any idea how i can get NI Access 2 to see my INSTALLED libraries? downloading duplicates

jaguarguitar Member Posts: 21 Member

hi there, i reformatted my windows 10 pc. all is well there. installed NI Access 2.

now, all my libraries were installed on an external drive (S:). i set the correct locations in Access 2. however, not ALL the libraries showed as installed. many showed as installed, but many not.

for example, none of the vc 160 type effects show as installed, despite being on my S:. i didn't realize it, but i let NI access 2 run last night, and i realized its downloading and installed duplicate libraries, and appending a 'Library' to the name!

any idea how i can fix this? I attached screenshots. i stopped after it downloaded halcyon library.

the thing is i might have custom presets in some of the original library folders, and im very hesitant to delete them. and also, it will take very long to allow NI Access 2 to redownload and re-install, there's like 51 products it wants to download and install despite them existing in my S: drive. :(

Best Answer

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,249 Expert
    Answer ✓


    1 - for example - the VC 160 FX folder on my S: drive, is empty!!! It just has a 'documentation folder'

    This folder is for a plugin - and should never appear in the "Content" area. You can delete it from S and simply reinstall via Native Access - and it will be put right

    2 - a library like "Velvet Lounge" which shows as NOT INSTALLED, APPEARS to be installed on my S: drive. however….. the .nicnt file (which i read online is needed for Native Access) —- is missing!!!!

    Velvet Lounge is an Expansion and by design will never have a ".nicnt" file - those are exclusive to Kontakt libraries. Again - I would delete this from S - and reinstall if it is something you need - via Native Access.



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,249 Expert

    Best to see exactly what your File Locations are set to under Preferences in Native Access.

    This looks very messy.

    Please post a screenshot please.


  • jaguarguitar
    jaguarguitar Member Posts: 21 Member

    here you go @Vocalpoint . it sees most of the already installed libraries, except 51 of them, which are already on the S: drive.

    last screenshot has the locations. messy indeed it is.

    i highlighted vc76 fx as an example of what already exists on S:, realistically, all these 51 products are on my S: already. its just odd it detects some but not all libraries.

    ALL the original libraries on my S: drive were installed in 2020.

  • jaguarguitar
    jaguarguitar Member Posts: 21 Member

    let me know if you can see the screenshots, i pasted screenshots in the first post as well.

  • jaguarguitar
    jaguarguitar Member Posts: 21 Member

    this might be something on my end, but how, i don't know, it boggles my mind.

    i believe some of the original content on S: was corrupted or moved at some point.

    1 - for example - the VC 160 FX folder on my S: drive, is empty!!! It just has a 'documentation folder'

    2 - a library like "Velvet Lounge" which shows as NOT INSTALLED, APPEARS to be installed on my S: drive. however….. the .nicnt file (which i read online is needed for Native Access) —- is missing!!!!

    this boggles my mind. i think in this case, i should just delete any library on S: drive, that Access 2 shows as available.

    and let NI Access 2 re-install and re-download.

    what do you think? i attached some screenshots. also as an example, check the carribean current (original on the left) vs the newly downloaded 'carribean current Library'. the parResources folder is missing.

    is this something new that was added in native access 2 or something, or should have always existed?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,249 Expert
    Answer ✓


    1 - for example - the VC 160 FX folder on my S: drive, is empty!!! It just has a 'documentation folder'

    This folder is for a plugin - and should never appear in the "Content" area. You can delete it from S and simply reinstall via Native Access - and it will be put right

    2 - a library like "Velvet Lounge" which shows as NOT INSTALLED, APPEARS to be installed on my S: drive. however….. the .nicnt file (which i read online is needed for Native Access) —- is missing!!!!

    Velvet Lounge is an Expansion and by design will never have a ".nicnt" file - those are exclusive to Kontakt libraries. Again - I would delete this from S - and reinstall if it is something you need - via Native Access.


  • jaguarguitar
    jaguarguitar Member Posts: 21 Member

    Got it. Thank you @Vocalpoint !

  • jaguarguitar
    jaguarguitar Member Posts: 21 Member

    @Vocalpoint the libraries then that NI Access 2 redownloaded and re-installed

    should i delete the original folders i.e. delete Golden Kingdom, leave Golden Kingdom Library

    or leave them as is?

    is there a specific file format for presets? I will search if there are any and copy them out. thanks.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,249 Expert
    edited December 2024

    As long as anything you want to delete is not in use or not current - blast it out of there.

    Keep S as clean as possible.


  • jaguarguitar
    jaguarguitar Member Posts: 21 Member

    thank YOU SO MUCH!!!!

  • jaguarguitar
    jaguarguitar Member Posts: 21 Member

    hi @Vocalpoint

    another question — i have a copy of my old appdata from my users folder

    should i copy this into the new appdata native instruments folder? will it have any previous saved presets (i.e. guitar rig) for example?


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,249 Expert

    I would just ditch all that unless there are some presets or something that you need to preserve but that usually involves some deep knowledge of what these files are etc.

    There is no value in tainting the rebuilt app data area by mixing in a bunch of old stuff.

    Hang on to it for a month and if you never go it in that month - you know you don’t need it.


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