Still a lot of Trouble with Native Access 3.11.0

Headtuned Member Posts: 19 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

I have about 373 Items in the Native Access. I have Izotope Plugins installed which install .dll Files into the VST3 folder. After each update of NAtive Acess i have always big trouble with Native Access. I have to copy the Izotop dlls to another place otherwise Native Access hangs at the Loading process. Often the loading does not come to an end. Sometimes native access wants a authentication and login with the correct password does not work. I don't know why. It is often very very slow (with a 100mbit lan) and very unstable. Then yu have to restart the computer, or delete some Native Instruments Files and all that stuff. If i want to install a product while native access still loading, it comes to errors. But sometimes is is really fast. I have so many loaders of other companies PA, Izotope, Waves, UAD… This is the most non-functional thing on the market. Even the loader of Plugin Alliance is better than this.


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