How to properly install Scaler 2 plugins?

soulwilliam debra
soulwilliam debra Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hello community?

I'm starting to use Maschine and I'm very happy with it.

I would like to use Scaler 2 to build, test and try out chord progressions more easily with Maschine.

On the other hand, I know that the question may seem a little stupid.

But I don't see how to directly benefit from Scaler 2 in Maschine's Daw. From what I understand it's supposed to appear in VST3 or VST plugins? On my side, there is nothing.

I don't know if there is a procedure to follow?A document? a youtube tutorial?

Do you have to go through File / Preferences / Plug-ins / Location to designate the directory where Scaler 2 is located?

Thank you in advance.



Best Answers

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro
    Answer ✓

    Unfortunately Maschine is not compatible with MIDI FX plugins like Scaler. 😢

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited October 2023 Answer ✓

    I can confirm that using Bluecat plugin allows the use of Scaler within Maschine.

    A little convoluted workaround, but it works.

    What I ended up doing more is using Scaler 2 on an iPad to send the midi to Maschine as it was an external midi device.

    More elegant and with many advantages, main one being having Scaler always open on another screen, which is even touch, which in the case of a program like Scaler is quite handy (but there is also an inconvenience: you can’t drag and drop the chords from the iPad to the computer. But in any case, instead of using the recording function of Scaler and then drag, I record directly in Maschine. Scaler becomes almost an instrument to play)

  • dmori
    dmori Member Posts: 92 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    I posted this about 3 months ago on a different post. Don't know how to quote it - so it's a copy-paste:

    This is how I do it.

    (1) I use a VST called Unify by PluginGuru. Then I use Ripchord (or you can use Scaler) as a MIDI FX. In Maschine, create a group with this already setup, so you can load it easily into Maschine. The one issue with this approach is it only shows the one note playing the chord and doesn't show all the notes that make up the chord in Maschine.

    (2) The other approach is to use Element by Kushview (free) as a standalone app to record all notes in the chord – then route it into Maschine using IAC driver (on Mac). Set IAC Driver as MIDI source in Input on the Track in Maschine.

    This way you can select any instrument in Maschine rather than selecting it in Element.

    Once you've recorded, turn IAC off on Input.

    Here's a quick video showing it working [you need to add the https : // at the beginning (as forum won't let me post a link)]

    Note: You need to use an external midi controller/keyboard to play chords (maschine controller won't work)

    (3) What I've been doing recently is using Unify (or you could use any other DAW) and recording the chords directly into Maschine as a sample. No audio interface needed. Here's how I do it (mac users) :

    a) Install Blackhole 2 channel

    b) Setup in Audio/Midi setup on mac (search for tutorial on Youtube)

    c) DAW/(Unify) - which is using scaler/ripchord - Audio OUT is set to Blackhole Multi-Output

    d) In Maschine MK3 (can be done in software or directly on hardware) - Audio IN = Blackhole 2 Channel

    You should now see what you play (chords) when you go to record sample. Press record and sample what you play. Then chop it up and have some fun!!

    (BTW if anyone gets Unify and want me to record a quick video tutorial on how I set it up, happy to do so.)

  • dmori
    dmori Member Posts: 92 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    If you're not bothered about seeing all the notes played recorded as midi in Maschine you can always use the Element plugin inside Maschine. You'll only see the note you hit on keyboard, not the notes played in the chord.

    Here's a video showing you how to set this up-



  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro
    Answer ✓

    Unfortunately Maschine is not compatible with MIDI FX plugins like Scaler. 😢

  • Jiglo
    Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    I vaguely remember seeing someone use Scaler with a Maschine, but I was doing other things and forgot to check it out. There is a video of someone using Ripcord in Maschine too, but think it needed an audio plugin host to make the connections.

  • soulwilliam debra
    soulwilliam debra Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    I just found the video for Scaler 2:
    And here is the video for RipChord:
    I will try to explore the subject to make the connections.

  • ze303
    ze303 Member Posts: 6 Member

    The Scalee intration is working with other Plugins. I used DDMF Metaplugin, there is a BlueCat Audio Plugin, more expensive and it may work as MidiLoop. You configure Scaler Midi Out as Input of the 3rd Party Plugin in the sound slot, and configure the midi ouout as midi in on rhe sound you chord to play

  • soulwilliam debra
    soulwilliam debra Member Posts: 4 Newcomer


    I was able to install Scaler 2.

