How do I delete projects from maschine mk3 hardware

stingray_493 Member Posts: 10 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hi guys, I am new to this world and I am having some difficulty in getting my maschine mk3 hardware project folder to mimic my maschine 2 software project folder. I originally purchased a maschine Plus which crashed and did not work with my system, so I took it back to the shop and the guys recommended the Mk3 being a much less complicated unit. I have got it up and running on my system (windows 10) and to their credit it works like a dream, the only problem I am having is there is a duplication of projects. I have deleted all the projects from my maschine 2 (software folder) but the mk3 hardware still shows them under the file/save location and they still load into maschine 2. If I then save the recently loaded project/variant I then get two versions in the mk3 library ... even if I delete it again from the maschine PC software, I still have 2 versions? I have reloaded maschine 2 from the Native Access but the problem still exists. Is there a way to perform a machine mk3 factory reset/clean slate approach, or is there a way to go about this differently. Thanks in advance for any forth coming ideas and help.

PC screenshot

Maschine Mk3 Screenshot

Best Answers

  • stingray_493
    stingray_493 Member Posts: 10 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi, thanks for your reply. I have already tried this and to no success. What I have since repeated is to reinstall the Maschine mk3 drivers and physically delete the "Maschine Plus" drivers, this has helped eliminate several duplicated projects, but I still have two of the same Maschine Jam Examples in my file area on Maschine and only one in the software not two?? Even if I delete the software variant it's still shown as two items in my maschine file/load area ??? Perhaps it's just something I am going to have to live with.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,517 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey @stingray_493 What you show here is when you want to load from the FILE section. Recent projetcs are shown, regardless if they are from the factory library or your saved version, that will be stored in the user Maschine library. Now, If you delete a project, it will still show in this "recent" section, even if you can't open. What you see, in your case is the original Maschine Jam Example and the saved version that you deleted earlier.

    To browse projects you can use the BROWSER section, then choose between Factory, Expansions and User section.

    So, to sum it up, you only have duplicates in the FILE section / recent projects, it is not a duplicate on your system.


  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert

    Nothing is stored directly on the MK3, from what I see is that you are looking at the “recently opened” list which is just a history of previously opened projects and deleting a project from disk would not remove it from that list…as far as the projects actually opening from that list, unless you saved some projects to locations that are not scanned for browsing (they would not show in the browser), you should get an error indicating that. You should see that same list in the software by going to File-> recent. If you go to Browser -> Projects on the hardware, do you see an projects?

  • stingray_493
    stingray_493 Member Posts: 10 Member

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. OK so the maschine unit shows history?? (I didn't know that)

    But I don't understand why the unit doubles up on Projects/History if I use the maschine unit to open one of the known History files (which I have deleted in the maschine 2 folder before opening from the hardware) and even after later/again deleting the project in maschine 2 (software) it still doubles up and I'm pretty sure if I saved it again from the hardware unit it would show three versions of the same project/Historical item in the left-hand window under file. That's what I guess is really confusing me. Thanks again for your time and reply.

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert

    I could not get the "recent" list to display duplicates like you are showing, the only thing I can think of is that the duplicated projects were opened from two different locations...very strange...

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,922 admin

    Hi @stingray_493 I've seen that some users managed to solve this issue by resetting the database for Maschine 2:

    My MASCHINE 2 Browser Is Empty or Incomplete

    Can you try and see if it helps?

  • stingray_493
    stingray_493 Member Posts: 10 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi, thanks for your reply. I have already tried this and to no success. What I have since repeated is to reinstall the Maschine mk3 drivers and physically delete the "Maschine Plus" drivers, this has helped eliminate several duplicated projects, but I still have two of the same Maschine Jam Examples in my file area on Maschine and only one in the software not two?? Even if I delete the software variant it's still shown as two items in my maschine file/load area ??? Perhaps it's just something I am going to have to live with.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,922 admin

    hmm in case you have have Clean My Mac or Clean My Drive installed, make sure you remove it just in case. Notes on Using Registry or Property List Cleaning Utilities

    Also can you maybe check if there are no duplicate project files in any of the shared NI Resources folders?

  • stingray_493
    stingray_493 Member Posts: 10 Member

    Hi, thanks for your time and comments. In regard to your suggestion, I don't have "Clean My Drive" installed (my system is windows 10) and I have looked through all the NI Resource Folders hoping to find a rogue duplicate file but to no success. Being that it's the "Maschine Jam Example" that is the only remaining duplicate, I have also deleted this version from the Documents / NI / Maschine 2 / Projects folder and still I get a double instance on the Maschine Consol screen. As I said above ... may be this is something I will just have to live with as I have run out of ideas. Thanks again for your time and suggestions.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,922 admin

    Maybe @Jeremy_NI has a suggestion on what to do when it comes to duplicate Jam projects. 🧐

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,517 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey @stingray_493 What you show here is when you want to load from the FILE section. Recent projetcs are shown, regardless if they are from the factory library or your saved version, that will be stored in the user Maschine library. Now, If you delete a project, it will still show in this "recent" section, even if you can't open. What you see, in your case is the original Maschine Jam Example and the saved version that you deleted earlier.

    To browse projects you can use the BROWSER section, then choose between Factory, Expansions and User section.

    So, to sum it up, you only have duplicates in the FILE section / recent projects, it is not a duplicate on your system.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,103 Expert

    That list is about 10 items long, or so. If you open as much projects with different names, those will overwrite the list.

    I do not know, where the list of projects used is stored for Maschine, but standard way would be in Registry. One could clean the list there... But I do not recomend to modify Registry, unless user knows what he is doing...

    Simply load 10 or so different projects will do the job....

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