"Plug-ins could not be loaded" in Maschine SW

donpablo73 Member Posts: 9 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Hi Community, through this Corona-disaster I found more time to work on my music. 3 days ago I noticed, that I couldn't load any Instruments into Maschine MK2. And I have tons of 'em.

I got the "Error - xxx could not be loaded". I followed all of the instructions, NI gave, and nothing helped. Yesterday, after I reinstalled ALL of my products for the THIRD TIME via Access (with cleaning my HD from any NI-particles beforehand) still nothing won't work.

No problems with Expansions, but with Analog Dreams, Drum Lab, India, West Africa, Hybrid Keys, the Gentleman, Skarbee Mark 1, Kinetic Treats, Session Horns, Retro Maschines, Yangquin, 25, Vintage Organs.

Kontakt and Reaktor, as mentioned, reinstalled for the third time and up to date. Rescanned all the Plug In Directories and Libraries.

I'm totally desperate! There has to be any explanation on this. I need Help.

I'm running everything on a 2019 MacBook Pro with Mac OS Monterey 12.2.

All products are totally up to date!

Would be pleased about any quick solution/help from anyone!


  • donpablo73
    donpablo73 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Ok guys, update: I tried to remove and add all the libraries' paths in Kontakt, Reaktor, Maschine and Komplete Kontrol.

    Komplete Kontrol: Instruments show, but I get "Loading issue - Plug-in not found. Please open the standalone application to rescan, or rescan manually in the plug-in preferences". Well, I did the rescan any way possible and: Scan App via Komplete Kontrol crashes.

    ****** is wrong???

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited February 2022

    Is this the guide you followed? https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000228209-MASCHINE-2-Error-Message-Error-NI-Product-could-not-be-loaded-Mac- ?

    So is the standalone version of Kontakt and Reaktor working?

    Inspect your plugin folder  /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins, are the VST plugins there? Are there duplicates?

    In Maschine's Preferences -> Library/Locations are the paths correct?

    What about Native Access, are the File Locations set up correctly in the Preferences?

    The controller model you have is irrelevant to this issue, I edited the title, avoid "PLS HELP" and similar in the future, please.

  • donpablo73
    donpablo73 Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited February 2022

    Hi D-One (was expecting You answering 🤗)!

    Yes, it's the guide I followed.

    VST in the plug in folder (VST and VST3). No duplicates.

    Maschine Prefs: all correct. I rescanned them and followed the paths.

    Native Access: all correct. All up to date.

    Can play them through Kontakt standalone

    Thanx for helping.

    Edit: Every time I open Native Access it tells me that Reaktor 6 was successfully installed (which I think is somehow strange), if this helps.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    edited February 2022

    Sometimes, resetting Maschine's database can help, to do that on a Mac, you just need to delete this folder:

    Macintosh HD / Users / User Name / Library / Application Support /Native Instruments / Maschine 2

    This is the user library so here is how to access it:

    Note: the User Library folder is hidden. To access it, click on Go in the menu bar and press down the Alt key. You'll now find the Library entry in the menu:

    Also make sure to give Full Disk Access to Maschine: How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

  • donpablo73
    donpablo73 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Hi Jeremy, thank You very much for Your help. I did as You said, but still no way to open Kontakt driven instruments. Same issues.


    In the beforementioned Application Support >Native Instruments - Folder I found a "Kontakt 5" folder. May this possibly cause the crashes? I do not have Kontakt 5 in my Application Folder, though.

  • donpablo73
    donpablo73 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Killed all older Kontakt and Reaktor versions plus all of their appendices in the system. Didn't change a thing. So I pray, that (though it makes me incredibly angry) at the end it's due to compatibility issues between NI products and Mac OS Monterey.

    If anyone has more ideas... everything is welcome.

    Thank You.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    It can't be Monterey compatibility issues afaik, I am on it and it's all good; if that was the case the forum would be flooded with posts just like yours.

    Navigate here: Macintosh HD > Users > Your_name > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments

    Have a look at the db3 .logs files inside both Maschine 2 and Komplete Kontrol folders, they should have info listed if the SW is expecting a wrong path.

    On a Maschine Pad/Sound of you click the + icon and manually select Native Instruments - Kontakt and load the different versions of it do any of them work?

  • donpablo73
    donpablo73 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Hi D-One, thanx again for patience and help!

    "On a Maschine Pad/Sound of you click the + icon and manually select Native Instruments - Kontakt and load the different versions of it do any of them work?" -> Yes, Kontakt works this way.

    Path for the Application support file'd be in my case: Macintosh HD support (so without "User" and "Name")

    So opening the sqlite3.dylib File in Maschine2 gives me:

    Last login: Wed Feb 9 16:21:13 on ttys000

    david-pabloeggersh@David-Pablo-Eggershs-MacBook-Pro-2 ~ % /Library/Application\ Support/Native\ Instruments/Maschine\ 2/sqlite3.dylib ; exit;

    zsh: exec format error: /Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Maschine 2/sqlite3.dylib

    Saving session...

    ...copying shared history...

    ...saving history...truncating history files...


    [Prozess beendet]

    Opening the same file through Komplete Kontrol gives me:

    Last login: Wed Feb 9 16:22:13 on ttys000

    david-pabloeggersh@David-Pablo-Eggershs-MacBook-Pro-2 ~ % /Library/Application\ Support/Native\ Instruments/Komplete\ Kontrol/sqlite3.dylib ; exit;

    zsh: exec format error: /Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Komplete Kontrol/sqlite3.dylib

    Saving session...

    ...copying shared history...

    ...saving history...truncating history files...


    [Prozess beendet]

    🤷‍♂️ 😊

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited February 2022

    Path for the Application support file'd be in my case: Macintosh HD support (so without "User" and "Name")

    No, no, no... that cannot be.

    There are 2 Library folders in every Mac, one at the root of the drive and another under the User Folder. If you don't see it it's because the Library folder is hidden by default, missing this detail might explain why you can't fix your issue... because failing to find it means you didn't actually delete the stuff most guides talk about.

    You can follow this Guide (towards the end) to permanently make that folder visible, so things are easier in the future, and note how the 2 folders are different:

    "Hackintosh" is my computer name, usually mac users use their own real name.

    sqlite3.dylib is unrelated to all this.

  • donpablo73
    donpablo73 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thank You. Got it. So I deleted the Maschine2 folder in the right directory, but without any effect to my problem.

    I opened the db3 file inside the Maschine 2 folder (komplete.db3), and it gave me neverending cascades of infos I can't decypher. So what am I exactly to find there - in terms of looking for a certain file?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    You're looking for a file called db3.log, it's just a list of errors in plain text.

  • donpablo73
    donpablo73 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thank You. This is what I found in my Maschine 2 folder:

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    If you start the Maschine app won't a new db3.log file show up there? If not then I'm lost :(

  • donpablo73
    donpablo73 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Holy sh... don't tell me this 😫

    Nothing like a db3.log file appears after I started Maschine or after closing the application.

This discussion has been closed.
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