PapaDeBeau Member Posts: 11 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

1st let me say quickly. I am devastated. I spent $800 upgrading to Komplete Ultimate using 3 upgrades during a sale. Then I see DEMO all over. I tried to REGISTER but it says something like... Your account is missing the base product. I login online and only see two products not registered. I try to using them and they both say the same thing.

Then I reached out to Native Instrument support and nothing for days. Multiple emails. Then I thought maybe I should but the full version NOT in parts. I spent another $800 AND SAME ERROR. Now I am out $1,600 and Native is NOT responding to me. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?

Using Windows 11

Native Access WHITE. What else do you need to know?





  • MartinHines
    MartinHines Member Posts: 37 Helper
    edited November 2023

    Only NI support can help you. Any “update or upgrade” product requires a base product ownership.

    For example, if you owned Kontakt 1-6 (any version) you could update to Kontakt 7 at a reduced price.

    The base/qualifying product has to be registered to your NI user account.

    if you purchased the wrong update/upgrade product, you might be able to get a refund.

  • PapaDeBeau
    PapaDeBeau Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    Ah bummer. I only took what they offered me by default. You know where it says "Best For You"? Anyway, I guess I have to wait days/week/months for them to get back to me. So bummed.

    Thanks for you help.


  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 864 Guru

    Hopefully it doesn't take that long, but yes if you purchased something in error then NI is the only one who can fix it. Which means you need to submit a support ticket.

    If you had more information about what exactly you purchased, and what software you already own, then perhaps someone on the forum might be able to explain what happened. But your original post is contradictory and honestly doesn't make a lot of sense.

  • PapaDeBeau
    PapaDeBeau Member Posts: 11 Newcomer
    edited November 2023

    Sorry for the lack of clarity. I made a QUICK video showing my purchasing trial. Hopefully this will clear up any lack of explanation in my text.

    Actually, I was told by this form, I can't post links cause I am new. So here is the last part of the Youtube code. Put this code at the end of Youtube and it should work: watch?v=t3prqdpkJfU

    the code: watch?v=t3prqdpkJfU

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    During the current Cyber Season Sale... you could just forget about all your past purchases and get a fresh license for Komplete Ultimate for $600.

  • dexl
    dexl Member Posts: 65 Helper

    Saw your video. It looks to me as if the first time you bought the standard -> ultimate -> colletors, the update was applied successfully. Native Access should immediately update your products for download. (Did you use the same email address for all the steps?)

    The second time you bought the collectors, the upgrade was missing the base product because you had already used it for the first purchase? Just guessing. Wait for the support to get back to you, usually at this time the reply will take longer. Just be patient, they will get back to you eventually.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,568 mod
    edited November 2023

    UPGRADES are for a poorer version of e.g. Komplete to a better version, UPDATES are for an older version of a product to a newer version of same product. to get an overview of it all then scroll down to the prize quote section of this page : https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/bundles/komplete-14-collectors-edition/compare/

    If you got so much money then get a complete refund of all your $ 1600 wrong purchases and then buy the correct product to reach KOMPLETE 14 COLLECTORS EDITION , you can even get a full version of that (NOT an upgrade) for $900 at the sale !

    If you want to see personalized offers in the future then try using the My Komplete offers from your account : https://www.native-instruments.com/en/catalog/my-komplete-offers/

    @PapaDeBeau , nobody can tell you what to do unless they know what you already have before you buy, I will try to call for Jeremy (N.I. forum help/service) and ask him to help you ! : @Jeremy_NI : could you please help this person to get sorted out before more mishaps happens ?

  • PapaDeBeau
    PapaDeBeau Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    Hi @PoorFellow, thank you SO MUCH for your tips and idea. I actually DID buy the full version the second time. I am sending a screenshot to prove it. This code still didn't work. I did buy it through Paypal which has a second email but it did send the code to the right account it seems. Thank you @Jeremy_NI for any help on this matter. The GOOD NEWS is I see their phone number on the receipt so I am going to call the American Office tomorrow. Hopefully speak with a person about this issue. Thanks guys.

