As a Komplete 14 Standard owner can I upgrade to Komplete 14 Ultimate?

Yarojay Member Posts: 4 Member

As I wrote in the title, is this even possible? Why I cannot find this possibility on the NI website? Could it be some crude marketing strategy? Why am I being treated similarly to a new NI customer, I mean, at the same price? (600€). I would appreciate some information on this matter.

Best Answers

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert
    edited December 2024 Answer ✓

    Not now.

    The price is the same to move to K15ULT. Not to mention all the extra stuff you get between K14 and the release of K15

    Given all the positives- even if it was possible to still go K14 ULT - can’t imagine why anyone would want to do that.

    Also the prices you saw over the holiday season are for new customers only. Upgrades were not on sale for the fact that K15 is only two months old

    We will get deals on upgrades during Summer Of Sound in June 2025


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert
    Answer ✓


    If you really want to upgrade from K14 to K14U, then you need to buy upgrade secondhand or maybe few eshops still sell it. But unless you get it for really good price, it might be better to wait for June when Sale comes and buy K15U Upgrade most probably with 50% discount.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert
    edited December 2024 Answer ✓

    Not now.

    The price is the same to move to K15ULT. Not to mention all the extra stuff you get between K14 and the release of K15

    Given all the positives- even if it was possible to still go K14 ULT - can’t imagine why anyone would want to do that.

    Also the prices you saw over the holiday season are for new customers only. Upgrades were not on sale for the fact that K15 is only two months old

    We will get deals on upgrades during Summer Of Sound in June 2025


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert
    Answer ✓


    If you really want to upgrade from K14 to K14U, then you need to buy upgrade secondhand or maybe few eshops still sell it. But unless you get it for really good price, it might be better to wait for June when Sale comes and buy K15U Upgrade most probably with 50% discount.

  • Yarojay
    Yarojay Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thanks a lot to both of you for answering my question. However, let me make a comment on Vocalpoint's remark. Looking for a way to upgrade an after all not old product, I expect an upgrade to 14 Ultimate would be cheaper than to 15 Ultimate. It would be fair to customers to make such an upgrade available. And strange indeed is the comment “Given all the positives- even if it was possible to still go K14 ULT - can't imagine why anyone would want to do that”. If one were to take these words seriously, it would only prove that Komplete 14 Ultimate was a failed, shameful piece of ******, completely unworthy of an upgrade from Komplete 14 Standard. That upgrade, if I remember correctly, cost €200 or €300 for Komplete 14 Standard owners. Would NI dare to demand that much money for this unworthy product? And as an apology for this wicked act - releasing Komplete 14 Ultimate - they quickly did an update and offered version #15? I'm also not convinced by the argument that there is no special price for owners of K14 and below just because K15 has been on the market for a short time.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert
    edited December 2024

    I do not think you understand.

    As soon as a new Komplete bundle arrives - the prior is retired - permanently.

    And whatever was in the old gets transferred to the new. Plus a whole pile of new stuff. For the same price as the old.

    I have to ask - what is not to like?


  • Yarojay
    Yarojay Member Posts: 4 Member

    Speaking of understanding, I have already answered this question.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert
    edited December 2024

    Well - I could not understand anything in your prior post.

    Hope you understand how this works now.

    There was no K14 as of Sept 27. 2024.

    Upgrade during the Summer of Sound in June 2025 to K15 like the rest of us who are waiting for the 50% off deal and enjoy.


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