Upgrade to collection (from Ultimate) and/or Acoustic Sunburst+Schema+Action Woodwinds

Rob Ainscough
Rob Ainscough Member Posts: 62 Member
edited October 23 in Komplete General

Collection upgrade $299

I really liked the demo/samples in Schema ($99.50), Guitar Session Acoustic Sunburst ($149.00), and Action Woodwind ($199) = $447.50 (I think these are all NKS).

There are a few instruments in Collection I like; Choir Omnia, Stradivari Violin, Cinematic Arkhis, Symphony Series Pro, and a few of the expansion Lunar Echoes, Pulswerk.

What I'm a little puzzled by is why those three above (Acoustic Sunbust, Action Woodwind, Schema) are not part of the "Collection" product? Obviously price difference, but would have thought these would be good bundle products that could be included in the "Collection" product maybe for $399 upgrade.


Cheers, Rob.

Best Answer

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 646 Guru
    edited June 29 Answer ✓

    It is simple: Schema Dark, Schema Light, Guitar Session Acoustic Sunburst and Action Woodwind are new products. Released in 2023 or 2024. The Komplete 14 bundles were released in 2022. It is well possible that these will be part of some Komplete 15 bundles which are expected for later this year.

    I don‘t expect it is something about pricing: If you add up the prices of included products every Komplete bundle is an awesome bargain. I just upgraded to Komplete 14 Standard. The three contained plugins of Plugin Alliance alone would cost 797$. That’s more as Komplete 14 Standard would cost outside of current summer sale. And there is much more stuff in it.


  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 646 Guru
    edited June 29 Answer ✓

    It is simple: Schema Dark, Schema Light, Guitar Session Acoustic Sunburst and Action Woodwind are new products. Released in 2023 or 2024. The Komplete 14 bundles were released in 2022. It is well possible that these will be part of some Komplete 15 bundles which are expected for later this year.

    I don‘t expect it is something about pricing: If you add up the prices of included products every Komplete bundle is an awesome bargain. I just upgraded to Komplete 14 Standard. The three contained plugins of Plugin Alliance alone would cost 797$. That’s more as Komplete 14 Standard would cost outside of current summer sale. And there is much more stuff in it.

  • Rob Ainscough
    Rob Ainscough Member Posts: 62 Member

    I ended up getting the "Collection" upgrade and those 3 other sets and a few others from Lucid Samples (for those quick and dirty projects) and Melodyne Studio upgrade. I'm happy with them, glad demo samples are provided, helps with buying decision.


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