Regarding new Select version with older updates/upgrades

Lukas R
Lukas R Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

I'm trying to buy K14S second hand, but the guy couldn't release his Select11 license for some reason... His path was as it follows: K11Select - K13S Upgrade - K14S Update.

We're not sure, but I was wondering if his upgrade and update licenses would work if I would buy Komplete 14 Select and combine them with those upgrades and updates, any clue?

Would this path technically work: K14Select - K13S Upgrade - K14S Update ?

It kinda sounds like it shouldn't, but maybe there's something to it.

Best Answer


  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 347 Pro
    edited March 2024

    I think the problem is as follows.

    As far as NI are concerned, his K11Select - k13Select upgrades are all part of his K14Select Update.

    The only reason he got K14S update at whatever price he paid, is because he’s updating an older version, meaning he can’t release/sell the previous software he updated from.

    Personally, I think the best way would be for him to contact support and explain he wants to sell k14S and that it was update from previous versions and ask if he’s allowed to sell and if so, ask support for a license code to do so.

    If the original k11S was tied to hardware, they might not let him sell it.

    K14S buying directly from NI is £179 new or £89 for an upgrade.

    Cheapest I’ve seen is £129 from Absolute music, that’s only £30 more than NI is charging for the update, depending on how much this guy is asking, it might not be as good a deal as you initially thought.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod

    An upgrade from/for Komplete Select to Komplete ?? ought to work if you have Komplete Select. The reason for the person not being able to transfer the Select is probably because he got it with hardware and if so then it can not be transferred , but any buyer of hardware that gives the Select as standard will also give buyer of hardware the same on transfer of hardware serial !

    If you want to be absolutely 100% sure then you can ask account support with the specific details ! :

    N.I. Purchase and Account Support !

    Buying or Selling a Native Instruments Product Second-Hand

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert
    edited March 2024 Answer ✓

    K11 Select is the "qualifying base product". If the person was to sell it, it would invalidate the Upgrade and Update for him as both need a "qualifying base product".

    Now, this would indeed not work: K14 Select - K13 Standard Upgrade - K14 Standard Update.

    It's not possible to use a K13 Standard upgrade on K14 Select. You can only upgrade from a lower edition tier (Select) to a higher one (e.g. Standard) - regardless of version number. Updates, on the other hand, are meant for going from an existing lower version (e.g. 11) to a higher one (14) in the same edition tier.

    If you purchase K14 Select yourself, then you would need a K14 Standard Upgrade.

    Additional information:

    Edit: Reworded and corrected some stuff.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod
    edited March 2024

    Quote : "Now, this would indeed not work: K14 Select - K13 Standard Upgrade - K14 Standard Update.

    It's not possible to use a K13 Standard upgrade on K14 Select. You can only upgrade from a lower edition tier (Select) to a higher one (e.g. Standard) - regardless of version number. Updates, on the other hand, are meant for going from an existing lower version (e.g. 11) to a higher one (14) in the same edition tier."

    I don't know who approved the above to be the answer but as far as I know then it is possibly not correct that you can not use Komplete 14 Select for a "K14 Select - K13 Standard Upgrade"

    Sorry Monochrome ! , but I have done a specific inquiry on that specific topic so either I misunderstood the answer that I got or what you wrote is wrong ! I was lead to believe that because of a recent change in policy then Komplete Select version number were an exception when it comes to being the base product for using upgrades to higher tiers from Select !

    @Jeremy_NI , could you please take a look at this and educate us all ! ?

  • Lukas R
    Lukas R Member Posts: 2 Member

    My question would be specifically for: K Select 14 to K13S Upgrade, is this valid or no actually? The guy couldn't release his Select version (probably tied to hardware or whatever), so my only option is to buy K14 Select directly on NI and use those licenses of upgrade (older version) to update 14 standard provided by the seller.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod
    edited March 2024

    apart from having been appointed Moderator with all that that entails then I am just another user here. I do not work for N.I. and I do not have any direct connection to N.I. support who in the end is in charge of all of this. The person I called for above (Jeremy_NI) is an N.I. employee and as such then he is connected to N.I. and can ask support !

    I took care a while back to examine this topic and the answer I received lead me to believe that the K14 Select would be valid as base for a K13 Standard upgrade from Select. However , I can not guarantee that the information that I received is accurate and therefore I told you earlier that you would have to ask N.I. Purchase and Account Support for final confirmation.

    It is possible that Jeremy_NI will settle this but I can not say if he does or if then how long it takes before he does. Also neither N.I. support nor Jeremy_NI works weekends , at least never normally !


    Also, and this is just me post-rationalizing, to me it would appear that the reason why that the Select version number might not matter in context of being a base product would be that if someone buys a Keyboard and gets K13 Select and then buys and upgrade to standard then if he choose to sell the keyboard and the upgrade later then the Select the buyer gets with the keyboard will probably not be K13 Select but K14 Select and that would put seller in can not sell upgrade with keyboard situation unless buyer happened to be one that got K13 Select and never upgraded. So it would only be extremely fair if N.I. were accepting that the old upgrade from Select in fact can be used on the new Select. Again , I checked this but I can not make any guarantees.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    The best is to ask my colleagues, they have all the necessary data:

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