Jacob Collier Audience Choir Not Working

byoublok Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

I downloaded the Jacob Collier Audience Choir from Native Instruments, and I have Kontakt 8 installed. I use Logic Pro X. The other downloads I've gotten (the other free ones) work fine. I selected the JCAC (Jacob Collier Audience Choir), and the cities even light up when I play notes like they're supposed to do. However, no sound is coming out. This is in an ongoing project I'm working on where there are other instruments that can make noise, so it's not a general problem within the project. It's not muted and the volume is up. Other sounds on Kontakt work. Just for some reason, the JCAC doesn't want to produce sound. What can I do to fix this?

Possibly related issue: At first when I wanted to install JCAC it said I need Kontakt 7 to install it even though I had Kontakt 8 installed. Eventually I did something within the Native app and I got it to install, I forgot what though. I don't know if this has something to do with it, but I'm just giving you this information in case it might be helpful.



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