Maschine HW changes Scale?

The P.O.T.Y
The P.O.T.Y Member Posts: 60 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Don't know why I didnt ask over the years in the Community. For years on the MK HW if I set Root Note/Scale Type go into Chord Set, lay pattern then switch back to Keyboard mode. I get W-H Dim as TYPE for my scale. Not the SCALE that was set prior to going into Chord Set. The Maschine SW/HW and KK S-series manuals do give detailed info, on "Chord Sets" but no explanation for Scale Type change to WH-Dim. Biggest concern is that this happens when it wants, mid session and/or after save and re-open. Also if I do or do not choose Maj or Min after choosing Chord Set, this will happen.


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited January 2024

    I never had this happen. Are you using both a Maschine controller and an S-Series keyboard for the Scales/Chords features?

  • The P.O.T.Y
    The P.O.T.Y Member Posts: 60 Member

    Yes in work flow, but not for features. KK not even powered on. This only happens on Maschine HW every blue moon. First happened on MK1 but still til today will happen on MK3. I saved session yesterday opened it today...hit Keyboard (on MK3) W-H Dim "Type". I can honestly say I never made a track in W-H Dim. And my 808 Group is set also..not W-H Dim but what I had to set before playing.

    My fix/ proof I'm not crazy overtime to myself until now is, that if I have Group I played a pattern then another Group ( ex 808) . I would have to set that 808 Group Key/Scale to match. Because Maschine Groups Scale/Type can be different and when clicking + SW (on my computer) the previous Group selected Scale/Type is used in added Group. *Meaning if a group with wrong/different Scale is selected and deleted, if you do not "correct" Scale on new group. You will re-adding the deleted group with incorrect scale over and over. So my template is saved with groups at chromatic C, and set to key when used. Thanks D-One for your time.

  • The P.O.T.Y
    The P.O.T.Y Member Posts: 60 Member
    edited February 2024

    I just started a session and saved bout 2 days ago. Opened it, hit Keyboard and now Im in H-W Dim. Im not making these things up. Session created from New (blank), 1 Group, 1 plugin.

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    I have the same problem.

  • The P.O.T.Y
    The P.O.T.Y Member Posts: 60 Member

    Cool, but not cool. I had this problem since Mikro (white) 1.8 Maschine. Finally someone speaks up. This issue is what lead me to HW and SW smart play thoughts. Because if I had my S series Kontrol powered on w smart play playback sound will be in scale, but all notes in piano roll of Maschine may/can be out of scale.

  • Andy Wt
    Andy Wt Member Posts: 140 Advisor

    Moreover, i also have issue with M+ dont always remember group transposition setting. Looks like many parts of its code are buggy...

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    I didn't always have that problem. As it only occurs when switching between keyboard and chord mode, maybe this bug was introduced when the chord mode got a few more options for inversions. I don't know.

  • The P.O.T.Y
    The P.O.T.Y Member Posts: 60 Member

    This has been happening since before tab 2/2 inversions or "Smart Play". It's been happening since MK1 and MK2 Maschines. We yrs+ in on MK3 and MK3+ going on 2yrs I believe.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    Does anyone with this issue have steps to reproduce? Even if it doesn't happen 100% of the time and takes a few tries ?

  • haski
    haski Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    Yeah, this happens for me too. Choose a scale in keyboard mode > go into chord mode and choose a chord set > go back into keyboard mode and the scale has changed to W-H Dim. Doesn't happen every time for me but does happen a lot. Using a Maschine Mikro Mk3 with the latest software and firmware.

  • CraigM
    CraigM Member Posts: 16 Member

    It happened to me 2 months ago, & I almost Hulked out & smashed…. every1 & everything! Literally almost burst a vessel!! Drove me nuts & couldn't figure out wth is up… undoing didn't help, decided to cut my losses & saved all groups & dragged 1 by 1 into a new project… all good, then it happened again… omg lol. Re did the group into new project again, closed up & dug around for a week to get it sorted bc I almost thre my MK1 off the balcony…. eventually came across something that shed some light - in the manuel in the Scales section, somewhere midway below the Scale tables, it says something to the effect of "if you load a new group, it will automatically load the scale of the previous group"….. so a nightmare if you've been jamming & testing out multiple groups…

    The only 3 workarounds that has kept me sane since the initial 2times are:

    • ALWAYS deactivate Scale Smart Play, BEFORE loading a new group
    • IF I don't deactivate Smart Play, I HAVE to keep track of how many groups I've run thru, this allows me to "Undo", or delete the loaded group causing this nightmare.
    • If I don't deactivate Scale Smart Play, 1 thing that works is - Leave Smart Play activated, BUT select Scale - Main, then make sure the Chromatic Scale is selected with Harmonizer - Off, Chord Set - Off.

    If I don't do the above, the only other thing that sorts it is the drag group to new project again.

    Easiest for me is #3, tho I find it's easy to forget when I'm just jamming bc it kills the mood, but not as bad as not knowing how the hell you're changing the Scale, even tho you know you didn't lol

    Ps: I found #3 to work only bc after starting a new project, EVERY time I loaded a new group, I'd check to see that I could run thru every note in a single oct without the W H Dim nonsense.

    If any1 has another way, please bc after so long I forgot the above…. & it happened yesterday lol, but I just managed to delete the offending group without starting a new project.

    Almost… Almost lost my marbles with this peculiar bug.

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