Has anyone had problems with the resolution of vst plugins inside Maschine?

Bapzter Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
edited June 2024 in Maschine

Q: Translation inserted by Moderator (translation by DeepL)

Good morning community, I'm writing because some time ago after updating the Maschine software, the plugins are no longer displayed correctly in their windows (something like a bug in their resolution). That is, as such they operate correctly but, for example, when I open some vst synthesizer, all the parameters of this are not shown inside the plugin window and the mouse cursor does not point correctly to the space where I point (I click on a certain place but it opens or executes the click further away, I don't know if I understand).

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  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    Hey there, can you tell us with which plug-ins this happens? All of them? Only some? Can you provide screenshots or videos that could help us see what the issue looks like? Also what's your operating system? Do you have a high resolution/4k monitor, what graphic card you have and what are your display settings?

  • 704god
    704god Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I too am having this issue. I initially thought it was an issue with Serato Sample until Maschine began to cut off MPC plugin as well. Maschine resolution cuts off the top of the VST which essentially renders the parameters unusable.

  • Bapzter
    Bapzter Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    @Jeremy_NI This problem happens with most plugins, for example with the arturia suite, also with slate digital and some other vst instruments, initially I had a processor with integrated graphics, the problem happened to me, then a couple of months later, I integrated a dedicated graphics card, then this stopped happening with plugins like the Slate Digital

    , it should be noted that everything worked fine until I updated Maschine, I don't remember the version, I use two screens to work, the problem happens on both, neither is 4k

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    I'm a little bit confused here. So the issue stopped for some plug-ins like Slate Digital when you etup a new graphic crad but it remains for others like Arturia. Did I get this right?

    What graphic card is it exactly?

    What processor and what is your operating system?

  • Bapzter
    Bapzter Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Hello, sorry for the delay in giving feedback, a few days ago I bought the maschine 3 software hoping that the problem would stop and to my surprise it continues, even worse for some plugins like melodyne (in the image I expose the problem) said plugin becomes unusable in maschine. My operating system is windows 11 and my graphics card is GTX 1050 ti with Nvidia drivers.
    What should I do?
    uninstall maschine and delete registration keys? or what other way can there be?
    I will also attach an image of when maschine is going to run, the program loading screen is a bit decentralized from the monitor, I don't know if that gives a clue

  • solsta
    solsta Member Posts: 133 Helper

    hmmm this has happened to me with pluginalliance plugins mostly, if it was resized, when I reload the app, it sometimes opens with the original 100 window but the guy of the plugin is still at 150% so a bunch of buttons are not visible. I'm on Mac

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    @Bapzter Are you using a high DPI monitor? What are your settings? What are your display settings in WIndows?

  • Bapzter
    Bapzter Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    @Jeremy_NI No, actually my monitors are simple, screen number 1 is connected even by DVI, the second is a TV connected by HDMI, but neither of these screens is 4k or high pixel definition.
    Screen 1, which is a traditional PC monitor, I usually work with a resolution of 1440 x 1080 (even changing the resolution the problem persists), the second screen has a resolution of 1920 x 1080.

    What I think happens, as I said before, is that at some point, the program was descaled, because the start screen of Maschine is decentralized from the monitor, what I don't know is how I can fix it

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 463 Guru
    edited December 2024

    Maybe you should pin one of these threads. This issue is currently being spread over several threads and new folks are showing up making more.

    The same goes for whatever registration issue is going on. I'm not trying to play moderator or anything, but it's probably going to be a lot easier to keep track of the issue if people stay in a single thread.


    I'm sure I missed a couple

  • Bapzter
    Bapzter Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Ok guys, I looked at my display settings again because of what @Jeremy_NI told me and that gave me a clue, I didn't remember that I had a custom scaling setting on my monitor, it was at 110%, I set it to 100% and the resolution comes out at a value that I don't know if it's the default or the last one I selected, I really don't remember that detail lol (1762 x 992), the plugins already work perfectly (At least the ones I use the most and that gave the typical problem) and the start screen of machine 3 is centralized. The only detail is that melodyne still has the same problem. If anyone has the same problem, try leaving the screen scaling at 100 and adjust the resolution, that can solve the problem in most plugins. However, I hope you can give me clues on how I could solve the melodyne problem.

  • Bapzter
    Bapzter Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Attached are images of what it looks like now.

    As you can see, Molodyne is the only one that remains like this, the rest of the plugins like Arturia, Slate, Fabfilter, etc., are perfect again.

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