Using Maschine + in live set

theo2177 Member Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine


I have a friend using Ableton Push 2 for his live set. He use a fonction wich make him able to move a whole song in a scene on Ableton. While his live set, he put every single song in diferent scene. So he can switch for a song to an other without cut directly with Ableton push 2

I would like to know if its possible on Maschine +?

And i would like to know if what i said before is possible, can i load a plugin on a pad to play aside on a midi controller while a song is played on scene

In short, i need to know if i can on liveset, switch from a song to an other with maschine + and play one of my song’s element on midi controller too, at the same time

Thank you



  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    I would recommend experimenting all of that inside your room.

    Try to imagine your room as a place for a gig and try using Maschine + there.

    Then, if you think the device, effects, plugins and tracks are ready, you can start the real gig on a real place!

    I wish you the best for your live play and have fun!

    Let me know how it was, good sir!

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    The main difference - if he's using a Push 2 then his computer is doing the hard work. Plenty of CPU power, storage space and RAM. Also the computer can handle warping/time stretch for multiple tracks easily.

    Using a M+ to do it, there are limitations.

    As Milos says, try it out. We don't know how many songs you're planning to use, or what you plan to do with them.

  • CH7
    CH7 Member Posts: 17 Member

    I think he is asking if there is a way to have two projects loaded, and then swap between the two. Or audition one project whilst another is playing. No amount of experimenting is going to make this possible.

    I have asked in the past for a way which allows you to maximize the potential of the expansion packs.

    What i had in mind, was similar. eg a way to have a main project open, and also have a b/ project that you could copy paste from.

    Imagine being able to copy a midi part from an expansion with its sounds/sample, and then paste that into the main project and then tweak the timing to allign it to whatever you had going there.

    The alternative would be an 'append project feature', but this for live sets, would lead to hughe project files.

    Its looks to me as if he would need to have two instances of Maschine open on a computer, and 'some how' swap between them, eg share audio and midi resources. Or get a secod MaschinePlus and swap with that.

    or between Maschine projects, you could simply play a prepared file/song. lol

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    Two Maschine+ units is the way I'd personally do it. That way, you also get the redundancy against one M+ crashing unexpectedly during a set, you could immediately switch to the other one and keep the music going while the other one reboots

  • frankzbruckmann
    frankzbruckmann Member Posts: 40 Member

    try maschine jam with m plus and you'll see

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro
    edited March 2024

    It’s not as easy as 1-2-3, but it can be done depending on your structure of how you build your tracks within the M+. Much of your set has to be prepared, many synth parts have sampled internally to offload the cpu, but it can definitely be done, if you prepare your patterns and scenes and tracks within one big project file and use send fx and make sure you are organized and consistent so you know what you have where. You might think: so my live set will be more like a clip-launching set? No! I’m just saying that the more internally sampled parts you have, the more cpu you have left to actually tweak and play around with prism or massive or fm8 or raum or whatever LIVE!

    Use lock states and DEFINITELY get a maschine Jam asap! As for tempo, just adjust manually between tracks. Here is a live set that I consider to be one of the better ones online, this dude can make live sets on basically any unit, not all tracks are great of course but he knows how to work the pieces.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    @djadidai shared

    Here is a live set that I consider to be one of the better ones online, this dude can make live sets on basically any unit, not all tracks are great of course but he knows how to work the pieces.

    I'm watching right now, and loving it - very inspiring to see someone using an M+ with just two Groups and sounding professional. Thank you for sharing!

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 236 Pro

    I would just pair it with an SP-404 Mk2, and use the DJ mode for incidental music/ambience/SFX tracks that can keep the interest going while you open up the next song on M+. Alternatively, if you bring a laptop w/ Ableton Live, you can cue up Tempo/Time sig changes within the scenes and have M+ synced up to it. Using an APC40mk2 or other controller w/ a crossfader, you can use the A/B decks for transitions in place of the SP-404. Regardless, with just one Maschine, you're going to have to load each individual song in your set.

  • anzbert
    anzbert Member Posts: 47 Helper

    Hey thx for sharing this video. That's a great approach for a live set with M+

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro
    edited March 2024

    to pair it up with an sp-404mk2 is a really good idea. Or a Korg esx-1, or maybe a Circuit rhythm? I believe he has saved all his tracks as groups, save groups with patterns I think, and also prepared by sampling his own loops internally to save some cpu, and if you save your groups with patterns you just keep loading new groups instead of saving huge projects. However then you limit yourself to 16 sounds/track.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    Hmm, that got me thinking.. anyone here use Octatrack and Maschine+ pair live? Might be a great pairing

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited March 2024

    Confirm what you're talking about... Is your friend just loading full song masters or multitrack/stems in a scene? If so, technically Maschine can do this aswell (awkwardly) but unlike Ableton, there are no different BPM's per Scene, so no... You can't do multiple songs in one project in Maschine if that's a requirement.

    There's many other reason why the above isn't a good idea, BPM is just one of them, the M+ or even Maschine in general is not designed for multi songs or even with live performance itself as a priority, it's a production tool 1st.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert
    edited March 2024

    Maschine+ synced with Traktor via Ableton Link, using Traktor stems packs of your own tracks. Not tried it but it sounds feasible.

    [eureka moment] it would be quite cool if Maschine+ could play Traktor stems files.

  • Mac-Kee
    Mac-Kee Member Posts: 15 Member

    Using the Octatrack as a looper, EFX unit and backup is a good idea, which I already had.

    Unfortunately the machine needs between 15 and 20% of its CPU to follow the midi clock of the Octa when working as a MIDI slave. So this idea turned out to be useless.

    I have already tried all possible ways of using the Maschine+ for Live. None of them worked without any problems like hiccups, dropouts or projects were no longer playable because of the CPU load.

    For me, the Maschine+ is too big a risk factor for the stage. 

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    @Mac-Kee wrote

    Unfortunately the machine needs between 15 and 20% of its CPU to follow the midi clock of the Octa when working as a MIDI slave.

    Is that with a completely empty Project? Or are Audio modules in the Project? Arp on? Beat Delay? Synth engines with arps that might follow tempo (Massive, FM8)?

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