    It works perfectly, It's really powerful

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited October 2023 Answer ✓

    I can confirm that using Bluecat plugin allows the use of Scaler within Maschine.

    A little convoluted workaround, but it works.

    What I ended up doing more is using Scaler 2 on an iPad to send the midi to Maschine as it was an external midi device.

    More elegant and with many advantages, main one being having Scaler always open on another screen, which is even touch, which in the case of a program like Scaler is quite handy (but there is also an inconvenience: you can’t drag and drop the chords from the iPad to the computer. But in any case, instead of using the recording function of Scaler and then drag, I record directly in Maschine. Scaler becomes almost an instrument to play)

  • dmori
    dmori Member Posts: 92 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    I posted this about 3 months ago on a different post. Don't know how to quote it - so it's a copy-paste:

    This is how I do it.

    (1) I use a VST called Unify by PluginGuru. Then I use Ripchord (or you can use Scaler) as a MIDI FX. In Maschine, create a group with this already setup, so you can load it easily into Maschine. The one issue with this approach is it only shows the one note playing the chord and doesn't show all the notes that make up the chord in Maschine.

    (2) The other approach is to use Element by Kushview (free) as a standalone app to record all notes in the chord – then route it into Maschine using IAC driver (on Mac). Set IAC Driver as MIDI source in Input on the Track in Maschine.

    This way you can select any instrument in Maschine rather than selecting it in Element.

    Once you've recorded, turn IAC off on Input.

    Here's a quick video showing it working [you need to add the https : // at the beginning (as forum won't let me post a link)]

    Note: You need to use an external midi controller/keyboard to play chords (maschine controller won't work)

    (3) What I've been doing recently is using Unify (or you could use any other DAW) and recording the chords directly into Maschine as a sample. No audio interface needed. Here's how I do it (mac users) :

    a) Install Blackhole 2 channel

    b) Setup in Audio/Midi setup on mac (search for tutorial on Youtube)

    c) DAW/(Unify) - which is using scaler/ripchord - Audio OUT is set to Blackhole Multi-Output

    d) In Maschine MK3 (can be done in software or directly on hardware) - Audio IN = Blackhole 2 Channel

    You should now see what you play (chords) when you go to record sample. Press record and sample what you play. Then chop it up and have some fun!!

    (BTW if anyone gets Unify and want me to record a quick video tutorial on how I set it up, happy to do so.)

  • dmori
    dmori Member Posts: 92 Advisor

    Like that. Gonna have a go at using my iPad and Scaler like this.

  • soulwilliam debra
    soulwilliam debra Member Posts: 4 Newcomer


    Thank you very much for the procedure and all these details.

    I've had Kushview since yesterday... As I'm starting to discover this world, I didn't know about Unify from PluginGuru (it's really a nice package).

  • filip pietrzykowski
    filip pietrzykowski Member Posts: 45 Helper

    there is a way around it....ELEMENT vst - freeware, as someone mentioned above, and it does work very well.

    Another option is minihost modular (freeware) same idea as Element/vst just much more basic

    The other way is:

    1. one channel you launch Scaler
    2. another channel, you launch a vst instrument
    3. go back to Scaler and setup MIDI out to the VST instrument - DONE


  • filip pietrzykowski
    filip pietrzykowski Member Posts: 45 Helper

    sorry, little mistake above,

    corrected here -

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Could you please elaborate?

    I’ll probably need a step by step, because the last solution you are suggesting shouldn’t be working, and in facts I’m trying right now and not succeeding.

    Setting up just the midi from pad1 to pad2 allows you to play the instrument loaded in pad2 with pad1, but not to have Scaler sending midi to pad2 instruments.

    Maschine never had the possibility to use midi generators like this. That’s why we need a plugin like BlueCat or others.

    ‘Am I missing something?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited October 2023

    Hes talking about loading Scaler in wrapper first, MiniHost or Element which does the same as BlueCat in this context.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited October 2023

    Not in his last advice. He loaded Scaler 2 directly in pad 1 and just sent the pad midi out to pad 2.

    Where he says “the other way is”

  • dmori
    dmori Member Posts: 92 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    If you're not bothered about seeing all the notes played recorded as midi in Maschine you can always use the Element plugin inside Maschine. You'll only see the note you hit on keyboard, not the notes played in the chord.

    Here's a video showing you how to set this up-

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