Komplete 15 bundles deals for Black Friday

Hexod Studio
Hexod Studio Member Posts: 2 Newcomer


I acquired a Kontrol MK3 S61 last september and I'm looking now for deals on Komplete Ultimate or Collector bundle during Black Friday, but all that seems to be published on NI for the moment are deals for Komplete bundle with an hardware of the S series.

My question is : are they any deals planned for a Komplete bundle alone (now or for Christmas sales), or is there any way I can take into account my S61 purchase to be able to get a reduction on a Komplete bundle ?


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert
    edited November 2024

    Under the condition NI does not change its policy, there will not be Sale on Komplete bundle this year, as it is too soon since release of new version. The first sale is to be expected on Summer sale next year.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod
    edited November 2024

    is there any way I can take into account my S61 purchase to be able to get a reduction on a Komplete bundle ?

    As far as I know then that has not been seen before. So I would say no.

    My question is : are they any deals planned for a Komplete bundle alone (now or for Christmas sales)

    As written by Kubrak then bundle just came out so there are not expected any price reductions on the bundles themselves apart from what you already pointed out yourself with hardware (to boost sale of keyboards). Also then nobody but N.I. will know when a new software will be discounted first time , and they will never tell you ahead of time. So Kubrak's guess is a good one but just a guess. I am sure that Kubrak meant "The first sale is to be expected on Summer sale next year"

  • Hexod Studio
    Hexod Studio Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thank you for your responses.

    And can we expect a deal on Komplete 14, or is it out of the shop since a new version came out at the same time ?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Komplete 14 will not be sold by NI anymore.

    Only way is through second hand or some shops’ remaining

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