how to get more punch in record session w/ TraktorPro 3 & S4Mk3 ?

hi there,

just another question, wich driving me mad since months:

seen many Traktor-Sets on YT (Pro & Amateur) and they all have more punch (also in the same tracks compared to my using) → what to adjust in preferences or other settings?

I use a Steinberg UR22-C Audio-Interface where the main-out of Traktor S4Mk3 goes in, adjusted the gain at "11 o´clock", because over that the clip at the interface flashes

in TraktorPro 3 I have the following things set:

EQ Type: Z ISO

Filter Type: Xone

Internal Mixing Mode Enable Autogain

Limiter Type: Transparent Enable limiter

Headroom: -6dB

Apply Headroom to Channel Masters

(and the same settings for external mixing mode)

the Master-Control at the S4Mk3 is adjusted to (minimal before) 3 o´clock

as always I would be thankful for every hint/link/help


The Sarge!

Best Answer

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod
    edited September 2024 Answer ✓


    Limiter Type: Ozone
    Headroom: -3dB

    also, the above comment for the EQ Z, might be useful too…


    If you are mixing low quality tracks (such as sh**ty mp3's), or unmastered tracks, or tracks recorded from vinyl, CD etc. at a low level, there is no way to get a decent punch, no matter what you do (especially on the mp3 case).

    In such cases, you need an audio editor and some basic audio skills (to do some normalizing, compressing etc.) in order to fix your tracks. Then they sound punchy enough. ;-)


  • Bandi
    Bandi Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi, the EQ Z ISO is very flat… Too much flat… Try with P600 (or Classic) and you will have more punch

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod
    edited September 2024 Answer ✓


    Limiter Type: Ozone
    Headroom: -3dB

    also, the above comment for the EQ Z, might be useful too…


    If you are mixing low quality tracks (such as sh**ty mp3's), or unmastered tracks, or tracks recorded from vinyl, CD etc. at a low level, there is no way to get a decent punch, no matter what you do (especially on the mp3 case).

    In such cases, you need an audio editor and some basic audio skills (to do some normalizing, compressing etc.) in order to fix your tracks. Then they sound punchy enough. ;-)

  • The Sarge
    The Sarge Member Posts: 175 Advisor
    edited September 2024

    thanks guys, I´ll try it, just chosen "Z ISO" because the end-LED flashed more often than with the other EQs, so I thought it´ll be more punch 😔but as I´m now back (hopefully longer, health was in my way again) I´ll check more & more detailed!

    Limiter Type: Ozone
    Headroom: -3dB

    couldn´t chose, as mentioned I´m still (and will be as long as possible) on TraktorPro3. But maybe putting it nethertheless from -6dB to -3dB would help

    and to the point of good material: ofcourse, seen & heard a big difference from the Techno-Tracks of the time, where it all started and nowaydays ;) I use mostly FLAC followed by WAV and MP3 only in 320-format

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