Maschine STOP button acts like "pause" button?

TheLoudest Member Posts: 110 Advisor
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Everything is in the title...

I would like to understand why my STOP button acts like a "pause" button

(exactly like pressing the play button again and playback pauses at the current playback location)

Is there a parameter that I missed in the settings?

the stop button should return the playhead to the beginning of the pattern

but the main problem for me is for my other midi devices synchronized with my Maschine+

because they actually receive a "pause" message (not a "stop" message...)


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited October 2022

    Yes... that's how it is, you're not missing anything... NI Is. A proper Stop button has been requested a million times.

    I would like to understand why my STOP button acts like a "pause" button

    My guess is that it's related to the controller's history, the MK1, MK2 and Studio didn't have a Stop button so neither did the software, so... all good but with the MK3 gen of controllers they added a Stop button to the HW but the SW remained the same. 🤷‍♂️ lol...

    Since NI employees came and go whoever was in charge of the MK3 design might have just overlooked this; or the Stop button is something only meant to be used when in MIDI Mode or Plug-In Mode? No one knows, all we know is it's pretty stupid to have a redundant Stop button that does the same thing as the Play button when the project is playing.

    the stop button should return the playhead to the beginning of the pattern

    Yes, at least when double-pressed or pressed with Shift, anything that could actually make it useful.

    I was able to hack and make it work on the desktop version but I can't do it for the M+ as I have no way to access the files.... I would gladly do it if NI would allow it.

  • TheLoudest
    TheLoudest Member Posts: 110 Advisor

    oh man..that's a shame... 😡

    ( thanks for the reply anyway! 🙃)

    and I bet it's the same for aftertouch, right? Maschine+ doesn't receive/send AT via MIDI DIN In/Out (??)

    I spend hours trying to find the settings that I may have missed and in fact it is simply not implemented...

    For the "MIDI part" this machine is definitely not finished!

    another example: there is still no possibility to program MSB/LSB/Program Changes messages with pattern for all I know

    so: NO, sorry NI, but the Maschine+ cannot be considered as the "center of a music setup" (at least with other midi devices..)

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod

    No problem.

    Maschine doesn't support aftertouch at all, it can only send it in MIDI Mode, this has also been massively requested for many, many years.

    another example: there is still no possibility to program MSB/LSB/Program Changes messages with pattern for all I know

    I don't use those so can't confirm but read this thread for possible workarounds, any workaroudfn will require setting up some stuff in the computer versions nd transferring the project.

    For the "MIDI part" this machine is definitely not finished!

    M+ unavoidably inherits all issues that the computer version has and then some, one would think they would fix those problems before releasing a standalone but here we are! 🤷‍♂️

  • TheLoudest
    TheLoudest Member Posts: 110 Advisor

    M+ unavoidably inherits all issues that the computer version has and then some, one would think they would fix those problems before releasing a standalone but here we are!


    I guess these issues were already irritating to legacy Maschine users... but once they decided to make it a standalone version, it was up to NI to fix all these issues before the product was released.

    A standalone product implies new responsibilities towards a potentially different audience

    example: me 🙂

    personally I was never interested in a "hybrid version" (Maschine+Computer), and I only became a NI customer by this promise of a full standalone product, so I let you imagine how disappointed I am today...

  • TheLoudest
    TheLoudest Member Posts: 110 Advisor

    ...and I would add that the most disturbing thing about all this is that I don't even feel like they take those expectations seriously!

    Indeed, I can see now that there are many threads that already mention these problems but we do not even know if they are currently working on it!

    (the pace of the updates is not very reassuring either...)

  • SuperTRev
    SuperTRev Member Posts: 122 Helper

    Ya this is hurtin. They have a pause button right beside another pause button. Why the Stop button doesn't actually behave as a stop button is just insane.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod

    It's even more insane when all it takes to make it better is a single line of code and for some reason, this still isn't addressed, quite infuriating.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,936 Expert

    But really infuriating (and worse) is that nobody comes out and says “we are not doing it because…”

    And then they are surprised users feel like not listened and think NI doesn’t care at all…

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