[NKS] Freelance Soundlabs 3rd Party NKS Libraries for Komplete Kontrol / Maschine



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,034 Expert

    Ok, sadly this is 100% a bug in Structure, honestly I don't know anyone that uses this plugin but it needs to be reported on mass to Air Music as the issue is in the plugin.

    What I have noted is that many presets are loading with the incorrect macro positions compared to the older 2021 version of Structure. Even completely outside of KK if you manually load presets (such as Brass or Woodwind for instance) the Room Mix for the reverb is incorrectly set, not only is it incorrectly set but the actual reverb quality sounds dreadful, as if the reverb is not working correctly. I started using a script to just set this OFF but I have also found most sounds are loading with other incorrect macro settings such as Ethnic sounds loading very quiet or with reverb applied where they shouldn't.

    Now, I could fix this by just working through and adjusting the parameters correctly but TBH, this plugin simply isn't worth it. The sounds are pretty mediocre at best and the plugin is just clunky and terrible to use so I will cut the loss at the moment on this one and wait for Airr to get back to me in regards to this issue.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,242 mod

    Does the discount only apply to one of the products you own? I bought the Loom II VST3 update no problem but when I added the XPand one it didn't apply a discount to that

    Also the AIR category seems to be including some UVI stuff when you scroll down

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,034 Expert
    edited January 17

    Discount rule for Xpand seems to have been missing, fixed.

    Also the AIR category seems to be including some UVI stuff when you scroll down

    Not seeing that myself, screenshot?

    All I see is the "recommended" items at the end which just shows random libraries. What UVI library seems to appear for you?


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,242 mod

    Thanks for fixing XPand

    Must have been a glitch - just seeing AIR now

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,242 mod
    edited January 17

    I've updated my Loom Tapestry bank to VST3 and added some new presets from my user folder - also modded your template as I wanted the XY and sound controls on the first page


  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,034 Expert

    Ah, yeah forgot about that. Not a loom user myself these days. I can build it in and may look at updating the template at some stage as it was designed close to 10 years ago now and not as refined as templates these days.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,242 mod
    edited January 19

    Yes feel free to add it, thanks

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,034 Expert

    Now Available: Addictive Drums 2 Vintage Dead Kit NKS Library

    New NKS library has just been added for the latest Addictive Drums 2 Kit: Vintage Dead.

    Library contains NKS presets with previews for all kit presets with both AD2 midi mapping and GM mapping options to suit your workflow.

    Can simply be added to your existing Addictive Drums NKS library, will appear as a new bank.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,034 Expert
    edited January 23

    Now Available: GForce Novation Bass Station

    NKS Library for Novation Bass Station. Library is fully tagged using tagging from presets converted to NKS format. Full controller map covering most of the available controls except the XLFO/XADSR "per-parameter" settings and all Arp/Sequence presets load with the arp window open while other presets load with the keyboard view.

    Now Available: GForce Novation IconDrum

    NKS Library for IconDrum. All presets are tagged with banks allowing selection of presets between Classic/Hybrid kits. Custom beat sample previews all elements of a kit. Full controller map offers access to all available parameters

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,034 Expert
    edited January 25

    Now Available: reFX Nexus 5 Updated Library

    Updated Nexus 5 NKS library now available.

    New NKS library includes the previous Nexus 4 library consisting of 700+ presets and the new Nexus 5 library of over 1100 new presets.

    All presets are fully tagged and include sound previews, updated library artwork and control map covering all that can be controlled via Host Automation which is still sadly, not a great deal.

    Also included are NKS libraries for all the free Advent / Christmas presets, an additional 600 presets that you can select, just need to have these expansions installed from your reFX Cloud installer.

    Upgrade discount available for owners of the Nexus 4 library. All expansion library content works in both Nexus 4 and Nexus 5 and the latest 10 expansions released since the last round of updates will soon be made NKS available too.

  • James Steele
    James Steele Member Posts: 60 Member

    Hi Jason… it appears I found a bug in the new VST3 NKS support library for Xpand! 2. After I deleted and replaced the old VST2 files with your new VST3 version, I ended up with this situation when I opened Komplete Kontrol:

    Notice the redundant vendor "AIR Music Technology" with the Xpand!2 instrument without the icon. I couldn't figure out what was going on at first. I'm pretty sure what happened is one of the User Content patches in the new VST3 NKS support files contained embedded info referring to "AIR Music Technology" instead of "AirMusicTech."

