When Will Reaktor 6 be supported on Monterey and Big Sur.?

Joseph Rainey
Joseph Rainey Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

I wanted to know when Reaktor 6 will be supported for big sur and Monterey. I have to update from Catalina as It was causing me some issues, then found out Reaktor 6 isn't supported.

Going back and doing my own research it seems you are working on it. I was hoping it may be sooner rather than later, is there any heads up on this, now that a lot of users are on big sur or Monterey.

Best Answer

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓

    We don't have tangible information regarding an upcoming compatibility update for Reaktor at the moment, but we'll definitely share some news as soon as we can.


  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert

    Based on this article, All products are Big Sur Compatible, Reaktor, still not Monterey compatible, but one would assume that NI is "Working" on it. And a release date is anyone's guess!!! (since this is a user forum, you may or may not get an answer directly from NI...)

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓

    We don't have tangible information regarding an upcoming compatibility update for Reaktor at the moment, but we'll definitely share some news as soon as we can.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,112 Expert

    Generally, IMHO it is not easy task to make Reaktor AS compatible. Reaktor is, beside others, also compiler, so this part has to be reworked for AS. And it may be hard task....

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    @ Kubrak - the question was about Big Sur and Monterey compatibility, not AS.

    Im on Big Sur here and for what Ive used in Reaktor I haven't had any probelms with it. I'm staying on Big Sur and waiting for official support in Monterey before I update OS. Lets hope it comes soon.

  • dannyy
    dannyy Member Posts: 1 Member

    What is "AS"?

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,112 Expert

    AS - Apple Silicon - M1

    @Jojo123 I do not know, but Apple might require, that if something is Monterey compatible it is also M1 comppatible?

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    @Kubrak if Im understanding you correctly, no, installing Monterey is not dependent on you having an M1 or AS. Im on intel iMac here and I have Monterey installer in my Applicaton folder waiting for me to start the installer. In fact the latest OS just announced which will be out for ordinary Mac users probably around October and some Macs back as far as 2015 can install it. Apple says 2017 in one place but on the actual compatibility list it says 2015 imacs .

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 187 Advisor
    edited June 2022

    I run a brand new M1 pro laptop with Monterey, and I don't have any issue with Reaktor (under Rosetta of course).

    I must say that regarding CPU efficiency this is among the worst plugin I'm using in my sessions. But it's not crashing and not making troubles (at least, not any troubles I noticed).

    But maybe I missed something...

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    @Calagan It always helps, for better or worse, when others share their situation. Yes sometimes you don't know somethings wrong until later down the track.

  • Anthony Lewis
    Anthony Lewis Member Posts: 1 Member

    Thank you guys for the question and comments. I upgraded to Monterey as I use my studio Mac mini for other things than jsut music production eg zoom meetings etc and Apple were strongly recommending to upgrade for security reasons. So far I have found reaktor appears to work fine. I have not tried any of my own synths using Reaktor synth build software but in the near term I'll not need this. I know NI say its not supported officially but it appears for me to work just fine! Appreciated reading teh comments before I took the risk though! Anthony

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