no visual playback line when pressing chopped samples in sampling mode, why?

Tim Hostetler
Tim Hostetler Member Posts: 38 Member

Hi everyone. I am having trouble with chopping samples in manual mode…. when I'm in ANY of the modes, pressing a pad will play the chop, but will not show the visual playback line that follows from left to the right side of sample. It seems bugged but I am hoping someone knows how to make it show again.. its probably just a button in maschine I don't know about. This happened in both maschine 2, and maschine 3 for about the last year and I am just getting around to asking for help. I am pretty sure the line used to show…. I see it shows fine for maschine based youtubers on their computers. Thanks in advance for the help 😁


  • Tim Hostetler
    Tim Hostetler Member Posts: 38 Member

    after the sample has been chopped, it shows the playback in edit mode, just not in slice mode. Maybe NI thinks there's no need to see it in slice mode and that's why… I still wish I could see it in slice mode. Darn

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