Maschine 2.15 is out!



  • Nikal Might
    Nikal Might Member Posts: 32 Member

    There seems to be a bug with undo (W10 Mk3). I chopped up a break and the timing was a bit off, so I quantized the hits, but I had set the grid to 1/8ths instead of 1/16ths, so I tried to undo it but it didn't do anything. I looked at the undo bit of the menu and it said something about some EQing I was doing prior to the quantize. I tried it again and it still did nothing and the menu entry remained the same.

    Earlier on, I tried to undo something and Maschine crashed, so I got a chance to use the autosave. Unfortunately, it has the same name as your original project, so if you save it, it will overwrite your project which might be a bad idea if one of your plugins is playing up- make sure you save a copy, so you can return to the earlier project if need be.

  • winihh
    winihh Member Posts: 23 Member

    I do not have any problems with the update! But I do not use or test things that where included. The only thing I expected was a VST3 that allows Apple Silicon. I do not need anything else new from NI/Maschine. I hope this will come very soon. Thanks a lot!

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru


    Hello everyone, is there a way to colour pads in key mode? for instance colouring all natural notes 1 colour and sharps/flats other colours?

    Another fan for making this possible 🤪

  • afrogrit
    afrogrit Member Posts: 58 Helper

    Hi NI, please add bypass effects for Maschine Jam

  • arexpressions
    arexpressions Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
    edited April 2022

    I need help before I throw my entire system up against the wall and just go full Akai MPC. I have NI Maschine Studio, which I'm not so proficient at, and I recently got the A61 keyboard to help inspire me to dig into Maschine a bit deeper. The driver is downloaded, all the buttons sync up fine with Maschine, but when I load instruments into Maschine groups, I cannot for the life of me get it to play the sounds across the full keyboard, it only plays one C2 note and that's it. I've dug into the Channel settings and seems like I've tried everything. What the hell am I missing?!?! SO FRUSTRATING. HELP?! I was actually able to get a piano working on Group A, but when I tried another piano on another group, with all the identical settings, it won't work. ******?

  • babiebrandie
    babiebrandie Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2022

    Anbody having an issue with Maschine + in Controller mode since updating to 2.15 ? Now when I load up Maschine on my PC, all I get is this...

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 227 Pro

    +1. This is why I haven't updated the Maschine Software or my M+'s firmware in several months, and I don't plan to do so until I finish the next couple projects I'm working on.

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert

    Put Mascine into Keyboard mode, sounds like you are in pad mode, with one instrument loaded on a sound slot, you only get one note “C2” (C3 in the NI World)

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert

    Everyone is!!!! Read through the thread, a Maschine+ update is coming… they released too soon. There is also a link to an installer to Downgrade to the previous version!!!

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,291 Expert

    Where are we at now, with releases that haven't worked properly? This is the THIRD one in a row, I think.

    First was Lunar Echoes not installing on M+, then Playbox not installing correctly. Now the Maschine software.

    I haven't been here long, but this seems pretty bad to me. Is this unusual?

  • jt maher
    jt maher Member Posts: 80 Newcomer

    april fools maschine + users jajaja

  • FM5D
    FM5D Member Posts: 3 Member

    What a success for an update announced long in advance! Everyone finds it normal to downgrade. It is not. It just suggests that NI has lost control and that the more time passes the more complicated it will be to make updates. Maschine may have come to an end.

    It was, however, very promising. I hope NI will take over.

    It seems that Soundwide sounds tight !

  • awol9000
    awol9000 Member Posts: 69 Advisor
    edited April 2022

    Well at least Maschine can load VST3 plugins finally. I might update after the dust settles.

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