How to maintain the Key from Beatport after analysis?

Knth Member Posts: 16 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hi guys, tonight I encountered errors in Traktor analysis of tracks from Beatport streaming. I knew it could sort and find different key than the song is in from time to time, but is there any way to not get track from Beatport online with Key 10m switched into 7m once the analysis is done and beatgrid set? (as example)

5/20 songs analyzed shown the different key than in the browser/beatport web before download-analysis in Traktor collection.

I would like Traktor to use the source key values form songs listed on Beatport.


Best Answer

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,199 mod
    Answer ✓

    You can specify what elements you want to analyse. If you click on the option to specify, keep KEY unchecked.



  • Knth
    Knth Member Posts: 16 Member

    Reading it now, I worded it bad in late night but:

    Is there an option for Traktor not to change the KEY after analysis of Beatport Link files/songs? They already have the key set and right one, Traktor can sometimes change into wrong key after analysis.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,199 mod
    Answer ✓

    You can specify what elements you want to analyse. If you click on the option to specify, keep KEY unchecked.

  • Knth
    Knth Member Posts: 16 Member

    Thank you, I have to go thru all settings again to see if I am able to uncheck the key for all automatic analyses when loading the track to deck. Kind of new to this streaming songs from Beatport as till now I had the songs in the collection and on drive analyzed by mixed in key and it was fine.

    D2s are great btw! Best purchase this year.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,199 mod

    I think it's not possible to do for automatic analysis, only manual. Can you get them via beatport link without auto-analyzing?

  • Knth
    Knth Member Posts: 16 Member
    edited July 2022

    I will check later tonight the options and trial-n-error something. It auto analyze track when loading to the deck as I did load them from browser directly to deck so the songs start download and load+analyze. Gotta turn off the auto analysis I guess and just analyze those I decide to keep in playlist.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    You don't have to turn auto off, but before loading just select the new / not analyzed and right click -> analyze -> select Key off.

    That should stop it from re-doing it when you load it. You can also lock the tracks if it still does it afterwards.

  • Knth
    Knth Member Posts: 16 Member

    Nope it doesnt work any way for me.

    Those songs which have "NO" in analyzed column are not downloaded yet to the Traktor from Beatport. When I analyze before downloading manually for values that I want to be analyzed only, nothing happens as you can see. Once the track is loaded it is downloaded into Traktor library, however if you check anything from the analyze custom menu it always analyze for all of the values.

  • Knth
    Knth Member Posts: 16 Member
    edited July 2022

    As example: Pryda - Leja is Cmaj (1d), also shown in Traktor browser before download/analyze. But Traktor stores the 11m/Gm key after the analysis even if I try many different ways. Clearing the key value, reanalyze, remove from collection and reimport with custom etc. Still doesnt take the value from source file and I cannot lock the values for analysis because the tempo grid is not set yet (before analysis).

    Status before downloading/analyzing for "anything":

    The only option would be to have the "KEY" analysis excluded from the automatic one, because it analyze everything - right?

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    Oh, that is a bummer.

  • Patch
    Patch Member Posts: 329 Pro

    This is an existing bug.

    Traktor messes with your Key Tags, regardless of what options you have checked. I heard about the big long before it started happening to me. But once it hit, nothing I did would stop it.

    I now have to store the key (identified by MiK) in a separate field so that I have a record of the Camelot key should Traktor over write the initial key field…

  • awol9000
    awol9000 Member Posts: 69 Advisor

    I thought Beatport had the wrong scale for 50% of their songs and Traktor was correcting them.

  • frd
    frd Member Posts: 7 Member

    no fix yet ??😣

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    I doubt it will ever be fixed. The traktor devs are not very active when it comes to fixing old bugs.

    But awol is right, beatport is very poor at key analysis. While Traktor is right about ~80% of the time. There is a spreadsheet floating around with all kinds of statistic for different DJ software.

  • camillaM
    camillaM Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    I have the same issue.

    When I load a streamed Beatport track into a deck, sometimes, not always, Traktor changes the key , which makes the whole thing unusable. It is not that traktor makes a better guess, the resulting key is completely wrong.

    One of my buying criterias was the possibility to use beatport streaming, which is defeated by this bug or behaviour.

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