Missing NKS instruments after update to Komplete Kontrol 3.4.0 (KBDSW-8039)

mulbur Member Posts: 8 Member
edited March 7 in Komplete Kontrol

A couple of instruments are not showing in Komplete Kontrol after the update to 3.4.5.

An example is u-he Diva. The Diva plugin is listed under Plug-ins in the preferences, but the path to the Library is missing. I reinstalled Diva and rebuild the KK database with no success.

How can i get the missing paths entries into the Factory preferences? The user content seems to be complete, including Diva.

How can i return to the previous version of Komplete Kontrol?

I am using Windows 11

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey there, there seems to be an issue with the latest version of Komplete Kontrol, for some users third party NKS products don't appear anymore. If you are affected, Deleting the affected product's json file found here and refreshing Komplete Kontrol seems to fix it:

    On Windows: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Native Instruments\installed_products

    On Mac: MacintoshHD//Users/Shared/Native Instruments/installed_products


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,433 mod

    It can happen sometimes, but it usually comes back, either after a full library re-scan, either after a plugin re-install (in this case, Diva, not Komplete Kontrol). Most probably cause is that the Diva.xml (from Service Center folder), or the registry info (or both), are missing.

    The only way to go back is through NI Support service, and only if your issue can not be fixed. They will provide you a link. However, i do not recommend it as a first step! This is a rather simple and temporary error that do not justify returning to previous version, especially in this case, where version 3.4 adds or fixes many things.

    Since you already mentioned that you re-installed Diva and rebuild the KK database, please have a look at:

    1: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    and confirm that a u-he-Diva.xml exists there

    2: Registry at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments

    and confirm that a folder named u-he-Diva exists and, inside that folder, the value "ContentDir" exists and points to the correct direction.

    • Note: I also strongly suggest you to completely remove Diva's VST2 version. It is useless any more, since the VST3 version auto-migrates successfully. Same for every other plugin that the above rules apply (VST3 version which successfully auto-migrates). Not only you are wasting disc space but, most importantly, you are adding unnecessary tasks on your system and makes your plugin scan duration longer, for no reason. It might be also responsible for your current situation (though this is just an unconfirmed hypothesis).

    In case that everything fails:

    In worst case scenario, the issue will remain until it will auto-resolved on next KK (or Diva) update. In this case, you can temporarily add Diva's NKS path (usually \Documents\U-he\Diva.data\NKS\Diva), in your User Library (Preferences —> Library —> User —> Add)!

    …or, contact support to provide you a link with the previous version (which, again, i do not recommend it in your case).

  • mulbur
    mulbur Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited February 22

    Hi Sunborn,

    thank you for the substantial answer.

    I confirm that the XML file and the registry entry are correct on my machine.

    1: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    and confirm that a u-he-Diva.xml exists there

    2: Registry at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments

    and confirm that a folder named u-he-Diva exists and, inside that folder, the value "ContentDir" exists and points to the correct direction.

    Adding the missing u-he Plugins as user content is working.
    I am still wondering what the mechanism is, to get libraries listed as factory libraries.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,968 mod
    edited February 22

    It is impossible for me to tell if what you are experiencing is a bug with the newest version of Komplete Kontrol , it might be but I couldn't say for sure.

    Be sure to use the latest version of Native Access for your OS

    Only thing I can think of to try to do is that you can try the following Trouble shooter here (Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt gets some of their information from Native Access) :

    My Products Are Showing As DEMO in Native Access , especially '2. Your activation fails because of corrupted or missing activation tokens' and '3. You have corrupted XML files' (delete both NA XML and Kontakt product XML) then restart computer .

    You can then try the reset of the My Komplete Kontrol Browser is Empty or Incomplete again

    As a Moderator here then alas I do not have any access to providing other versions of downloads than what already has been provided by N.I. staff so I alas can not provide any download link to the previous version of Komplete Kontrol . I only have links for e.g. Komplete Kontrol 3.2.1 and Komplete Kontrol 3.3.2 , also then some K.K. installers require a previous version to be installed to work.

    If you need a specific N.I. download then please contact N.I. Native Access and Installation Support .

    If you need to report a K.K. bug then please contact N.I. Komplete Kontrol Support

    In case that you need guidance contacting support : Please read : how to get support !

