Traktor Stems Problem

the_AF Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hello, does any one here know what the issue is with stems in Traktor. I don’t think this is a problem to do with Traktor Pro 4 because I had a similar problem with Nuo Stems files. I have a MacBook M3 Pro so I doubt it’s a hardware issue but when I start messing around turning stems on and off the track behaves in a weird way, it starts cue triggering at a wrong place, it slows down slightly. I hope it’s an issue I can solve because it’s not worth a risk when playing live not knowing whether your track will start being weird.

All I did is press drums off but the track not only started in a weird reverse like way but also started in a wrong place. That vocal should have come in much later on and obviously not sound like it’s in reverse

Thank you


  • nachopenades
    nachopenades Member Posts: 290 Pro

    What you say is strange, can you share a video?

  • TurnedTables
    TurnedTables Member Posts: 64 Advisor

    I've had similar/same issue on TP3. I load a stem track and it starts playing weird. Hard to explain but it's like the four stem tracks are playing out of time with each other. Tapping cue to restart the track fixes it. I am upgrading to 4 this weekend , if this problem happens in 4 I'll record a video.

  • the_AF
    the_AF Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    It says I can't post links because I'm a new member. However I did upload it onto my YouTube channel

    Please find YouTube channel The Affable Fool the video name is IMG 5808. It should come up if you just search for IMG 5808 on YouTube

    First time round bass is somewhat out of time, second time round it becomes complete chaos. As per above post by Turned Tables I will agree that I think the problem is with cue points. It seems the cue points are not affecting every stem the same way so they go out of sync. It's very annoying, it was happening with DuoStems I paid for Traktor Pro 4 thinking this wouldn't happen but it seems that it's the same issue again.

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