Komplete kontrol NKS macro parameter names not visible

Suggulent Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 22 in Komplete Kontrol

Hello! I'm a bit new to this ecosystem so apologies if this has been asked. I searched but couldn't find anything. I've made my own preset of a Reaktor ensemble (Melted Sounds Whoosh), following this guide (linked below). I am trying to re-arrange some of the macros, however they do not show up in the list. Macro names do show up under the knobs and on my S61, just not in the dropdown list that appears when clicking the arrow beside each macro. Any ideas? Thanks!


Best Answer

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,015 mod
    edited May 5 Answer ✓

    Unfortunately the NI guide does not explain everything you need to do. Many ensembles do not come with automatable params setup properly - either they have no params setup at all or they all have confusing or random names or ID numbers far too high. I did create a whole thread on how to do this on the old forum but it is gone now but more recently myself and Sunborn have gathered together some info here:

    Basically you need to edit the ensemble to create automation IDs and give each one a useful name (if the ensemble has none), or if it has some already but they are not working it may be the automation IDs numbers are too high (Komplete Kontrol does not like anything over 100 in my experience) - in which case either sort and compress IDs or renumber and rename them yourself (that's what I do as a rule as sort and compress is too random)


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,015 mod
    edited May 5 Answer ✓

    Unfortunately the NI guide does not explain everything you need to do. Many ensembles do not come with automatable params setup properly - either they have no params setup at all or they all have confusing or random names or ID numbers far too high. I did create a whole thread on how to do this on the old forum but it is gone now but more recently myself and Sunborn have gathered together some info here:

    Basically you need to edit the ensemble to create automation IDs and give each one a useful name (if the ensemble has none), or if it has some already but they are not working it may be the automation IDs numbers are too high (Komplete Kontrol does not like anything over 100 in my experience) - in which case either sort and compress IDs or renumber and rename them yourself (that's what I do as a rule as sort and compress is too random)

  • Suggulent
    Suggulent Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Nice one, thanks for the steer!

    Looks like you guys have done some incredible work, I looking forward to testing some of those creations out. Many thanks

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