    The patch is "/Factory/Ambience + FX/18 Pirate Ship.nksf"

    When I moved that particular patch out of that folder and to my desktop and had Komplete Kontrol rescan the User Library, the errant "AIR Music Technology" vendor disappeared. I looked at "18 Pirate Ship. nksf" in text edit and could see this:

    I'm not sure I want to try and mess with this myself. I could try to change that string to AirMusicTech and hope it works, but might be best to update the library. Also, I just posted this here in case any other users run into this problem.

    Thanks for all you do!

  • jggorman
    jggorman Member Posts: 207 Advisor
    edited February 9

    Will it work to open a patch in the same bank that is correct/works, switch to the preset from within the plugin that is a problem, save it and move it from user presets to where it belongs? Or will the bank info change?

    As far as editing the .nksf files, you can do that unless you move characters around keeping all the same letters, but in a different order because it will corrupt the file. So you might be able to delete the two spaces and "nology" and add " nology" with the two spaces to the created by section. Sometimes things like that work.

  • James Steele
    James Steele Member Posts: 60 Member
    edited February 9

    That's a good idea. I can do that. I know Komplete Kontrol will likely save it somewhere else, but I can move it to where it needs to be.

    UPDATE: Okay… actually it looks like maybe "18 Pirate Ship" was a redundant patch if you look at the numbering:

    Furthermore… looks like it was superfluous. When I load "18 Slave Ship" into Komplete Kontrol, it loads the patch "Pirate Ship" in Xpand!2. So fix is easy… just delete "18 Pirate Ship" and then rename "18 Slave Ship" to "18 Pirate Ship."

    On another note, it seems in the Hybrid 3 library, all the previews are an E note instead of middle C. Again, that's not a big deal either, but something I noticed because, unfortunately, I'm OCD as hell!!! LOL

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,034 Expert

    Hi James

    Thanks for reporting.

    This is one of a number of issues I have found with the updated Air plugins. Some of the presets changed for no real reason but in the browser I do see both these files:

    However, "Pirate Ship" was never in there originally and looks like maybe the PC police decided to have a word and they looked to change "Slave Ship" to "Pirate Ship" but must have forgotten to remove the old preset. They are both the same preset but the original file was "Slave Ship".

    Basically to update all the air plugins for VST3 I had to resave every preset out again but I spent many MANY hours tagging all these presets by hand and to save all that work I read the tagging and bank info from the older VST2 library and update that into the VST3 library. As long as all the filenames match this works.

    The Air plugins along with omnisphere were some of the first ones I made NKS for and initially when I was figuring out how to make all the artwork and database files work and I had some issues I thought it could have been due to spaces in the developer name so I shortened the developer to "AirMusicTech" which I now wish I had not. I have considered to update this as it doesn't actually matter but because I have never had complaints and many people out there have these I didn't want to complicate things with changes.

    In regards tot he sample previews for Hybrid, I just carried them over from the old library and again, when I was developing the initial stages of sound previews I tended to use a low E for bass samples as low C was often too low and sometimes I forgot to change the template I used to make the samples so likely it was left as an E note when I did them. Again, since I have never had anyone really bring it to my attention I have never bothered to address it but I will look at updating these as they could do with some refreshers.

  • James Steele
    James Steele Member Posts: 60 Member
    edited February 11

    Thanks for the response. Honestly, I mentioned the E note thing more like trivia as I was almost proud of myself for noticing it, but I CAN'T see it making any difference at all in terms of the usefulness of the previews. It's hard to see any reason for you to bother.

    Also, that's interesting that political correctness might explain the patch name change. Makes sense. Supposedly you're not even supposed to say "master bedroom" when talking about the largest bedroom in the home in some circles. Sigh. In my case, being a Mac user, all I had to do was just delete "18 Pirate Ship" as that was actually the patch that was causing the issue. I then changed the name of "18 Slave Ship" to "18 Pirate Ship" so that it matched the name of the patch shown on the Xpand2! GUI.

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