Stand out in the community with your own signature
Many of you asked and you can now finally add your own signature 📝
Signatures are a good way to personalized your post or share some social links. They can also be super useful if you want to add your set-up directly to each posts.
You can add your signature in your profile under EDIT PROFILE / SIGNATURE SETTINGS
Signatures are limited to 150 characters and embedded content / images are disabled (to keep navigation optimal). Please keep in mind that our code of conduct also applies with signature.
Signatures are enabled for anyone from rank SINE and above ⚡️
I've been a member of the NI forum since 2003. With this new forum format, my profile shows that I've posted 1 time, and I don't have permission to include a signature. Um, what? I've posted literally thousands of times. Is it just a clean slate for everyone in this brave new forum world?
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I also can't add a signature because I don't have the permission. WTH ? No permission ? I paid a lot of money for your products NI and I don't have the permission to use a signature ? To post my specs ? I don't know the point of it, but ...
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Signatures indeed don't seem to work. Do you need to achieve a specific rank or role?
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