Share advice you'd give to your newbie self

Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,917 admin
edited October 2024 in Social Club

Forget the fact that this question is itself a paradox. 

Forget the fact that without the path you’ve taken, you wouldn’t have grown into the kind of artist you’re today - a person who can look back on what you did in the past with more mature eyes and experience.

Travel back in time to when you played around with your gear for the first time. If you have the opportunity to meet your newbie self, what would be the advice, directions, and shortcuts about music production you’d give to make the road less bumpy for your younger self? 



  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,917 admin
    edited January 2022
  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    Creating snapshots for a Reaktor ensembles

    1. There is too much reverb in the snapshot.

    2. Turn down the master volume

    3. Delay mix maximum on 2 o'clock

    4. Let out the play instinct

    Arranger section AmbieGarde in MMM

    1. Every audio clip a different delay

    2. Limit the tracks to four or five

    3. Use IR nearly inaudible

    4. Create spatials

  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro

    I would tell my noobie self the upcoming winning lotto numbers.

    I would say change the way you log in your music so you can use your collection with any program.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,917 admin

    Manual reader here as well 🙋🏻‍♀️

    I do listen to everything posted on the forum though. Always nice to hear what everyone is up to and there's something beautiful about a work by someone who makes music just for the sake of making it - unfiltered by press/a label's expectations and not influenced by play counts.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,224 mod

    My advice would be

    1. You don't need 100 compressors or FX and instruments, learn first what you have inside out

    2. listen, listen, listen tweak - then all over again

    3. RTFM at least partially

    4.have fun, don't try to force something


  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro

    Human beings don’t read manuals.

    The only manual I know is labour and I steer clear from such things.

  • GoKeez
    GoKeez Member Posts: 78 Advisor
    edited January 2022
    1. Don’t over think it. Feel it. If you don’t, come back when you do.
    2. Have fun, if you’re not, come back when you can.
    3. Live, love, laugh, cry. The music will follow
    4. Make the sounds you imagine. You’ll listen better and learn more. Ultimately they’ll sound great to you and that’s what matters.
    5. You are the only you. However, there are countless others who can relate. If you sound like someone else, you nor anyone else will find you.
    6. Record everything around you as often as possible.
    7. Learn how to sample.
    8. Audio kicks Midis 🍑
    9. Dont buy anything else, one day soon people will be paying you to use their gear.
    10. Be patient, you’re an amazing human.
  • djsubculture
    djsubculture Member Posts: 47 Helper

    1. RGAS, cost too much money. Work with what you have.

    2. Less is more.

    3. You can never get too much practice.

    4. Have fun.

    5. Network as much as possible.

    6. Learn as much as you can.

    7. Did I mention practice?

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