Sample stretching with tempo

Don1990 Member Posts: 67 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

One thing that reaaaallyy slows down my workflow in Maschine, is having to re-stretch all samples 1 by 1 after changing the tempo or wanting to change the pitch. I know you can use pitchshifters for the pitch, but that's not ideal because it adds plugin delay.

Maybe I am overlooking this feature? At least I hope lol.



  • Zoni
    Zoni Member Posts: 15 Member

    Use Serato Sample as a plugin for sampling. Solves all deficiencies of sampling in Maschine.

  • Don1990
    Don1990 Member Posts: 67 Member

    So I have to use another software/vst to do something that Maschine is supposed to best? Shouldn't a sampling device like Maschine be able to do this instead of Serato?

    I swear I still can't believe NI still hasn't addressed basic features like this since the first release in 2009...

  • Vic Angelo
    Vic Angelo Member Posts: 126 Advisor
    edited January 2024

    You probably already know this but you can modify multiple Samples/Pads at once by using the "MULTI" function while holding SELECT. You dont need to repitch one by one like you said.

    Make sure to UNSELECT after modifying or else all Pads selected in MULTI will continue to be tied Together

  • Don1990
    Don1990 Member Posts: 67 Member

    Does that also work when re-stretching or only when changing pitch?

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited January 2024

    one of the things you develop over time is experience...

    and with experience of the Maschine software, you soon come to learn all of its limitations albeit cumbersome methods of doing time stretching...

    knowing this somewhat frustrating aspect... you need to look outside of the maschine software in order that you can automate timestretching, with a single keypress or via midi button.

    I would simply suggest don't use maschine to time stretch... rather use a Daw that can time stretch with ease and allow you to carry out time stretching... and integrate maschine alongside the Daw that does time stretching.

    I personally use Reaper to time stretch which can also become an automated process by assigning a keypress or midi button... to carry out a double speed stretch or half speed stretch

    here's a clip by a user on reaper demonstrating the ease of time stretching in reaper, who is also a member of the NI forums

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited January 2024

    I'm of the view... don't wait for NI to implement anything...

    learn to integrate audio applications... routing audio to and from audio & midi applications to give you the best of every audio tool that is currently available...

    putting self restricting limits on yourself to use only a single software tool is one of the worse mistakes a audio adventurer can do!!

    Virtual audio applications & virtual midi applications become essential tools if you want to expand your toolset in the world of audio...

    some examples of virtual audio applications are

    blackhole on Mac & voice meter potato on windows

    for virtual midi applications Bomes midi translator pro works on both Mac & Windows...

    these are the best investments in time to understand both their uses and applications, once you understand how to utilise them... barriers come down!!

  • Don1990
    Don1990 Member Posts: 67 Member

    I understand what you are saying, but using different devices/software's just isn't for me. I got the Maschine mostly because I like being able to cut samples without using the mouse. Even though this can be done in some DAW's as well with a computer keyboard, I still prefer a device like Maschine. But if it has so many limitations, then there is no purpose for me to use the Maschine. Everything else that I can do on a Maschine, I can do in any DAW if not faster with just a midi keyboard. So personally, it's not for me then I guess but to each his own of course!

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro

    i have to admit my favourite maschine controllers are the Maschine Jams...

    Maschine as a VST is more useful to me in a performance setting...

    here's a video I share often to show the difference between using Maschine Jam in its default mode... versus how I've integrated it with Reaper.... using multiple instances of maschine & using Reaper as the hub to route...

    try doing this with Maschine stand alone... integration is key!! but the maschine Jam controllers allow for better organisation by using the led colours and programmable CC/Notes etc.... couple the maschine jam controllers with a excellent midi programming tool that is free inside reaper called "Realearn" and you have control over many elements within maschine with the added benefits of Reaper.... and this is really only scratching the surface with Maschine Jam controller...

    I often share this video... to show what's possible

    but it doesn't dawn on people, what this means as people haven't really explored this deeply enough to comprehend how much control you can achieve when the best elements of various DAWS can be utilised and tapped into and ultimately integrated as one cohesive unit all controlled by just x2 maschine jam controllers... instead of a myriad of midi controllers

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,627 mod
    edited January 2024

    Bottom line is:

    • Unless you're using Loops in the Audio-Plugin there is no easy way to re-stretch.

    Also note that stretch is destructive in the Sampler, so each time you do it you messing up the audio quality a little bit more.

    The Sampler as no Real-Time Time Stretch altho that is a huuuuge request from users for more than a decade.

    Using external tools is not for me neither, I lose all the HW Sampler controls I payed for and what Maschine is best at if I go use Serato Sampler.

  • Don1990
    Don1990 Member Posts: 67 Member

    You summarized it perfectly! Especially this "Also note that stretch is destructive in the Sampler, so each time you do it you messing up the audio quality a little bit more." is the most outdated way of sampling...with all the technology we have nowadays, this should been fixed LONG ago. If Serato can do it, so can NI. If not, partner up with a company that can. Like you say, it is possible with Loops in the Audio-Plugin, so why not integrate that algorithm to loops in the Sampler-plugin?

    @6xes : I understand what you are saying, but you are using the hardware for completely different purposes than I do. I understand that there a lot of things possible when integrating it, but 95% of the people that purchase a device like Maschine don't purchase it to use in a different way other than sampling/drum programming.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,627 mod
    edited January 2024

    @Don1990 said:

    is the most outdated way of sampling...with all the technology we have nowadays, this should been fixed LONG ago. If Serato can do it, so can NI. If not, partner up with a company that can.

    Indeed, Ni totally can, it's not that complicated; Kontakt has RT Time-Stretch for ages...

    But they make their own choices on what should be done... from integration (now dead) to Clips, Auto-Sampler, PolySynth, Bass-Synth, etc... they got their own priorities and Sampling is has def not been one of them... 🤷‍♂️ Now with the M+ theres the added disadvantage that if an eventual RT timestretch is not CPU efficient enough for it's weak CPU it might not happen for all of us.

    Maybe one day they will prioritize the things people ben asking for a decade+, the new "ideas" forum section could be an indication of that, but at this point I'll believe it when i see results.

  • Don1990
    Don1990 Member Posts: 67 Member

    Preach brother! You said everything that needed to be said 🙌

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