    I am including many screenshots that may be helpful.

  • MartinHines
    MartinHines Member Posts: 37 Helper

    I believe “not registered” means you haven’t entered a serial number into Native Access 2.

    if you DID enter a serial number, and you received the “missing base -product” error then ni are the only ones who can help you.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,568 mod
    edited November 2023

    Sorry to learn about all your troubles of which you appear to have had more than your fair share of.

    From the point of view of another user such as myself then it is actually rather hard to ascertain the chain of event , I mean if you bought a wrong product to start with or if you were sent a non working serial. Procedure is that you buy the product and get sent the serial in an email and then log into the proper account in Native Access and then add the serial in Native Access to add the serial to the account in question. (the one that you are logged into in Native Access). Also , though you post a lot of documentation about purchases then in none of the above did you actually write any information about which Komplete version and version number that you already had on the account in question , making it that much harder to form any actual opinion or to even try to give proper advice or than general advice.

    Me writing that : "you can even get a full version of that (NOT an upgrade) for $900 at the sale !" were not meant as an instruction , I were merely informing you since you are spending so much money. If you already have a Standard version or better of a Komplete version between 8 and 14 then you will have some kind of direct upgrade path or update version path to Komplete 14 Collectors edition without having to buy a full version. For info about that then check the price section of the compare page. Of course, if you prefer you can also just buy a full (non-upgrade and non-update) version of Komplete 14 Collectors Edition and then sell the Komplete that you already have if you prefer. Then your K14 CE stands alone as building block for future purchases if you want to part with anything old version..

    As for the Demo products showing then that can also happen by errors ! e.g. https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402377887121-My-Products-Are-Showing-As-DEMO-in-Native-Access or https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018951397-My-Updated-NI-Product-Opens-as-a-Demo-in-My-DAW-Windows-

    But I see that Jeremy_NI just arrived on site this very moment so let us hope that he can get you sorted.

    Best wishes and best of luck..

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod

    For all registration issues, and this the case here, you need to get in touch with our registration support, they will sort it out for you: https://bit.ly/NIsupport_RA

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,568 mod

    User also bought two versions of Komplete and needs to have refunded at least one of the purchases.

    Quote : "Then I reached out to Native Instrument support and nothing for days. Multiple emails. Then I thought maybe I should but the full version NOT in parts. I spent another $800 AND SAME ERROR. Now I am out $1,600 and Native is NOT responding to me." (Ref. : https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/18790/komplete-14-collectors-edition-missing-base-product)

  • PapaDeBeau
    PapaDeBeau Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    @Jeremy_NI @PoorFellow, I am trying to be patient here. Native support has not contacted me yet. :( Issue not resolved and my funds are being held still. I could really use them for other Black Friday Deals I was hoping to get. This has been a nightmare. It would be nice if they could not only refund my money but offer me a free product for this horrible experience. Nevertheless, I will be happy with a working product. Thanks for your help.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,568 mod

    For whatever reason then Jeremy has not accelerated your case as he is usually able to do (and what I expected him to do considering the issues). And I myself am just another user here with neither say nor sway. And as you noticed earlier then I did try to call for Jeremy again without further result. Jeremy most likely is not back until tomorrow but if you do neither receive any response from Jeremy nor from support some time tomorrow then try writing Jeremy a PM. (just click his name and then select Message in the top right of the window). As for getting 'free stuff' because of experience then please don't hold your breath while waiting for that. Also in the case that any voucher were given then as a rule you can not use any voucher for anything already discounted.

    I am sorry for your situation , but while trying to help as best I can then I am more or less a bystander in a situation like this because all I have to offer is advice like this and to call for Jeremy which I already did !

    Best of luck !

  • PapaDeBeau
    PapaDeBeau Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    @PoorFellow & @Jeremy_NI a HAPPY ENDING.

    I was finally able to hear back from NI support. Thankfully they refunding the lost upgrades and get my product working. So happy this is over. Thank you for all your support, help and encouragement.

This discussion has been closed.
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