NTKDaemon for Native Access won't install

BB_ Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

Hi, I would be grateful if anyone is able to help. I previously created a tech support ticket for Native Access. I'm currently working on a timeline and have purchased products last week and was looking to install the products purchased. I am getting the following error messages shown in the pictures and can no longer get into Native Access. I have the most recent version of Win 10 and Native Access 3.16 download directly from the website. Separately an install version 1.21.0 for NTKDaemon.

I've searched the troubleshooting articles and can't find anything relevant to the error "NTKDaemon setup has failed" "FALSE" Please check your settings and try again."

I've used the NI Reg Uninstall tool to uninstall both Native Access and NTKDaemon, as well as installed the NTKDaemon directly from release_1.21.0.0_NTK_DaemonFullInstaller_Win, turned off Firewall, etc but in either case it still shows the same error. I've followed the NTK Freezing on Dependencies article but still the same. I found other folders in temp local files and registry and manually deleted NTK and Native Access but it was still behaving the same so I restored the files and am still in need of help. It seems like the problem is the NTKDaemon. Is there a way for manual product downloads and installs outside of Native Access?

I also created a separate ticket yesterday for a refund for the unregistered software. I wanted to ask if someone at NI is able to look into everything. I've read about other's experiences with tech email responses not resolving the concern and and greatly extending the timeframe. I haven't received a response on mines yet but I'm sure NI is doing the best they can and also the holiday sales have probably created lots of tickets. However for the timeline I'm working on the delay may impact my project. If there is no way to access a live agent please let me know if the separate refund ticket created is able to be bumped up. I love the products but due to the Native Access concern I may need to figure out something else in the meanwhile.


Best Answer

  • BB_
    BB_ Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Hi, please disregard this post. I am thankful to say that this has now been solved.


  • BB_
    BB_ Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Hi, please disregard this post. I am thankful to say that this has now been solved.

  • KindaBadAtPiano
    KindaBadAtPiano Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hey man,

    Day later and it's my first time buying Native Instruments stuff. Could I get the solution that you used? I'm in the exact same situation and have no idea what to do. I tried to hard wipe every thing from native instruments off my pc by going through each drive and deleting NTK Daemon, Access, and instruments. Nothing's working.

  • BB_
    BB_ Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Hey no problem. I'm honestly not sure what fixed it but I tried multiple things. I think following the steps at the NI Article at the bottom may have been the last step I tried and then I shut the computer down completely. This forum reply wouldn't let me share a link to the page so you may have to search the name in the NI support database. This article is not specific to the NTK Daemon Failed error but I think it could have helped, especially after shutting down the computer so system changes could take effect. When I turned everything back on I installed the PC version of the NKT Daemon and the installation went through and then I think it automatically started up Native Access to install it or either I had to manually click on it. Also when using the installers I right clicked on them and chose "Run as Administrator". I do know that before doing this I restored all the NTK Daemon and Native Access files I had deleted in case they were needed but not sure if that matters because running the installer again may put at least some of the files back in their proper place.

    I hope this helps!


    Native Access Freezes on “Installing Dependencies“ at Startup
  • Jarous
    Jarous Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    Problem is even if you install NTKDaemon from separate installer and make it running, Native Access installer ignores it, will stop the service, remove it and launches its own NTKDaemon installer shipped together which is broken / lanched without required priviledges, so running Native Access as admin really does not do the trick. Really poorly written installer.

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