes (not implementing, just knowing about), and how crucial they are to sound design, just that is a pretty big subject…

    My personal approach has been:

    find something interesting that sounds cool and is new to me. do a huge amount of searching for articles, videos, forum discussions etc. try to find academic papers. read them, fail to understand them, read them again, go back through again… try to understand the math, try again, then if it's still a fail, shelve it for months or even years, then go back again and maybe the things I've learned form other projects will fill in the blanks (this often happens).

    So far I've had some success with maybe 60% of the synthesis types I listed.

    I think even if NI did throw a huge amount of resources at Reaktor centric educational material (yeah right:)), it would likely be limited to the well known stuff, so maybe subtractive, FM, wavetable, or maybe some of the low hanging fruit in the physical modelling like maybe karplus-strong… maybe some basic granular… you might get two of those if you're lucky, each of which might take maybe 7 or 8 'lessons' to cover the basics.

    But that's just to cover what they are and how to use them.

    To cover how to implement them… just for one approach for one type of oscillator, assuming you need to know the math and the DSP from scratch, that's at least a few lessons right there. then you have the other oscillator types… and then various filter types, and envelopes, and FX, and…. it's a lot of lessons to be demanding… for free… :-|

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    I know exactly what I'm asking for, and it exists for a variety of applications other than Reaktor. Those were a lot of paragraphs just to be dismissive and gatekeeping.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited April 2024

    I have already spent days/weeks reading up on Reaktor, from the free tutorials online. I am very happy with the stuff that's out there as far as Reaktor Primary is concerned.. but thats where the "breadcrumbs" pretty much end. If we had the same amount of tutorials that exist for Primary but for Reaktor Core, I would be a lot further with my dabblings. I don't want to spend ages on concentrating on Reaktor Primary, I want to learn Core better because that's what will unlock the stuff past "beginner level" for me. Someone like Salamander Anagram making videos about Reaktor Core stuff, that's something that would be immensely valuable to someone like me

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,032 Guru

    What are you stuck with in core that isn't covered in the manuals?

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro
    edited April 2024

    Total amount of Reaktor Blocks in the User Library: 853

    Total amount of VCV Rack Modules available through the Rack website: 3,126

    Total Amount of Reaktor Ensembles in the User Library: 5,502 (not counting the blocks)

    Total Amount of Max4Live Objects from Maxforlive.com: 7,195

    I understand why there are more Max patches and Max4live objects, but VCV Rack is pretty new. The fact is that whoever makes decisions at NI is on some "good stuff". They want us to sell their product(s) for them by making, exchanging, and selling instruments/utilities/FX that will increase the visibility and reputation of Reaktor, but they either don't know or don't care about properly onboarding new users.

  • gentleclockdivider
    gentleclockdivider Member Posts: 249 Helper
    edited April 2024

    Reaktor is great and was once a trailblazer , but it's behind the curve for a few yeas now .

    THe introduction of blocks-racks was a failed attempt to make it popular , remember the promised 3party develoers ....it never happened ( toybox is just one °

    What has reaktor given us the past decade when it comes to new features , a few new ( important )core modules) and a ridiculous new pseudo hierachy called 'racks ' ( just to monetize the ****** out of it ..didn't work out .)

    What has max-msp done the last 10 years ? : a complete new low level language called gen~ which made it a direct competitor to reaktor for low level dsp , rainbow export etc..

    Just a simple Numbox slider would make all te difference in the world , but instead we have to dot it with 2 decades old bitmap sliders ....sure we can make or own but still tied to raster graphics , scaling issues .

    Even the open source plugdata ( pure data ) has more ui elements compared to reaktor .

    Yes , reaktor core is fantastic for ow level dsp but so is gen~ etc.

    It's needs a complete redesign on the graphical front , full vector all the ay for all gui elements .

    but imho these won't come pretty soon , if at all .

    NO doubt the reaktor dev. team is passionate but sadly they are not the ones in charge , the beancounters are..hey guys let's make some more Promo videos for Kontakt Libraries and spend million of bucks on youtube ads .

    Reaktor is great , but also near dead .. N.I. is not the N.I. as it once was and that's the sad truth .

  • Studiowaves
    Studiowaves Member Posts: 701 Pro

    I think Reaktor is finished. It works great, and there is literally nothing to add. In reality the only thing I wish for is a method to assign each Reaktor plugin within a daw it's own processor core. Reaktor needs precise timing and that's why it runs on a single core. So how can that be done, it's the only major improvement left. I wish it had Waldorf filters though; those sounded musically correct.

  • gentleclockdivider
    gentleclockdivider Member Posts: 249 Helper

    There are a million things to add when it comes to building stuff .

    I like to build and the hassle of creating gui knobs -sliders and fine tunng amounts is just a waste of time ; sometimes I want to stay in the patcher environment and then a single numbox like in max-msp -pure data is a godsend .

    Other improvements , in puredata -max msp , when holding shift an object is automatically connected when hovering over a connection etc...

  • afros
    afros Member Posts: 12 Member

    I have been using and admiring Reaktor for many years. Not every ensamble that comes out of it is a marvel but hey, we're talking about hundreds of wonderful plugins, software that has come out of Reaktor through the years so no complain at all from here. As a matter of fact, Reaktor and the Guitar Rig plugins is what I use the most from NI. But, when I say that nothing is perfect I say it with sadness. I had never really gone deep into Form, for no particular reason at all. I've have already spent three months looking at it up and down, back and forwards, you name it. My conclusion is the following. As a piece of software, or should I say, as an IDEA of DSP software I find it absolutely brilliant. Period. But, I'm afraid that it has a big problem. Let's face it. It just doesn't sound great. Yes, in some limited instances it can deliver, but given the ambition behind this software it's simply not matched by the results. What a pity. It could have been a little gem.

  • afros
    afros Member Posts: 12 Member

    I have never been particularly a user of ready made sounds. I just find that learning how to understand and bringing the potential of any musical software can be as rewarding as the process of composition.

  • afros
    afros Member Posts: 12 Member

    I have never been particularly a user of ready made sounds. I just find that learning how to understand and bringing the potential of any musical software can be as rewarding as the process of composition.

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