TRAKTOR 3.6.0 - Workaround for Beatport Login-Problems on Windows

Allan_NI Product Team Posts: 86 mod

Dear Traktorists,

A change in the installation behavior of Native Access 2 has led to login problems for users who did a fresh install of TRAKTOR PRO 3 on their systems using Native Access 2 on Windows.

We have identified the root cause of the problem and are working on a fix.

In the meantime you can resolve the problem with one of the two following workarounds:

  1. Close TRAKTOR PRO 3.6
  2. Backup your root folder:
  3. (default location is C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Native Instruments\Traktor 3.6.0 or 3.6.1) 
  4. Downgrade from Native Access 2 to Native Access 1 as described here
  5. Launch Native Access 1
  6. Reinstall TRAKTOR PRO 3
  7. Open TRAKTOR PRO 3.6


  1. Close TRAKTOR PRO 3.6
  2. Backup your root folder:
  3. (default location is C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Native Instruments\Traktor 3.6.0 or 3.6.1) 
  4. Download the TRAKTOR PRO 3.6 Demo Installers here
  5. Install the TRAKTOR PRO 3.6 Demo version on your computer
  6. Open TRAKTOR PRO 3.6

Either of these workarounds will re-enable the Beatport / Beatsource login on your computer.

Your Setting and Collection will not be overwritten by the re-installations. The Backup of your root folder suggested in the second step is just a safety precaution.



  • Giometrix
    Giometrix Member Posts: 1 Member

    This doesn't work. I keep getting this message when I log into Beatport in Traktor:

  • gurlib1
    gurlib1 Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited November 2022

    Ive tried both options and it still doesnt work.

    Then I canceled the Beatbort subscription and tried to login in Traktor/preferences/streaming and it WORKED.

  • JakeM
    JakeM Member Posts: 1 Member

    I think this is a problem with Native Access 3 not creating a URI registry key in Windows (it is created correctly by Native Access 1, which is why the above downgrade process works).

    To fix this in Native Access 3, first close Traktor, then create a new file called traktor.reg on your desktop and copy the below code into it.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    "URL Protocol"=""
    @="C:\\Program Files\\Native Instruments\\Traktor Pro 3\\Traktor.exe %1"

    Save the file, then double click on it to add it to your registry.

    Then reload Traktor and navigate to Preferences -> Streaming and try to authenticate.

  • Pakolainen
    Pakolainen Member Posts: 8 Member

    I have enabled a registry change. but still when opening the preferences, and selecting log in, it states that there is no use with a valid subscription. and takes me to the log in page, to which i log in with no issues

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