effect volume

SebastianE Member Posts: 28 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

the volume of the effects reverb and echo (in freeze mode) is really low, even with "size" and "D/W" turned on fully. Are there any settings that I'm missing? What can I do?

(Traktor Pro 3, S4 MK3, MacBook Pro)

Best Answers

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod
    Answer ✓

    Keeping the HP/LP filter (of echo) at close to mid setting does the trick for me.

    Also, the reverb of the MixerFX is pretty loud.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 692 Guru
    Answer ✓

    Insert Effects are also subject to Autogain for loudness. Post fader ignores Autogain.

    But keep in mind post fader means you won't be able to headphone cue what an effect is doing until the channel fader comes up. That is the only reason I don't use post fader. Post fader also works differently with other effect slots than Insert.

    When using freeze. The sound is also subject to the dry/wet and I think it works differently on a couple effects. The best thing to do is test different amounts and also possibly use a mapping for freeze to get the constant loudness you are looking for, once you figure out what works best for that effect.

    I can't remember for sure. But I think Headroom settings, maybe in combination with Autogain, also impact the loudness of effects. An easy effect to test how settings impact the loudness is with the noise on the Gater. Turn it all the way up in single mode then try changing things.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 692 Guru
    Answer ✓

    Quick follow up.

    Had to open the software. Tested Post Fader and Insert.

    Two ways to freeze...

    One is with the effect on/off in the off position. Have the freeze button on with the parameters that you want set. Then hit the on button. This will give the freeze but not need the delay or reverb before.

    The other is to have the effect on and be using it at the volume and parameters you want and freeze out of it.

    The reverbs and delays work differently.

    Reverbs rely on the amount of wet/dry when activating freeze. If the effect is fully dry when activating the deck will be muted with either method above. Then the freeze or tail gets louder depending on parameters and Wet/Dry amount.

    Delays don't need any Wet added when activating the freeze. But the amount of wet/dry also doesn't change the volume of the freeze or tails.

    Testing a freeze while boosting a track by 6db and switching Autogain on and off gave an obvious jump of 6db. Changing headroom made the volume difference less or more noticable but still was the same boost or cut.

    Post Fader gives the best result but can be way too loud also. But no headphone cue.

    I had tested all this a few years ago. And that's why I stayed with insert.

    The other thing about effects in general is if you are using your speakers to hear the music it will depend on the room you are in and sound system and speaker placement.

    The recording might turn out completely different. I have noticed I over use effects amounts when playing to the room vs. using headphones. Especially if your subwoofer is completely mono (most likely) or speakers are pointed away from you and you can't catch the stereo sound. The recording definitely will sound different from the room.

    Hope this helps.


  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod
    edited January 2024

    Switch the FX UNIT from INSERT to POST-FADER. The latter FX output is added, the former is spliced.

  • SebastianE
    SebastianE Member Posts: 28 Member

    Thanx for your answer, but I had them on POST-FADER already

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod
    Answer ✓

    Keeping the HP/LP filter (of echo) at close to mid setting does the trick for me.

    Also, the reverb of the MixerFX is pretty loud.

  • SebastianE
    SebastianE Member Posts: 28 Member

    thanks a lot for the tips - I tried again different settings and it is actually louder without the freeze mode. That means that I have to pull the fader down when starting the effect. Same with the reverb on the MixerFX, which doesn't have the freeze mode anyway.

    So one more move I have to remember (pulling fader down), but at least it works that way.

    Thanks for your help!

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,213 mod

    Try freezing brighter sounds like Hi-hats - that will leave nice tail.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 692 Guru
    Answer ✓

    Insert Effects are also subject to Autogain for loudness. Post fader ignores Autogain.

    But keep in mind post fader means you won't be able to headphone cue what an effect is doing until the channel fader comes up. That is the only reason I don't use post fader. Post fader also works differently with other effect slots than Insert.

    When using freeze. The sound is also subject to the dry/wet and I think it works differently on a couple effects. The best thing to do is test different amounts and also possibly use a mapping for freeze to get the constant loudness you are looking for, once you figure out what works best for that effect.

    I can't remember for sure. But I think Headroom settings, maybe in combination with Autogain, also impact the loudness of effects. An easy effect to test how settings impact the loudness is with the noise on the Gater. Turn it all the way up in single mode then try changing things.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 692 Guru
    Answer ✓

    Quick follow up.

    Had to open the software. Tested Post Fader and Insert.

    Two ways to freeze...

    One is with the effect on/off in the off position. Have the freeze button on with the parameters that you want set. Then hit the on button. This will give the freeze but not need the delay or reverb before.

    The other is to have the effect on and be using it at the volume and parameters you want and freeze out of it.

    The reverbs and delays work differently.

    Reverbs rely on the amount of wet/dry when activating freeze. If the effect is fully dry when activating the deck will be muted with either method above. Then the freeze or tail gets louder depending on parameters and Wet/Dry amount.

    Delays don't need any Wet added when activating the freeze. But the amount of wet/dry also doesn't change the volume of the freeze or tails.

    Testing a freeze while boosting a track by 6db and switching Autogain on and off gave an obvious jump of 6db. Changing headroom made the volume difference less or more noticable but still was the same boost or cut.

    Post Fader gives the best result but can be way too loud also. But no headphone cue.

    I had tested all this a few years ago. And that's why I stayed with insert.

    The other thing about effects in general is if you are using your speakers to hear the music it will depend on the room you are in and sound system and speaker placement.

    The recording might turn out completely different. I have noticed I over use effects amounts when playing to the room vs. using headphones. Especially if your subwoofer is completely mono (most likely) or speakers are pointed away from you and you can't catch the stereo sound. The recording definitely will sound different from the room.

    Hope this helps.

  • SebastianE
    SebastianE Member Posts: 28 Member

    Big thanx! Will try all of this ...

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 692 Guru

    Yep when I use Mixer Fx reverb I usually start fading out that channel. Since typically I am going to cut that track with the effect any way.

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