I can't link my Beatport/Beatsource Account to TRAKTOR Pro 3.5.3



  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    Hey all, the Traktor team has now identified the issue. I'll update here once we have more info to share.

  • demore
    demore Member Posts: 1 Member


    Following this as i'm having the same issue after purchasing Beatport Advanced Subsciption.

  • djm1k045
    djm1k045 Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited September 2022

    Is there any update to this problem? This seems pretty unacceptable for the amount of time it's been going on. I am at still having an issue are there any updates????

    as a BTW would this problem be caused if I was signed in my stdio machine and then try to sign in on a laptop? meaning you couldn't be logged in at two places simultaneously

  • Ragnboneman
    Ragnboneman Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hi, I also have this problem. Glad they have identified what's wrong, I hope there's an update soon please?

  • djm1k045
    djm1k045 Member Posts: 2 Member

    Has there been any update ?

  • elexdee
    elexdee Member Posts: 1 Member

    Still having this issue as well.

    Cannot link Beat Source or Beatport.

    This link https://api.beatsource.com/v4/auth/o/authorize/?client_id=bNGKE97x70L0C5hyv5gsnpQHo9EYR5aA2RQPlbsL&response_type=code&redirect_uri=traktor://******_oauth either opens a blank page or the Beatsource sign in page, where you can login but nothing happens and no link is established.

    Have logged this with NI support and recieved no response yet.

  • BHarm65
    BHarm65 Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi All,

    I have the same problems with beatport login as you.

    I have found a work around for it that worked for me.

    I installed the new version 3.6.1 and tried to login to beatport, no luck.

    I download from filehorse version 3.5.1.

    I uninstalled version 3.6.1. and installed 3.5.1.

    In 3.5.1. you can login to beatport. So I logged in and closed the program

    I go to the native access and it will state there is an update for Traktor Pro 3.

    I upgraded the program from 3.5.1. to 3.6.1

    I started the program and go in the preferences to streaming and click login for beatport.

    And without any problem I was logged into beatport and can use it with Traktor Pro 3.6.1. version.

    Give it a try I tried it on different laptops and it always seems to work.

    Best Regard Brian

  • kiki
    kiki Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited September 2022 Answer ✓

    Hey guys! First time poster here. :) 

    I just started getting into the NI ecosystem and I find NI support to be amazing when it comes to account related stuff, so I thought I'd share my findings regarding Beatport login and hopefully help some of you guys out!

    I subscribed today, and tried to log in with no success. With a bit of digging about what actually happens when you log into beatport, it appears as if Traktor, when making a request to authorize with Beatport, will tell Beatport API that it should redirect to a protocol that Traktor doesn't seem to be able to handle. In Windows, this is stored in the registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. It basically has entries that say for example that when browser visits a link with a scheme, which application should open it.

    So basically what happens is, you log into beatport, beatport tries to redirect you to a URL with a protocol that should open Traktor, and post the login code into Traktor. Based on the last post from Brian, it is possible that one of the previous versions had this URL scheme enabled, but the currrent one doesn't. 

    So let's get nitty gritty and get this fixed! Disclaimer: digging around the registry is usually not advised, this should be pretty safe though (and this works for windows).

    A short summary of what we will do. We will add two entries to the registry through the administrator command prompt. One will tell the system where the traktor pro is located, and the other one will tell the system that whenever a traktor:// link is encountered, it should open it with traktor pro, allowing the login to happen.

    First, open a text editor like notepad, and paste in the following: reg add HKCR\traktor\shell\open\command /ve /d "<path to your traktor install> %1%" /t REG_SZ

    Replace <path to your traktor install> with the location where your traktor exe is located - to find this right click on traktor in the taskbar, right click on traktor pro, and select properties. The path to traktor is what is in the box that says Target. paste that into the command above and keep it safe.

    Press Win+R, type "cmd" (without quotes) into the prompt, 

    Hold ctrl+shift and press enter, it should prompt you if you want to allow the app to make changes, select Yes

    Into the black and white terminal, paste the following: reg add HKCR\traktor -v "URL Protocol" /t REG_SZ

    Press enter

    Into the same terminal, copy and paste the command we stored in the text editor before.

    Press enter

    Now when you try to log into beatport from traktor pro, the browser should ask you if you want to open the link in traktor pro once you log in, and voila! If you still have issues, let me know and I'll do my best to help. :)

  • Emmi
    Emmi Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Confirmed working on Traktor Pro 3 with Windows 11 22621.521.

    But really it should work with any version. +1 for making the guide simple enough so you don't need experience with regedit. Thank you!

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hey all, while the Traktor team is working on a fix, can you please try a workaround in this thread and let us know if it helps resolve the issue?

    TRAKTOR 3.6.0 - Workaround for Beatport Login-Problems on Windows

  • DjMotor
    DjMotor Member Posts: 1 Member

    my traktor software 3.6.1 not logging in beatport link

  • gabriel.dianu
    gabriel.dianu Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2022


    For me worked the following

    1. Ran the script from here https://www.native-instruments.com/forum/threads/ni-support-tool.375535/ - to be honest i don't know if it made any diference since still not ben able to log in
    2. I enabled the pop-ups in google chrome
    3. Ran Google Chrome and Traktor as Administrator
    4. After the login , the pop-up appeared to redirect me to the traktor

    To be honest...after this bug and also i have pops and clicks with melodies that are under 320kbps I am very close to switch to other DJ software

  • Steata
    Steata Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Dear All

    Any news regarding this issue?

    I try all tips that been posted here but no success!

    it’s been king of frustrating to not be able to utilise all features in this program.

    Thanks in advance!

  • TimDuckworth
    TimDuckworth Member Posts: 4 Member

    I just tried. Still broken.

This discussion has been closed.
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