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,433 mod

    Every kind of information is stored at:

    C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Komplete Kontrol\Browser Data\komplete.db3

    But in many cases, a simple KK re-scan does not solve all the issues, so it is best to always delete this file. In this way, you are "forcing" KK to make a full and deep re-scan while it starts up.

    I prefer to avoid it, if is just for one plugin or library, and simply to add its path to the user library, because a complete re-scan is time consuming. But, it is up to you. :-)

    If you decide to do it and it works and you can see Diva in your factory content, remember to remove the Diva path from the user content, or you will see duplicate entries.

    Nope, it is not a bug of the new version, it also happened with older versions too (KK 2 versions too)… but it is a rare case which is usually self-fixed by the software on the next KK update (or on the next vst plugin update), or by a complete reset (deleting the komplete.db3 file).

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,968 mod
    edited February 22

    but it is a rare case which is usually self-fixed by …… or by a complete reset (deleting the komplete.db3 file).

    Thank you for sharing your insight with me , luckily even in my 'ignorance' I did suggest that as step 2 in my two step (ref. : You can then try the reset of the My Komplete Kontrol Browser is Empty or Incomplete again)

    But never having had that kind of problem myself then I have to rely on what I can diagnose as logical steps to perform to attempt to rectify issue 😁

    I will however (as usual) attempt to extract what information I can in hope that I will be able to better my diagnostic skills 😀 👨‍💻 (Quote Sunborn , 2025-02-22)

    Thank you 🙂

  • mulbur
    mulbur Member Posts: 8 Member

    I found the solution for my problem☺️.

    For the missing instruments there were outdated paths in the "ContentDir" field of the respective files, e.g.

    "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Native Instruments\installed_products\u-he-Diva.json"

    I corrected these entries and afterwards the content locations were listed in the KK preferences and after a refresh the instruments and their presets appeared in KK again.

    What i don´t understand is, why these json files were not update after reinstalling the u-he plugins and why this problem only manifested after the latest KK update. The outdated path was from early last year and i never had any issues until the last KK update.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,343 mod

    That's very odd, maybe a question for u-he though - maybe a local glitch? This did not happen to me with Diva.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,433 mod
    edited February 23

    Well done!

    The problem is that, if you edit, change location, delete etc. the json files in the mentioned directory are not updated correctly and keep the old location, even if the values in Native Access, Service Center .xml's or registry are successfully updated!

    You need to either edit them and correct them, either delete them and the app will recreates them, correctly this time.

    It is not the first time that this is happening but so far i knew that only affected Kontakt libraries and various expansion. I will report it to admins and they can inform the developers.

  • France_
    France_ Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 25

    I had a similar issue. After upgrading to KK 3.4.0, all my Arturia instruments disappeared from KK. After checking full-disk access permissions and rebuilding the KK library, I eventually found out that the plist files in /Library/Preferences had wrong "ContentDir" paths for the Arturia plugins (I moved the installation path of Arturia plugins using their Software Center, but apparently those plist files did not get updated). I tried again, but the plugins would still not show up in KK 3.4.0. Then I tried downgrading to KK 3.3.2 using the link provided in this thread, and the instruments appeared again in KK.

    I was about to leave it at that and just use KK 3.3.2, but then I saw the last update on this thread about this other set of files in /Users/Shared/Native Instruments/installed_products. The json files for Arturia plugins in this folder also had wrong "ContentDir" paths. I decided to try my luck and deleted those files, launched Native Access again (which recreated the files with the correct paths), upgraded to KK 3.4.0 again and voilà, now my Arturia instruments show up in KK 3.4.0.

    Posting this here in case someone runs into the same issue.

  • Jondle
    Jondle Member Posts: 3 Member

    " this other set of files in /Users/Shared/Native Instruments/installed_products. "

    This did the trick for me: clearing the .json files allowed KK 3.4.0 to scan the "missing" Arturia content. In my case it reintroduced about a half dozen on the first pass. Then I used ASC to uninstall and install the plugs that remained absent and KK 3.4.0 picked them up. Problem solved - thank you very much had not connected the dots to the json files.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey there, there seems to be an issue with the latest version of Komplete Kontrol, for some users third party NKS products don't appear anymore. If you are affected, Deleting the affected product's json file found here and refreshing Komplete Kontrol seems to fix it:

    On Windows: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Native Instruments\installed_products

    On Mac: MacintoshHD//Users/Shared/Native Instruments/installed_products

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,343 mod
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