S4MK3 & S3: Performance MOD (qml coding)



  • Quade
    Quade Member Posts: 242 Advisor

    Thanks for the file.

    1 thing that is not working no more is the master deck switch.....

    The master stays on the deck that played, normally when I press stop, it will flip to the opposite deck to be the master, but it does not.

    I had to use Shift+Sync in order to flip the master from the deck that play to the deck currently playing.

    Any chance of resolving that for me?

    I will revert back to @Sûlherokhh tsi file for now.

    Thanks again.

    Oh BTW, I done a thorough test with the jog sensitivity settings, still no luck & worse is that when trying to use the scratch feature, the platters do not respond immediately as if they hhave been set to Jog mode, I have to apply a bit of pressure in order for the platter to engage the scratching.

    Agin Thanks for your assistance. Much appreciated

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 148 Advisor

    I don't understand your problem, for me it switches to the master🙃

  • Quade
    Quade Member Posts: 242 Advisor

    Yes in your vid, it switches over to the master once you stop. For some reason Last night at the gig I had, It just did not work at all. I tested a few minutes ago & its now working again, not sure ****** happened, but it's working.

    Also I checked on how the browser works using the jog wheel & it's pretty amazing I must say. you actually have control on browsing faster through your library - Big Ups.

    I will try play around with the platter settings & see what I can do, but I will provide feedback.

    Thanks again.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod
    edited March 10


    I experimented with the jogwheel implementation, specifically with the browser scrolling but applicable in general to all stepwise adjustments via jogwheel EncoderScriptAdapter. I found a solution that compensates for the random variations of the tick values and allows for awesome precision for example when trying scroll slowly.

    The solution is to implement a floating point value that the jogwheel increases or decreases and that triggers the +1/-1 step in the list as soon as it becomes greater than 1 (or smaller than -1), resetting to zero in the process.

    Two pieces of code are required.

      MappingPropertyDescriptor {
        id: jogwheelTickCounterProp;
        path: deckPropertiesPath + ".jogwheel_tick_counter";
        type: MappingPropertyDescriptor.Float;
        value: 0.0;


        from: "%surface%.jogwheel.rotation";
          to: EncoderScriptAdapter {
            onTick: {
              const minTickValue = 0.001;
              const rotationScaleFactor = 100;
              if (value < -minTickValue || value > minTickValue) {
                jogwheelTickCounterProp.value = jogwheelTickCounterProp.value + value * rotationScaleFactor
                if (jogwheelTickCounterProp.value < -1) {
                  browserListSelectProp.value = -1;
                  jogwheelTickCounterProp.value = 0.0;
                else if (jogwheelTickCounterProp.value > 1) {
                  browserListSelectProp.value = 1
                  jogwheelTickCounterProp.value = 0.0;

    This is so much better than all other solutions i have tried so far. I am going to put this kind of code in place for all values adjusted by the jogwheel, including grid adjustment (too random and imprecise for me in the NI implementation), jogwheel tension adjustment and loop adjustment.

    Enjoy! 😄

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 148 Advisor

    Great, I'll take a look at it later😃

  • The Sarge
    The Sarge Member Posts: 155 Helper

    Is there a way to put the following onto a Button(with Shift or so) :

    Pitch-reset -> that means when you doubleclick inside Traktor3-Software on the Pitch-tempo-Fader-Knob it deactivates/reset pitch to +-0

    would be nice, especially because there is no little "resistance" on the hardware-fader when reacing the Position "0" , like f.e. on a Technics1210-turntable

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod
    edited March 10

    Yes. What controller are you using? It may be a matter of a simple overmapping command in the controller editor:

  • Quade
    Quade Member Posts: 242 Advisor

    This would be a an awesome feature I myself have to go onto the software myself to reset the pitch fader.

    Personal, for the S3, remove the beat grid engage & replace that function with the pitch reset.

    It's easier for me as it's next to the jog / scratch button.


  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod
    edited March 10

    Test Update:

    • Colour Feedback 1: Jogwheel ring LED turns green when adjusting Loop-In or Loop-Out points.
    • Colour Feedback 2: Jogwheel ring blinks with full ring when adjusting Loop-In or Loop-Out points and when in browser view.
    • Jogwheel Browsing: When browser view is active, the jogwheel scrolls the playlist selection.

    Turntable mode can still be active when in browser view, although it will be akward to scoll the playlist. Better not use them together. I am looking into turning off the motor when browser view is active.

    Feedback is very much appreciated. 🦋

    Updated work in progress:

    • FX presets/selection (current work focus).
    • Browser scrolling with jog wheel (current work focus, completed).
    • Adjusting LoopIn-/LoopOut points with the jog wheels (current work focus, completed).
    • Setting manual LoopIn-/LoopOut points (current work focus, completed).
    • Screen feedback for LoopIn-/LoopOut adjust (current work focus, completed).
    • Display LoopIn-/LoopOut points on the stripe, green colouring of the looping part of the waveform when the loop is active.

    Edit: Motor switched off in TT-Mode when browser view actve. Playlist scrolling not activated because stopping the motor lets the playlist scroll down a bit during braking.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod
    edited March 10

    Remove the old TSI file for the S3 and replace it with this one:

    Edit: Did you know that tempo reset can also be done with SHIFT+KEYLOCK?

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 148 Advisor
    edited March 10

    I have updated my files (Traktor Kontrol S3)😃

    a big thank you to Sûlherokhh

    Please create a backup of the original files

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,544 mod

    Quick Second Test Update:

    • Colour Feedback 1: Jogwheel ring LED turns green when adjusting Loop-In or Loop-Out points. LED turns white in browser view.
    • Colour Feedback 2: Removed blinking LED ring. Too hard on the eyes.
    • Jogwheel Browsing: When browser view is active, the jogwheel scrolls the playlist selection.
    • Jogwheel Motor: Motor (both the wheel as well as the LED) stops turning when in browser view or when adjusting Loop-In or Loop-Out points.

    Turntable mode can still be active when in browser view, although the motor stops temporarily and you can't use the jogwheel for browsing.

    Feedback is very much appreciated. 🦋

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 148 Advisor

    I would like the S4😪

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